福建省宁化城东中学八年级英语下册 Unit 7 Topic 3 I cooked the most successfully学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版

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福建省宁化城东中学八年级英语下册 Unit 7 Topic 3 I cooked the most successfully学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版_第1页
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《福建省宁化城东中学八年级英语下册 Unit 7 Topic 3 I cooked the most successfully学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建省宁化城东中学八年级英语下册 Unit 7 Topic 3 I cooked the most successfully学案(无答案)(新版)仁爱版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Topic 3 Section A班级: _小组:Group _姓名: _学习时间: _评价: _一、学习导航【学习目标】1.拼读并掌握课本P71- P72页的新单词:lady,gentleman,sale,guest,kind-hearted,menu,beer,bill,corn,salad2.掌握短语:for sale, soft drink3重要句型: (1) Lets wish them success! (2)Enjoy yourselves! (3)-May I take your order? -Sure. Wed like . (4)-Two bowls of.

2、-OK. Thanks for your order. (5)May I have the bill, please? -Let me see. Its. (6)Heres your change.【重难点】复习有关食物的词汇,如fried riceapple piesIndian curries. 了解节目主持人开场表白。二、自主学习一、音标挑战 请认真拼读课本P71-72中新单词!若有不会读的单词,请在单词旁注上号。三、英语大阅读1.独立朗读Section A 1a对话,标好行数,用红笔圈出新单词并在其旁写上汉语意思。2.通读1a, 完成1b.3.再次阅读1a对话,按要求完成以下任务:A:

3、用黑笔划出下列句子. (1) Lets wish them success! (2)Enjoy yourselves! (3)-May I take your order? -Sure. Wed like . (4)-Two bowls of.-OK. Thanks for your order. (5)May I have the bill, please? -Let me see. Its. (6)Heres your change. B:翻译以下短语及句子: 1谢谢光临 2玩得开心 3 Free the Children 4 我可以为您点菜吗? 5Anything else? 6 我可以

4、买单吗? 7Heres your change. 8 Let me see. 四、小试牛刀:根据例子(Example), 完成1c的对话练习,表演对话我最行!三、运用活学(课前)1 Thanks for (cheer) us on in the football game.2 Mr.Green (order) some chicken and rice for lunch just now.3昨天,我们在安娜的生日聚会上都玩得很开心。We all at Annas birthday party yesterday.4 制作这幅海报花了我半天时间。It me half a day the pos

5、ter.5我祝你们在明天的篮球比赛中取得成功。I you in tomorrows basketball game.【我的发现与疑惑】(短语、重要句型或语法)_A4,单,200,周四Unit 7 Topic3 Section B前置学习研究单班级: _小组:Group _姓名: _学习时间: _评价: _一、学习导航【学习目标】1.拼读并掌握课本P73-74页新单词: lemon,tofu,bean,carrot,dessert,win,seat.2 学习短语:main course, have a seat3 重点句型:(1)-Could I order a meal by phone? -

6、Sure.What would you like? (2)Well send the food to you in thirty minutes.【重难点】进一步学习电话订餐、接单、用餐等日常表达。二、自主学习一、温故而知新1.复习Section A 1a对话,做好课堂上小组背诵展示的准备哦!2.汉译英:(1)玩的开心_(2)让我们祝他们成功!_(3)谢谢光临!_(4)我可以为您点餐吗_ (5)我可以买单吗? (6) 让我看看 (7)还有别的吗? (8)找你零钱。 二、音标挑战 请认真拼读课本P73-74页新单词!若有不会读的单词,请在单词旁注上号。三、英语大阅读1.独立朗读Section B

7、 1a对话,标好行数,用红笔圈出新单词并在其旁写上汉语意思。2.再次阅读1a对话,按要求完成以下任务:A:用黑笔划出(_)下列句子: (1)-Could I order a meal by phone? -Sure. What would you like? (2) Well send the food to you in thirty minutes.B:根据悉1a对话,完成1b的练习。3.翻译1a并运用P109课文注释、同步整合方案等,在前置学习本上做好精炼的批注,若有疑问请标上?号。四、小试牛刀:根据1a 对话,用上 2 中句子编对话三、运用活学(课前)用所给词的适当形式填空。have

8、a seat, in thirty minutes, thats all,by phone, order a meal1 I sometimes on the Internet. 2 Come in and .please.3My mother booked two train tickets .4Ill finish my work 5-Would you like some more rice?-No, 【我的发现与疑惑】(短语、重要句型或语法)_ A4,单,200,周四Unit 7 Topic 3Section C前置学习研究单班级: _小组:Group _姓名: _学习时间: _评价:

9、 _一、学习导航【学习目标】1.拼读课本P75-76页新单词:job,worth,effort,successfully,steak,neatly2.重点句型:(1)The results were worth the effort. (2)Jane cooks more successfully. (3)I cooked the most successfully.3 语法:复习并进一步学习副词的比较级和最高级的表达法。4.了解各种饮食的正确用餐方法。【重难点】学习副词的比较级和最高级二、自主学习一、知识回顾1.复习Section B 1a对话,做好课堂上小组背诵展示的准备哦! 2.请同学们

10、独立完成以下的汉译英,看谁知识掌握最好! (1)玩的开心_(2)让我们祝他们成功!_(3)谢谢光临!_(4)我可以为您点餐吗_ (5)我可以买单吗? (6) 让我看看 (7)还有别的吗? (8)找你零钱。 二、音标挑战 请认真拼读课本P75-76页的新单词!若有不会读的单词,请在单词旁注上号。三、英语大阅读1.独立朗读Section C 1a短文,标好行数,用红笔圈出新单词并在其旁写上汉语意思。2.通读1a, 回答下列问题:(1)Who cooked the most carefully ?_(2)How much did they make in the end?_3.再次阅读1a短文,按要求完成以下任务:A:用黑笔划出(_)下列句子:(1)The results were worth the effort. (2)Jane cooks more successfully. (3)I cooked the most successfully (4)I dont think I can eat it very neatly.B:根据1a短文完



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