福建省厦门市第五中学八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What&ampamp;rsquo;s the matter学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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福建省厦门市第五中学八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What&ampamp;rsquo;s the matter学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《福建省厦门市第五中学八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What&ampamp;rsquo;s the matter学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建省厦门市第五中学八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What&ampamp;rsquo;s the matter学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Whats the matter? (Section A 1a-2d) 【学习目标】 1. 认说1a中表示身体部位的词。2. 理解、运用询问和表达身体不适的对话。3. 流利朗读2d并表演对话。4. 了解健康常识,关心他人,能根据健康问题给别人提建议。【学习重点】1. 运用以下句式谈论身体不适-Whats the matter with? - He has a/I have a- Do you have a? - Yes, I do./No, I dont.- Does he have a ? - Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.2. 运用以下句式给予他人保

2、健措施 - What should do? - should 动词原形 - Should 动词原形? - Yes, should./ No, shouldnt【学习难点】各种表述身体不适的词汇和针对不适症状提出建议。【自主预习】1.看左图学单词,并写出右图所指的各个身体部位。 二、看图模仿范例编写对话,询问身体状况。A: Whats the matter?B: I have a _A: Whats the matter?B: I have a toothache. 【课堂学习】A: B: A: B: 三、预习课文并从中找出下列汉语表达的相应英文表达。1.看医生/牙医2.感冒3.量体温 4.敷药

3、5.发烧 6.躺下休息7.拍X光 8.喝热蜂蜜茶9.休息 10. 脖子痛My neck_11. 我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐了太长时间_【课堂探究】一、听录音完成P1- 1b 任务,再听一遍完成下列句子,填入恰当的单词或词组。1. Sarah has _. 2. David _3. Ben _ back. 4. Nancy _. 5. Judy _ _.二、模仿1c, 看1a 的图,与同伴编对话,记录下你们编的其中一个对话。A: _B:_三、用2a和2b的信息编对话,写下你编的一个对话。A: _B:_A: _B:_【课堂检测】单项填空1. Sarah doesnt feel well. The

4、doctor said she_rest.A. wouldB. should C. might2.I have a .I cant eat anything.A. toothacheB.sore eyeC. sore back3.She has a . She should drink lots of water.A. sore throatB. arm soreC. headache4. If you have a cold, you should .A. see the dentist B. drink cold water C. drink hot tea5. 6. -_ - My he

5、ad feels very hot.A. What should you do? B. Whats the matter with you? C. Do you have a fever?课题:Unit1 Whats the matter? (Section A 3a-4c)【学习目标】1. 归纳表达身体不适及采取对应措施的词句。2. 理解 “Bus Driver and Passengers Save an old Man”一 文,并对社会热点问题-“是否求助他人”表达看法。 3. 弘扬中华传统“助人为乐”优良传统。【学习重点】1. 语言知识的梳理及在真实语境中的运用。2. 阅读能力和阅读技

6、巧的培养。【学习难点】 1. 归类语言知识。2. 对“是否助人”发表看法。【自主预习】一、写出下列身体部位病痛的表达及针对病痛提出缓解的建议。Suggestions Body partshead: back: throat: tooth: stomach: other problems: 二、 到P3中找出下列词组,并完成以下词组翻译。1. 沿着走 2. 在马路边 3. 大声呼救 4.没有多想 5.下车/上车 6.有心脏病 7.使.惊讶的是 8. 多亏了 ;由于 9. 及时 10.挽救生命 11. 造成麻烦 12.立刻;马上 13. 期待某人做某事 14. 等待 15. 把移到.上 16. 看

7、到某人正在做某事 17. Its sad that18. be surprised that. 【课堂学习】一、阅读3a, 完成以下选择。再细读一遍,完成书本3b的判断题。1. The passage is from _.A. a newspaperB. a bookC. an advertisement2. The passage is .A. a discussion about if we want to help others.B. about what we should do with a heart problem.C. a story about how Wang Ping a

8、nd passenger saved an old man.二、The bus driver _.A woman _完成下列文章结构图,并尝试看着图讲故事。beginning Bus Driver and Passen-gers Save an Old ManWhat the bus driver did:(所做的事)_ body(主体)What the woman did:_What the passengers did:_endingThe man was saved(被救)【拓展提高】与同伴讨论3C的问题,写下你们的观点。1. Why was Wang Ping surprised that the passengers agreed to go to the hospital with him? 2. Did the passengers


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