甘肃省白银市强湾中学七年级英语上册 Lesson 29 Drinks导学案(无答案) 冀教版

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甘肃省白银市强湾中学七年级英语上册 Lesson 29 Drinks导学案(无答案) 冀教版_第1页
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《甘肃省白银市强湾中学七年级英语上册 Lesson 29 Drinks导学案(无答案) 冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《甘肃省白银市强湾中学七年级英语上册 Lesson 29 Drinks导学案(无答案) 冀教版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 29 Drinks 教师活动 (环节、措施) 学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流)一、根据所给的汉语,完成句子。1. 这辆红色的自行车多少钱?200元。 _ _ _ the red bike? Its 200 yuan.2. 我的新帽子在哪里?它在你的床底下。 _ is my new hat? It is _ _ _.3. 你喜欢打篮球吗? 不,我不喜欢。 _ you _ _ basketball? No, I _.4.你妈妈晚饭吃什么? 她吃一些鸡肉和西红柿。 _ _ your mother _ _ dinner? She _ some chicken and _.5.

2、我们班的男孩子们都认为英语非常难。 All the boys in our class think English _ _ _.6. 咱们放学后看电视好吗?不,我们最好先做家庭作业。 _ _ _ TV after school? No, We had better do our homework first.7. 我非常喜欢打篮球,你哪? I like _ _ very much. _ _ you?8. 这是你妈妈的新自行车吗?不,它是我爸爸的。 _ this your _ new bike? No, it isnt. It is my _.9. 你能把这本英语词典给玛丽吗? Can you

3、_ this English dictionary _ Mary?课题Lesson 29 Drinks 课时1课时课型新授学习目标1掌握下列单词:玻璃杯 汁液 可乐 瓶子 咖啡 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 先生 大量 2 掌握句型:What would you like? 您要吃什么? How many do you have?你有多少? bottles of juice瓶果汁流程1引入 2 讲解 3 练习 4 作业重难点What would you like? 您要吃什么? How many do you have?教师活动 (环节、措施)学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流) 复习导

4、学一 写出下列单词汁液( ) 可乐( ) 瓶子( ) 咖啡( ) 十六( )十七( ) 十八( ) 十九( )二十( )先生( ) 大量( )二 写出下列句子1我渴了,我想喝(东西)2 你有多少瓶果汁?3这不是可乐,这是橙汁。 教师活动 (环节、措施) 学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流) 教师活动 (环节、措施) 学生活动 (自主参与、合作探究、展示交流)10. 妈妈!这位是我的英语老师。Mum, _ _ my new English teacher.11 .Are those your apples? Yes, _.A. it is. B. they are C. it isnt.

5、D. they arent.Passage 2This is my bedroom. You can see 1 pictures on the wall. A nice light is 2 the desk. A football is 3 the chair. 4 is the bed? Its near the window.My father and 5 bedroom is near my bedroom. 6 flowers and a nice big bed 7 in their room. Some windows are 8 the wall. A yellow door

6、 is in the wall, 9 .Do you like my bedroom and 10 ?( )1.A. aB. anC. oneD. some( )2.A. inB. onC. underD. behind( )3.A. toB. inC. forD. under( )4.A. WhoB. HowC. WhatD. Where( )5.A. brotherB. motherC. brothersD. mothers( )6.A. theB. someC. TheD. Some( )7.A. amB. isC. areD. isnt( )8.A. behindB. underC.

7、in D. on( )9.A. ofB. tooC. hereD. there( )10.A. themB. theirC. theirs D. their roomPassage 5 There isnt an easy(容易) way(方法) to learn English, but there are several(一些) good ways: speak, listen to, read and write English as much as you can. Speak English with your teachers and your classmates in clas

8、s and out of class. Listen to your teachers, your classmates and anyone when they speak English. Dont just read the textbooks(教科书). Go to a bookshop and find some easy English books to read. Write short passages(短文) if you can. These things are not hard(困难). If you do them well, with the help of you

9、r teachers, you will learn English well.1. You can speak English well if you .A. are a good student B. speak only with your teachersC. speak English with anyone D. speak only in class2. Listen to when they speak English. A. your classmates B. your teachers C. Americans D. all the people3. Dont just

10、read your textbooks because . A. they are too hard B. they are easy to learn C. they are not useful D. you need to read some other books in English4. You can learn English well if you .A. speak English B. listen to EnglishC. read and write English D. A, B and C5. The passage tells us .A. how to find some easy English books to readB. how to write short passageC. how to study English wellD. how to find an easy way to learn English well


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