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1、甘肃省白银市2020年中考英语真题试题听力部分听力(每题l分,共20分)。A)听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读两遍。1. A. sky B. shy C. fly2. A. made B. making C. make3. A. latest B. last C. best4. A. only B. really C. hardly5. A. Fridays B. Mondays C. Saturdays and SundaysB)听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。6. A. Sorry, I wont. B. Yes, please. C. No, thanks.7. A. Y

2、es, I will. B. Sorry to hear that. C. Thank you.8. A. The blue one. B. Yes, Id like to. C. No, I cant.9. A. Books. B. Red. C. Six.10. A. I used to be shy. B. I m used to getting up early. C. I used to like swimming.C)听对话,选出正确答案。每段对话读两遍。11. A. A phone. B. A book. C. A key.12. A. Did some riding. B. V

3、isited different places. C. Went for a walk.13. A. 1 dollar. B. 2 dollars. C. 3 dollars.14. A. On the phone. B. In the classroom. C. At the airport.15. A. She asked him to turn up the CD player. B. She asked him to turn down the CD player. C. She asked him to turn off the CD player.D)听短文,根据其内容选出能完成下

4、列句子的最佳答案。短文读两遍。16. John _ every day. A. reads books B. sells newspaper C. sends newspaper17. How many customers does he have? A. About 40. B. About 120. C. About 80.18. _ of his customers only take the newspapers on Sunday. A. Two B. Eighty C. Forty19. What time does he have to get up every morning?

5、 A. 3:30. B. 4:30. C. 5:30.20. John is saving his money to buy _. A. a newspaper B. a new bag C. a new bicycle笔试部分. 词汇(每题l分,共10分)。A)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。21. Our classroom is here. _ (she) is over there.22. My pen is _ (break). Could I use yours?23. I need to go to the library, and if I post the letter on

6、 the way, Ill be killing two birds with _ (first) stone.24. Be confident of (pass) the exam.25. He cant even move because of his (ill).B)根据句意及所给汉语意思写出所缺单词。26. The kind man helped the blind woman go _ (穿过) the street at the crossing.27. Youll never know _ (除非) you try.28. _ (最后) they took the suggest

7、ions.29. Every_ (错误) I make may be progress.30. The more you _ (分享), the more you get.语法与情景会话(每题1分。共25分)。31. This is _ book I told you about yesterday. A. a B. the C. an D. /32. A year has four seasons and it _ twelve different star signs. A. divided into B. is dividing into C. divided into D. is di

8、vided into33. Be sure to calm down and read every sentence carefully! _ A. OK, Ill do it B. Never mind C. Its OK D. Not at all34. _ the time 1 got to the bus stop, the bus had already left. A. On B. In C. By D. With35. Many old men prefer _ in a peaceful countryside. A. to live B. liveing C. live D.

9、 lived36. _ honest is the first thing people should learn. A. Being B. Look C. Be D. Become37. Finish your homework first, then youll _ watch TV for an hour. A. can B. be able to C. able to D. could38. Many young people took part in _ trees on Tree Planting Day. A. planting B. plants C. to plant D.

10、plant39. I havent decided when _ a holiday yet. A. took B. taking C. to take D. take40. The company wants to _ a school for the poor children. A. put off B. set up C. call in D. look after41. Who has a dictionary, children? I have _. A. them B. it C. they D. one42. She used to have long straight hai

11、r, but now shes got short curly hair. _ ! A. Thanks B. People sure change C. Dont worry D. Good idea43. A Wechat (微信) is an invention _ can help people talk to friends, share photo, ideas and feelings freely. A. which B. who C. whose D. /44. Are you the last one to go to school today? _ not. Im always the first one. A. Certainly B. Usually C. Generally D. Finally45. Can you tell me _? A. when do you usually have breakfast B. what do you think of this magazine C. why you put off the party D. why are you interested i


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