甘肃省景泰县五佛中学七年级英语上册《Lesson 22 In the Restaurant》学案(无答案) 冀教版

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《甘肃省景泰县五佛中学七年级英语上册《Lesson 22 In the Restaurant》学案(无答案) 冀教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《甘肃省景泰县五佛中学七年级英语上册《Lesson 22 In the Restaurant》学案(无答案) 冀教版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 22 In the Restaurant课前预习I短语翻译。1在餐馆 2多少钱 3.西红柿鸡蛋面 4白菜肉馅饺子 5没问题 6一罐可乐 7一瓶水 根据旬意或汉语提示填写单词。11 want to (点) something to drink2Do you like (牛肉) or chicken?31 want (十四)apples,please4 (饺子) with meat and cabbage are my favourite5Can I look at the (菜单)?新课导学:探究一: Are you ready to order?你们准备好点菜了吗? Are yo

2、u ready to order?这是服务生询问客人是否点菜的常用语。此句是以be开头的一般疑问句,可以用yesno来回答。但在实际交际中,常用Yes,please代替Yes,I am它比常规性肯定回答更礼貌,please体现出对他人的尊重。【例l】-Do you want to o now? 一Yes,Id like a hamburger and a can of coke 【解析】 由答语可知问句应为“你想现在点菜吗?”。“点菜要用order表示。 【答案】order探究二 : How much are the noodles?面条多少钱? 你知道how much有几种含义呢? (1)询

3、问价格可用“How much+be+主语?”来表示,其中be动词的单复数形式要由主语来定。回答时可用“主语+be+价格,也可直接说钱数,也可用“钱数+for+数词表示。 -How much are the chairs?这些椅子多少钱? (Thev are) 80 yuan80元。 (2)how much还可用于询问不可数名词的量,其结构为“How much+不可数名词+一般疑问句” How much water do you want?【例2】- ?-Only 5It is very cheap.AWhat time is it BHow many do you wantCHow much

4、is it DWhats wrong 【解析】 四个选项分别意为“现在几点了?”“你想要多少?“它多少钱?”“怎么了?”由答语“仅5英镑。”可知问句是对价钱进行提问。 【答案】 C探究三 Would you like something to drink?你想来些喝的吗? 本句中含有不定式作定语,你知道它的用法吗? 动词不定式作定语时,必须放在被修饰的名词或代词的后面。不定式和它修饰的词之间是动宾关系。 Have you got anything to do this evening?今晚你有事吗? 【拓展】 如果不定式是不及物动词,其后应有相应的介词。若不定式的修饰词是time,place,

5、way,则省略介词。同时这种情况下也可以转化成介词+whichwhom+to do。 The Browns have a comfortable house to live inThe Browns have a comfortable house in which to1ive布朗家有一所舒服的房子住。 【例3】 我有许多事情要做。I have a 1ot of things 【解析】 to do是动词不定式作定语,修饰前面 的thing。【答案】to do探究四 a glass of juice一杯果汁 你知道a+量词+0f+名词的用法吗? (1)j uice,coke,water,cof

6、fee等都是不可数名词,不可数名词说明数量关系时,可以借助于容器等计量单位来表达。 a bag of rice一袋大米 a box of tea一盒茶 (2)不可数名词在表达数量大于1时,要在计量单位上发生变化,不可数名词不变。 three bottles of milk 三瓶牛奶 five cans of coke 五听可乐 (3)对数量画线部分提问时,画在不可数名词上用how much,画在计量单位的数量上时,用how many。There is a little coffee in my cup How much coffee is there in your cup?He always

7、 drinks two glasses of orange j uice inthe afternoon How many glasses of orange j uice does he always drink in the afternoon?【例4】How much cans of coke do you have? (单句改错)A B C D【解析】 cans of coke表示“几听可乐,coke用can,bottle,glass等表示数量概念时,整个短语应视作可数名词,用how many提问。【答案】 A课堂检测:知识点一:be ready to do的用法1They are r

8、eady a rest Ahave Bhas Cto have Dhaving知识点二:order的用法2-What do you want to in the toy shop? -Something interesting知识点三:how much的用法- -They are 60 yuan AHow many are they? BHow many are these? CHow much are they? DHow old are they?知识点四:不定式作定语的用法4-Im hungry-Do you want something (eat)知识点五:a+量词+-of+名词的用法

9、作业:I选出各组中不同类的单词选项。1Aorange Bgrape Cmilk Dbanana2Acoffee Bbeef Cchicken Dfish3Apotato Bcabbage Cbread Dtomato4Atea Bmilk Cwater Dsalad5Anoodles Brice Cdumplings Djuice单项选择1Im very thirsty1 want to drink Atwo bread Btwo orange Ctwo bottles of orange Dtwo bottles of oranges2Id like . Atwo glass water B

10、.two glass of water Ctwo glasses of waters Dtwo glasses of water3-Whats this?-It is Aa glass orange juice Ba can cakeCa bottle water Da cup of coffee4-Would you like apples? - N0,thanksAany BsomeCmuch D. a little5.How many do you have?Aapple Borange Capples Dcoffee6He gives me three of coke Acan Bcans Cbread D7How much two sandwiches? Ain Binto Cfor Dto教学反思:


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