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1、甘肃省张掖市第六中学2020学年八年级英语下学期期中考试试题(无答案)听力总分听力部分(20分)一听句子,选择正确的单词。(5分)1. A. should B. would C. need2. A. 5978240 B. 5987240 C. 59782043. A. docter B. actor C. waiter4. A. basketball B. football C. volleyball5. A. taking B. talking C. walking)听句子,选择正确的答案。( )6. A. Chinese and English B. China and Japan C.

2、Australia and France( )7. A. I hope not B. thank you C. good idea !( )8. A. Its so early B. Im afraid not C. I have no idea.( )9.A. Sure. Work must come first. B. Dont be afraid C. Nobody likes you.( )10. A. Lets make it a little earlier. B. Why? C. No, its not good at all三听对话及问题,选择正确答案。( )11.A. Its

3、 sunny B. Its windy C. Its cloudy( )12.A. The fruit shop B. The post office C. The teachers office( )13.A. He had a cold B. He had a cough C. He had a toothache( )14.A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn( )15.A. Tom B. Kate C. David四听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )16 .Where is the dresser?A. Next to the be B. Behind the

4、 bed C. Near the desk ( )17.Is the clock on the dresser? A .No, it isnt B. Yes,it is C. We dont know( )18What color is the chair ?A. green B .red C. blue( )19Where are the books?A. under the desk B. behind the desk C. near the desk ( )20. Is there a baseball in the room ?A. No ,there isnt B. Yes, th

5、ere is C. We dont know听力答题卡:1234567891011121314151617181920 笔试部分.词汇。(10分)1.will not (缩写)_ 2. write(过去式)_ 3. particular(副词)_4.follow(形容词)_ 5.passed(同音词) _ 6. I am teaching _ _ (我自己) French.7. Theres a lot of _ (污染) in the air here.8. Helen doesnt want to help him, _(也).9.Look,our English teacher is _

6、(准备) for his lessons.10. All students go to visit the Great Wall e_ Sam. 单项选择答题卡 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 单项选择。(25分)( )1. Do you like playing _ football or playing _ violin?A. the, the B. the,/ C. /, the D. /, / ( )2.I _ 200 dollars _ this book. A. pay , for B. paid , for C. paid, t

7、o D. paied , for ( )3._? It doesnt work. A. How are you B. Where is your watch C. Whats wrong with your watch D. How is it ?( )4. There _ more people in the next 5 years.A. is B. Are C. will have D. will be ( )5. Its about five _ away. A. hundreds of meters B. hundred meters C. hundred of meters D.

8、hundreds of meter( )6. There are many big shops on _ side of the street. A. all B. both C. any D. either( )7. To my _, they have made a _ decision.A. surprise; surprise B. surprised; surprised C. surprising; surprising D. surprise; surprising ( )8. Mrs Green told the boy _ soccer in the classroom. A

9、. not play B. doesnt play C. didnt play D. not to play( )9.-Do you know_? -Sorry, I dont know. A. where does Jimmy work B. where Jimmy works C. how does Jimmy go to work D. what does Jimmy do( )10.Well go for a walk if it_ tomorrow.A. will not rain B. isnt raining C. doesnt rain D. isnt rain( )11. _

10、 _useful invention the computer is! A. What a B. What an C. How a D. How an( )12.You should do homework as _ as possible . A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. more carefully( )13.We find _ important to study English well at school . A. this B. that C. it D. these( )14. The teacher told us the

11、 moon _ around the earth. A. wentB. goesC. goingD. move( ) 15. I have two brothers. One is an engineer and _ is a teacher. A. another B. the other C. another one D. the others( ) 16. They_TVattenoclocklastnight. A. waswatching B. werewatching C. watched D. watches( )17 - Would you like to go with me

12、? - _.A. Sorry, I would B. Of course, I should not go with youC. Excuse me, I would D. Certainly, Id like to ( )18.Xiaopang is _ boy. A. a 10-years-old B. a 10-year-old C.10 years old D. a 10 year old( ) 19. what happened _”Young Lives” last night. A. on B. in C. to D. of ( )20. This pair of shoes _ for you .A. is B


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