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1、Unit4IusedtobeafraidofthedarkSectionA Howdowedescribepeople 描述 张一山 inthepast在过去 now现在 Heusedtobeshort butnowheistall 过去是 inthepast在过去 now现在 Sheusedtowearglasses butnowshedoesn twearglasses 过去 范冰冰 Sheusedtobequiet butnowsheisoutgoing quiet outgoing She longstraighthair butnowshe shortcurlyhair usedto

2、have has inthepast在过去 now现在 heavy thin Heusedtobeheavy butnowheisthin inthepast在过去 now现在 He inthefreetime butnowheisinterestedin usedtoplaybasketball playingfootball He football nowhe basketball Past Now Doggy Heusedtoplaybasketball didn the No hedidn t usedtoplayplays Listen Bobisseeingsomefriendsf

3、orthefirsttimeinfouryears Whatdidhisfriendsusetolooklike 1 Mariousedtobe Heusedtowear 2 Amyusedtobe Sheusedtohave hair 3 Tinausedtohave and hair short glasses tall short red curly Iusedtobeafraidofthedark 我过去怕黑 usedtodosth 过去常常做某事 但现在已经不再存在了 否定形式为 didn tusetodosth Ididn tusetobeafraidofthedark 疑问形式为

4、 Did usetodosth Didyouusetobeafraidofthedark 反意疑问句 陈述句 didn t usedn t 主语 Youusedtobeshort didn tyou be getusedtodoingsth 习惯于 强调现在的情况 1 Myparents gettingupearlyonweekdaysA usedtoB beusedtoC wasusedtoD areusedto2 She livewithhergrandparents butshedoesn tnow A usedtoB isusedtoC wasusedto3 She livealone

5、 Butshe livingalonebecauseshefeelslonely A usedto doesn tusedtoB isusedto wasusedtoC usedto isnotusedtoD wasusedto doesn tusedto4 Mygrandpausedto live inthecountrysideWhenhewasachild live beafraidtodosth 害怕做某事beafraidofdoingsth 害怕做某事beafraidofsth 害怕某事物 Thelittleboyisafraid meet strangers Thelittlebo

6、yisafraidof meet strangers Thelittleboyisafraidofstrangers tomeet meeting 1c Lookatthepicturein1aandmakeconversations A DidMariousedtobeshort B Yes hedid Heusedtobereallyshort A What shelikenow B He stallnow A DidAmyusedto B Yes shedid Sheusedto A What sshelikenow B now A DidTinausedto B Yes shedid

7、Sheusedto A What sshelikenow B now betall bereallytall She sshort haveredandcurlyhair haveredandcurlyhair Shehasyellowandstraighthair What shelikenow What shelike Whatdoeshelooklike 意思是 他长什么样 What shelike Heistallandthin 练习1 Howdoyouoftengotoschool I walkbutItakeabusnow A amusedtoB usedtoC usetoD am

8、used2 Sheusedto fewfriends butnowshehasmanyfriends A beB havingC hasD have3 Heusedto inthesun butnowheisusedto atnight A read readB reading readC read readingD reading reading B D C 句型转换1 Sheusedtoplaythepiano 改为否定句 She playthepiano 2 Sheusedtobeshy 改为一般疑问句 she beshy 3 Heusedtospendlotsoftimeplaying

9、computergames 完成反意疑问句 Did use to didn the usedn the didn t use to Sallyusedto butnowshe 2aListenandcheck thewordsyouhear friendly outgoing serious humorous silent active brave quiet helpful Silent沉默的 adj Silence沉默 n 1 keep besilent保持沉默Ifyouhavequestions don tkeepsilent 2 insilence沉默地 静静地LiangQianisq

10、uiet Afterclass shealwayssitsinsilence 2bListenagainandcompletethechartabouthowPaulahaschanged Inthepast Now quiet outgoing science music piano sports soccer swim piano get 时常 2dReadandanswerthequestions Theyarehavingaparty Whataretheydoing Whoaretheytalkingabout WhatdidBillyusetobe Theyaretalkingab

11、outBilly Heusedtobeshy quietandthin 1 suchagreatidea如此好的一个主意 such a an adj 单数可数名词2 It sbeenthreeyearssincewelastsawourprimaryschoolclassmates Ithasbeen 时间段 since 过去时态的句子自从 多长时间了 3 It sinterestingtoseehowpeoplehavechanged Billyhaschangedsomuch 4 turnred变红5 getgoodscores得高分6 bepopularwithsb 受到某人的欢迎so

12、such副词 如此 这样 so that 如此 以致于 such that 如此 以致于 例 Sheissuchalovelygirlthateveryonelovesher ThedeskissoheavythatIcan tcarryit such a an adj 单数可数名词such adj 可数名词复数 不可数名词 连系动词 变得 turn多指颜色become多指身份 职位的变化get强调变化过程 译为 渐渐变得 go多指向不好的方向发展 Theleavesturngreeninspring HebecameanEnglishteacherItisgettingwarmerandwa

13、rmer Themilkwentbad sour Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark Section3a 3c Readthearticleandidentifytheparagraphs 1 3 inwhichtheinformationappears howCandy slifehaschanged Candy sadvicetoyoungpeople Candy sbackground背景 2 3 1 3a 为了 Forthismonth sYoungWorldmagazine Iinterviewed19 year oldAsianpopstarCandyWan

14、g Candytoldmethatsheusedtobereallyshyandtookupsingingtodealwithhershyness Asshegotbetter shedaredtosinginfrontofherclass andthenforthewholeschool Nowshe snotshyanymoreandlovessinginginfrontofcrowds FromShyGirltoPopStar 开始从事 对付 处理 19岁的亚洲流行歌星 How dealwith 怎样处理 What dowith Idon tknowhowtheydealwiththep

15、roblem Idon tknow they theproblem what dowith 在 的前面 when当 时候 takeup doing sth 开始从事 daretodosth 敢于做某事 不再 not anymorenot anylongernomorenolonger lovedoingsth todosth illness疾病Happiness快乐 IaskedCandyhowlifewasdifferentaftershebecamefamous Sheexplainedthattherearemanygoodthings likebeingabletotravelandm

16、eetnewpeopleallthetime Ididn tusetobepopularinschool butnowIgettonsofattentioneverywhereIgo However toomuchattentioncanalsobeabadthing IalwayshavetoworryabouthowIappeartoothersandIhavetobeverycarefulaboutwhatIsayordo AndIdon thavemuchprivatetimeanymore Hangingoutwithfriendsisalmostimpossibleformenowbecausetherearealwaysguardsaroundme 像总是能旅行和结识新朋友 我的言行 becarefulabout对 小心 总是 一直 闲逛 得到很多关注 担心 beworriedabout 不再 出现在别人面前 WhatdoesCandyhavetosaytoallthoseyoungpeoplewhowanttobecomefamous Well shebeginsslo



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