江苏省铜山区清华中学七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading II学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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江苏省铜山区清华中学七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading II学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第1页
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《江苏省铜山区清华中学七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading II学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省铜山区清华中学七年级英语下册 Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading II学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading II【学习目标】 1.掌握重点单词和词组的用法2.能够复述课文3.能够利用所学内容想象并描述爱丽丝将会发生的事情【学习重难点】:1.重点单词和有用表达的用法2.能够利用所学内容想象并描述爱丽丝将会发生的事情【自主学习】 一、根据汉语默写下面的单词1.兔,家兔 _ 2.洞 _ 3.靠近,在旁边 _4.经过 _ 5.哎呀 _ 6.手表_ 7.站起身_ 8.逃脱 _ 9. 落下 _ 10.击中 _ 11.她自己_ 12.独自,单独_13.矮的_ 14.锁上的_ 15.注意_ 16.到里面_ 17.侧,边_ 18.穿过_ 19.使惊奇_二、根据句意

2、及首字母提示完成单词1. Oh d ! What should I do?2. The door is l .So you cant get in.3. Please wait for the bus on the s of the street.4. Her parents are out, so she is a at home today.5. Dont cross the busy street from here, or a car may h you. 【课堂达标检测】一、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词1.约翰努力想站起来。 John .2.她用那个钥匙打开了门。 She the ke

3、y the door.3.珍妮醒来时,发现自己独自一人在一个房间里面。 Jenny in a room when she woke up.4.王夫人从口袋里拿出了一些钱。 Mrs Wang some money her pocket.5.那儿周围全是树。There are trees over there.6.他们不能穿过那,因为门锁着。 They couldnt the door because it .7.奇怪的声音使我吃惊。 The strange sound .8.你为什么追那只狗? Why did you the dog?9.不要让他们逃离。 Dont .10.你当时看到她从旁边经过

4、了吗? Did you see at that time?二、阅读理解TheLionandtheMouseOnceagreatlionwassleeping.Alittlemousecameandranoverhisface.Thelionawoke(醒来) andcaughtthelittlemouseinanger (生气), andwasgoingtokill (吃掉)her. Oh, dearkind (善良) Lion! saidthelittlemouse. Pleaseforgive (放过) me. Let mego. Ishallreturn( 回报) yourkindnes

5、s. Ha, ha, ha, laughedthelion. Howcanalittlethinglikeyouhelpagreatlion?Butashepitied (可怜)themouse, hesetthemousefree.Thankyouverymuch,kindLion!IhopeIshallbeabletodoyouagoodreturnsomeda-y,saidthelittlemouse.Someday,thelionwascaughtinanet.Justthenthelittlemousecamealong.Atoncesheranuptotheliona-ndsaid

6、, Youwereverykindtomeonce (上次). NowIllsave(救)yourlife, andrepay (回报) youthekindness.Soonshecutthenetwithhersharp(锋利的)teeth, andthelionwashappytobefree (自由) again. Thankyou, littleMouse! saidthelion.Thelionandthemousebecamegoodfriends.1. Thislionwasa _ lion.A.badB.kindC.small2.Thismouse _ thelionslife.A.didntsaveB.savedC.killed3.Themousecutthenetwith _.A. hersharpteethB.herbigmouthC.herstronglegs4.Thelionwashappybecause_.A. heateamouseB.hewasfreeagainC.themousewassokind5.WhatistheChinesemeaningof net ?A. 绳索B. 猎枪C. 捕猎【反思】



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