江苏省溧水县孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters词组句子练习 (新版)牛津版

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《江苏省溧水县孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters词组句子练习 (新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省溧水县孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters词组句子练习 (新版)牛津版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。



3、着火了,因为闪电击中了它。16.他们的车撞上了一棵树,幸好没人受伤。17.在我前往他们学校的路上,我的小汽车出了故障。18.我们该做些什么来保护自己免受交通事故的伤害?19.一场大雨阻止他们回家。20.我在清理桌子时,发现了那支钢笔。八年级上册Unit8词组句子练习一、翻译下列词组1.把地面拖干净 mop the floor up2.成千上万的人 thousands of people.把村庄冲走 wash the village away4.从树上跌下来 fall from a tree5.撞到树上 crash into a tree6.感到轻微的振动 feel a slight shaki

4、ng7.相互恐惧地看着 look at each other in fear8.四处奔跑 run in all directions 9.镇定下来 calm down10.尽我最大的努力跑到街上 try my best to run out to the street11.片刻的恐惧 the moment of fear12.听到我上面有声音 hear some noise above me1.跟我来 come with me14.着火 catch fire15.被困在小汽车里 be trapped in the car16.给我腾出点空间 make some space for me17.移

5、开砖块 move away the bricks18.尖叫着喊救命 scream for help19.最后安全了 be safe at last20.一场强风暴 a heavy storm21.袭击这个城市 hit the city 22.在风中 in the wind2.因为寒冷的天气 because of the cold weather24.等公共汽车 wait for a bus25.开车送你去学校 drive you to school26.伤了她的左腿 hurt her left leg27.引起自然灾害 cause natural disasters28.和她合用一把雨伞 sh

6、are an umbrella with him29.摔倒 fall over0.上个星期的这个时候 this time last week1.在路边 on the side of the road2.找到出路 find ones way out.用湿毛巾捂住你的嘴 cover your mouth with a wet towel4.着火的楼房 the building on fire5.尽可能快 as quickly as possible6.去看病 go to see a doctor7.听到车辆的声音 hear the noise of traffic8.清理雪 clear the s

7、now9.最好不要步行回家 had better not go home on foot40.花时间练习弹钢琴 spend some time practicing playing the piano二、翻译下列句子1.鸟儿朝四面八方飞去了。 The birds flew away in all directions.2.要使兴奋的足球迷们平静下来是很困难的。 It was difficult to calm down the excited football fans.那些年轻妇女被困在熊熊燃烧着的大楼里 The young women were trapped in the burning

8、 building.4.昨天晚上我直到做完作业才睡觉。 I didnt go to bed until I finished doing my homework. 5.既然大家都在这里,我想谈谈这次考试的事情。 Since everybody is here. Id like to say something about the exam. 6.我们应尽力帮助需要帮助的人。 We should try our best to help people in need.7.我个子不够高,够不着桌上的苹果。 I am not tall enough to reach an apple on the

9、table. 8.考试时冷静下来很重要。 Its very important to calm down during exams.9.几小时后他找到了出路。 Hours later he found his way out.10.幸运地是刚好有足够的空间让我移动。 Luckily there was just enough space for me to move.11.昨天我到家时,我爸爸妈妈正在吃晚饭。 My father and mother were having supper when I got home yesterday.12.他看电视时,我在看书。 While he was

10、 watching TV, I was reading a book.1.天将下雪,温度将降到零下5度。 It will be snowy and the temperature will drop to -5.14.不要四处乱跑,我们应该保持镇定。 Dont run in all directions. We should calm down.15.那个房子着火了,因为闪电击中了它。 The house caught fire because lightning hit it.16.他们的车撞上了一棵树,幸好没人受伤。 Their car crashed into a tree luckily no one hurt.17.在我前往他们学校的路上,我的小汽车出了故障。 On my way to their school, my car broke down.18.我们该做些什么来保护自己免受交通事故的伤害? What should we do to protect ourselves from traffic accidents?19.一场大雨阻止他们回家。 The heavy rain prevented them from going home.20.我在清理桌子时,发现了那支钢笔。 I was clearing the desk when I found the pen.



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