江苏省泰州市永安初级中学2020学年八年级英语下学期第一次阶段测试试题(无答案) 牛津版

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江苏省泰州市永安初级中学2020学年八年级英语下学期第一次阶段测试试题(无答案) 牛津版_第1页
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江苏省泰州市永安初级中学2020学年八年级英语下学期第一次阶段测试试题(无答案) 牛津版_第2页
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江苏省泰州市永安初级中学2020学年八年级英语下学期第一次阶段测试试题(无答案) 牛津版_第3页
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江苏省泰州市永安初级中学2020学年八年级英语下学期第一次阶段测试试题(无答案) 牛津版_第4页
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江苏省泰州市永安初级中学2020学年八年级英语下学期第一次阶段测试试题(无答案) 牛津版_第5页
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《江苏省泰州市永安初级中学2020学年八年级英语下学期第一次阶段测试试题(无答案) 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省泰州市永安初级中学2020学年八年级英语下学期第一次阶段测试试题(无答案) 牛津版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、江苏省泰州市永安初级中学2020学年八年级英语下学期第一次阶段测试试题(无答案) 牛津版一听力部分。(15分)A.听对话,选出与所听意思相符的图画,听两遍。B听下面的对话或独白,回答问题。听两遍。听下面一段材料,回答第67题。听两遍。( )6.Lucy felt sorry because_. A. she couldnt come B.she was not on time C. she lost Jims address( )7.From this conversation we know that_. A. Jim was very careless B.Lucy was given t

2、he wrong address C. Lucy went to the wrong address at first听下面一段材料,回答第8-10题。听两遍。( )8.Why cant the woman find the way? A. She has never been to Taizhou before. B. Taizhou has changed a lot. C. She is too old to remember the way.( )9.Why doesnt her son come to meet her? A. He is in trouble. B. He is t

3、oo busy. C. He doesnt know his mother came.( )10.What does her son do ? A. A teacher. B. A worker. C. A doctor.听一段独白,回答第 11-15题。听两遍。( )11.How long has the woman had the monkey as a pet? A. For many years. B. For only one year. C. For several years.( )12.How often does the monkey wash the dishes? A.

4、Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Every day.( )13.When does the monkey get angry? A. When there are many dishes for it to wash. B. When the woman tries to stop it washing the dishes. C. When it breaks a dish.( )14.Where does this story happen? A. In India. B. In Australia C. In the United States.( )1

5、5.Which sentence is RIGHT according to the story?A. It takes the monkey a very short time to wash the dishes.B. The monkey often throws the dishes everywhere.C. The monkey never breaks a dish while washing.二选择填空。(10分)( )1 . The old man has lonely since his wife left. A. been B. got C. become D. turn

6、ed( ) 2.How long _ his brother _ Paris ? Only one day.A. has, been in B. has, been to C. Has gone to D. did , go to( ) 3.-Is there anything wrong ,Jim? You look sad. -Oh,nothing much.In fact,I _of my friends in my hometown. A.have just thought B.was just thinking C.will think D.think( )4. The Americ

7、an teachers _ Taizhou for more than three weeks. A. have arrived in B. have got to C. have been in D. have come to ( ) 5.-When you begin to play the piano? -In 1990.I the piano for about seven years. A. did, played B. have ,play C. did, play D. did, have played( )6. -Where _ you _? -I went to see th

8、e football match. A. have; been B. have; gone C. are; going D. will; go( )7. Allan has few friends in the new school, _? A. has he B. is he C. does he D. hasnt he( )8. Im a stranger. I think there _ many modern shopping malls in Nanjing. A. maybe B. may have C. may is D. may be( )9. The holiday has

9、been _ for two days. Have to work now. A. in B. at C. over D. on( )10.-Have you ever visited the Great Wall? -No,_next month.A.sometimes B.some time C.sometime D.some times三完形填空 (每小题1分,共15 分) A long time ago, my grandma and grandpa lived in a house with a big front yard. They planted lots of vegetab

10、les and flowers in the_1_.They worked hard to _2_the plants growing. All summer long, the family ate food from the garden and _3_the flowers.Years _4_. It became harder for them to keep up the garden. So they made_5_a little smaller. Then one summer Grandpa died. It was a lonely winter for Grandma.

11、It was hard for her to _6_for the garden alone. When spring came, she planted just_7_vegetables and flowers.One day in the early summer, Grandma_8_big noises in the yard. She looked out of the window and saw thousands of bees.What could she do? Should she hire(雇佣) someone to get rid of the bees? But

12、 that would _9_more than she could afford. She decided to wait.Over the next few days, the bees were_10_with their own business. Grandma decided the bees wouldnt trouble anyone, _11_she didnt give them another thought. That summer, Grandmas little garden grew and grew. The neighbors would stop to ad

13、mire the big crop of vegetables and the lovely flowers.One day, Grandmas brother visited. As Grandma made him delicious squash pancakes(南瓜煎饼),she _12_him about the bees. Frank said, “Farmers_13_hire beekeepers to set up beehives(蜂窝). The bees pollinate(传粉)the crops and help them to grow.”“So thats _14_my garden is doing so well!” Grandma exclaimed(欢呼). After that ,she believed that Grandpa had sent _15_to take his place and make Grandmas little garden grow and grow( )1.A. attic B. house C. yard D. farm( )2.A. let B. keep C. make


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