江苏省泰兴市2020届九年级英语国庆作业试题(无答案) 人教新目标版

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1、江苏省泰兴市2020届九年级英语国庆作业试题2(无答案) 新人教版一.单项选择( )1. Do you mind me_here? _. Its for Mr Brown. A. siting, Not at all B. sitting, Never mind C. sitting, Better not D. to sit, of course not ( )2. Dont worry about _well, children! A. not look after B. not to look after C. not being looked after D. not to be lo

2、oked after ( )3. Its so kind of you to give me a ride to the station . _. A. It doesnt matter B. Never mind C. Its nothing D. Not at all, Its a pleasure ( )4. There are so many kinds of sports shoes. I cant decide_. A.to buy which B. what to buy C. which to buy D. to buy what( )5. Dont worry. All th

3、e children will _ arrive at school on time tomorrow. A.are be able to B.can C.be able to D.can be able to( )6. You should cheer up. It seems to me that you have too much _ about. A.worry B.worries C.to worried D.to worry( )7. They have already packed all the things. The underlined part is _. A.subje

4、ct B.predicate C.object D.predicative( )8. She is very modest. She never _. A.proud B.is proud C.shows off D.show off( )9. You arent weak. You are a strong man. The sentence elements of the underlined parts are _and _.A. predicative ; attributive B. adverbial ; predicativeC. attributive ; predicativ

5、e D. predicative ; object( )10. People think she is wise because when they dont know what to do, they always ask her_.A. for advise B. for advices C. for advice D. for an advice( )11. We must run, _, we will miss the train.A. so B. otherwise C. though D. but( )12. Lei feng is so thoughtful that he t

6、hinks of others first_.A. at a time B. at all times C. at times D. at one time( )13. My brother bought a computer yesterday. He wants to learn to use it to help himself get _ than before. A. much organized B. little organized C. more organized D. less organized( )14 Mr. Wu _ this math problem _ him

7、many times, but he still doesnt understand it. A. explains ; to B. have explained ; for C. explained ; with D. has explained ; to ( )15. Eddie is lazy enough _ all day without _. A. to asleep; moving B. to sleep ; to move C. to sleep ; moving D. sleeping ; to move( )16. Would you like to go out for

8、a walk with us? _, but I must finish my homework first. A. Of course not B. Thats all right C. Id love to D. Yes, I do ( )17. _ hard work it is! A. What a B. How a C. What D. How ( )18. That woman has a bag in her right hand. Whats in her _ hand? A. another B. other C. one D. the other ( )19. How ma

9、ny students are born_ the star sign of Aquarius in your class? A. with B. on C. under D. for ( )20. How happy we were _each other! A. to see B. seeing C. saw D. have seen ( )21. Dont forget to turn off the lights when you leave . _. A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, I will D. No, I wont ( )22. Simo

10、n gave us_ advice that every one of us was thankful _ him. A. so useful, with B. such a useful, to C. so a useful, for D. such useful, to( )23. Could you please tell me_? A. what the box is in B. what was in the box C. what is in the box D. what in the box is ( )24. He never _ learning English. That

11、 was why he made it at last. A. gave in B. gave out C. gave up D. gave away ( )25. Im thirsty. Please _ me a bottle of water . A. take B. carry C. hold D. get( )26. The window was broken. Try to_ who has broken it. A. find B. look C. find out D. look for ( )27. The teacher told the students _ any fo

12、od into the computer room. A. not to bring B. not bring C. dont bring D. bring not ( )28. You have a beautiful voice . _. A. Dont make fun of me B. Just so so C. No, you cant say so D. Thats very kind of you to say so ( )29. I cant say_ I miss you! Two years _ since I saw you last year. A. how long, passed B. how often, past C. how much, has passed D. how soon, has passed ( )30. Half of the class _ done most of the work. The rest _ rather difficult. A. have, is B. has is C. have, are D. has are ( )31. _do you call the baby panda? Xi Wang. A. Whats B. Which C. What D. How


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