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江苏省江阴市南闸实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6《Sunshine for all》单词练习(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第1页
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江苏省江阴市南闸实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6《Sunshine for all》单词练习(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第2页
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江苏省江阴市南闸实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6《Sunshine for all》单词练习(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第3页
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《江苏省江阴市南闸实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6《Sunshine for all》单词练习(无答案)(新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省江阴市南闸实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 6《Sunshine for all》单词练习(无答案)(新版)牛津版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Sunshine for all Class_Name _1. blindadj.瞎的;失明的 / n. blindness, be_, a _person, tell us sth. about _2.deafadj.聋的 deafer- deafest , a _ person,3.disabledadj.有残疾的 ,_ people4.elderlyadj.上了年纪的,年老的, 一个上了年纪的人(尊称) _ person, my elder brother (用于家庭排行), an old man ( 侧重指年纪大)5.homelessadj.无家可归的, 一个无家可归的孩

2、子,a _ child the +adj. 表示一个群体的人,看成复数,如:the blind, the deaf, the disabled, the homeless, the old, the young, the rich, the poor, the sick,etc. 6.groupvt.分组;组成小组, grouped, grouping, 被分成三组 be _ into three teams7.toughadj.困难的;费力的,tougher, toughest, 一趟艰难的徒步旅行 a _ hike Tomorrows hike will be even_. 8.hiken

3、./v远足;徒步旅行, 一趟有意义的远足: a meaningful_, 去远足:go _9.trailn.(特定)路线,路径, 一条一百公里的路线 : a 100-kilometre_=100 metres _10.withinprep.在之内, 在48小时内,_ 48 hours11.hilln.小山 hills(pl), 翻越二十座大小山脉 walk over twenty _ and _12.mountainn.高山;山岳, mountains(pl), 一座高山: a tall/ high _13.excellentadj.极好的 more/most excellent, 一个极好的

4、机会_14.chancen.机会, chances (pl), Its a good chance _(practice) English.15.spiritn.精神;灵魂 (u)16.teamspirit团队精神;合作精神 ,学习团队精神 _17.recordv.记录, recorded, recording, 只有小组的完成时间才会被记录下来:Only the teams finishing time will _.18.ofcourse当然= certainly19.trainingn.(u)训练;培训;锻炼, 开始训练:start_, need much_20.fitnessn.健康,

5、 = health, 健康和训练, _and training21.takeplace发生, ( 无被动语态,sth. 作主语),sth. take place= sth be held ( sb. hold sth.)22.aimn.目的;目标 ,aims(pl) 一个目标:_, 它的目标是筹钱帮助穷人 Its aim is _ _helping poor people.23.aidn.帮助= help (u), 在他的帮助下: with the aid/help of him24.first-aidadj.急救的, 一个急救箱:a_box, 急救药:_ medicine25.airline

6、n.航线, on the airline26.countrysiden.乡村;农村,=country(前面都要加the) 在农村:in the countryside/country27.gentlemann.君子,先生,gentlemen(pl), 女士们先生们:ladies and_28.grandchildn.(外)孙子,(外)孙女 , grandchildren(pl)29.handwritingn.书法;书写(u), They are practising _(他们的书法)30.headachen.头痛(u), 患了(严重的)头疼, have a (bad) headache31.o

7、vercoatn.外套,overcoats(pl), 一件外套 _32.pancaken.薄饼;烙饼, pancakes33.postmann.邮递员, postmen(pl), 那些邮递员的工作 the_ workThey want to be_(邮递员)when they grow up. 34.toothbrushn.牙刷, toothbrushes(pl), 需要更多的牙刷, need more_35.upstairsadv.在楼上,(前面不能用介词),住楼上:live upstairs; 上楼:_36.weekdayn.工作日, 在平时:on _, /在周末:at _=at the

8、_37.achevi.疼痛, aches/ached/aching, 句型:身体某部位 ache, My head often_. n. have an ache in the/ones+身体部位,他头疼:He has an_ in the/his head.=His head _.=He _.38.lookdownon轻视,瞧不起, look down on sb., look down on him/blind people / sb be looked down on (被动),残疾人不应该被看不起:The disabled shouldnt _.39.onlyadj.惟一的,仅有的,

9、the only +单数n. the only hill 他是他们家庭唯一的孩子:He is _ in his family.40.flatadj.平坦的,扁平的, flatter/flattest41.perfectadj.完美的,极好的,实践出真知:Practice makes perfect.42.attentionn.注意;专心,(u), pay attention to sth./doing sth.注意天气:_the weather, /pay attention to_(drive) your car 43.rainyadj.有雨的, 在雨天:on _ days/ 明天将有雨。

10、It will be _ tomorrow. = There will be_ tomorrow.= It will_ tomorrow.44.umbrellan.伞, umbrellas(pl), 一把伞 _45.wiseadj.明智的;充满智慧的wiser/wisest/wisely, 一个明智的选择:_ 句型: Its wise to do sth.带上地图和手机是明智的。-_ a map and a mobile phone.46.mobilephone n.手机, mobile phones(pl)47.lostadj.迷路的;迷失的, 迷路 get lost=_=_, 一个迷路的孩

11、子_48.vetn.兽医49.vestn.背心,马甲50.versen.诗51.winen.酒;葡萄酒, (u), 一瓶酒 _52.vinen.藤53.violinn.小提琴violins (pl), 拉小提琴 _54.fundn.基金,资金, funds(pl)55.certificaten.证书, certificates(pl), 收到一张证书,receive _56.contact vt./n.联系, 打-与某人联系contact sb. on+号码= call sb. on+号码57.furtheradj.更多的,更进一步的,进一步的学习,_study 进一步的治疗,_ treatment, 要获得更多信息, for _58.downloadv.下载 downloaded/ downloading, download sth. from-



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