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1、江苏省永丰初级中学2020学年八年级英语下学期综合复习(一)一、选择填空( ) 1.-How long have you been at this school? -_.A. Three years ago. B. Since 2020. C. For three years ago. D. In 2020.( ) 2. He likes playing tricks on others, but _, he is a good boy. He is willing to help others.A. in this way B. in some ways C. in that way D.

2、in a word( ) 3. Jenny _ Jack when they were both 26 years old. A. got married B. married C. married with D. married to( ) 4.Look! The reporter from CCTV is having an interview _ Dr. Ma. A. on B. / C. to D. with( ) 5. Water pollution is a great _ to be solved now. A. question B. matter C. problem D.

3、trouble( ) 6. The building is a cinema now. It _ a supermarket. A. was used to be B. uses to be C. used to be D. is used to doing( ) 7. How long can I _ the magazine from the library? A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. get( ) 8. Alice stopped reading the novel _ Tom pushed her from the behind. A. as B. so

4、 B. but D. and( ) 9. After seeing the policeman, the thief ran away as fast as he _. A. possible B. can C. could D. should( 10. My cousin has stayed in London for two weeks. I think he will stay there for _ two weeks. A. more B. other C. another D. the other( ) 11. Hes _ two pears,_ much milk and _

5、three wonderful films A. ate; drank; saw B. eatn; drank; seen C. eaten; drunk; seen D. ate; drunk; watched( ) 12. The old lady called Nancy _ the company recently. A. has left B. will leave C. is leaving D. left( ) 13. My good friend Alice was friendly_me and often shared her things _ me. A. with; t

6、o B. with; with C. to; with D. of; on( ) 14. _ a short time to wait for the underground. A. Taking B. To take C. It takes D. We spend ( ) 15. We got here_ half an hour ago. A. since B. C. for D. in ( )16.一_he _at this school two years ago? 一Yes,I think so.A. Did ; study B. Has, studied C. Was; study

7、 D. Did; studied( )17.The building is a cinema now. It _a supermarket. A. was used to be B. used to be C. is used to being D. uses to be( )18.-Do you know the movie Lost In Thailand?-YesI _it twice. Its funny. A. saw B. see C. have seen D. will see( ) 19.Shes never been there before,_ she?A is B isn

8、t C has D hasnt( )20. Shes already back from the UAS,_ she ? A. isnt B. is C. has D. hasnt( )21.Catherine got married _a policeman twenty years ago A. with Bfor Cto Dof( )22. The old man 1ives_ in a_ house,but he doesnt feel_ Aalone;alone;lonely Blonely;lonely;alone Calone;lonely;lonely Dalone;lonel

9、y;alone23. - Have you ever seen _ one-eyed elephant ? - No, never. And you? A. a B. an C. any D. some 24 .Its really_you to drive so fast _such a rainy day. Slow down.A .crazy for;on B .crazy of ;on C .wise for ; in D .wise of ;on25 .-Can you tell me where the talk will_. -They are going to _the tal

10、k in a school.A.hold; hold B.hold ; take place C.take place ;hold D take place ;take place26 .You are not good at math,but you cant_.A .give it in B .give in it C .give it up D .give up it27 .His friend is_funny_make us happy after class. A .so ;that B .too ;to C ./ ;enough to D enough ; to28 .Tom k

11、new nothing about it_his sister told him. A .since B .if C .until D .while29. - Having many helpers makes a task easier and faster to complete.- I think so. _.A. Many hands make light work B. Too many cooks spoil the bothC. The early bird catches the worm D. The more you learn, the more you know30.

12、Its the library! So you know shouting is not allowed here.A. can B. must C. need D. may31 .When you visit Italy ,you can go to _ and take photos there . A. Tower Bridge B. Statue of Liberty C. Leaning Tower of Pisa D. The Great Wall32. They couldnt afford by air, so they went by bus .A. to travel; i

13、nstead of B. travelling; insteadC. to travel; instead D. travelling; instead of33. I wont go to see the film because I _ the ticket.A. have lost B. lost C. was lost D. losing34. All we want to do _ to find enough water _the horses.A. are; for B. is; for C. be; as D. is; like35. -Is Daniel in?- No. He



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