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1、江苏省扬州梅苑双语学校2020学年八年级英语第十一次周练试题 成绩 一、单项选择:( )1. You shouldnt because the report is very important.A. take away them B. take them away C. take away it D. take it away( )2. These birds can find food here than before.A. easier B. easily C. more easily D. more easier( )3. _ did we this bird in English? A

2、 swallow.A. What , say B. What, callC. How, speak D. What, tell( )4. There is sheep eating grass there.A. little B. few C. a few D. a little( )5. You cant skate on the real ice because its too to bear (承受)your weight.A. hard B. safe C. thick D. thin( )6. If people change wetlands to make _ for farms

3、, birds will not have enough _ to live.A. room, spaceB. rooms, spaceC. space, rooms D. spaces, room( )7. He _much food _the poor family during the hard time.A. provided, to B. provides, with C. provided, with D. provides, for( )8. A Pair of sunglasses can your eyes the sun.A. prevent, see B. stop, l

4、ook C. protect, fromD. keep, out of( )9.Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer. We must _ down too many trees.A. keep people from cutting B. prevent people from cuttingC. stop people cutting D. all the above( )10. Our teacher is coming. Please stop _ and keep _.A. talking , quiet B. to talk ,

5、 quiet C. talking , quietly D. to talk , quietly( )11. I did my homework very , so my father shouted at me . A. careless, angry B. carelessly, angrily C. carelessly, angry D. careless, angrily( )12. The old woman has a bad cold. She is feeling _ today than yesterday. A. much ill B. a little bad C. a

6、 little badly D. much worse( )13. The first thing to do is to find a room to _. A. living in B. living C. to live in D. to live( )14. How would you like your coffee, sir? _. Its my favourite. A. Black, please B. Very much C. It tastes good D. No, thanks( )15. In the UK, a woman usually doesnt like t

7、o be asked _. A. where she comes from B. how much she weighs C. whether she had been married D. what is her age( )16. What did you go to Toms home for last night ? To celebrate his _birthday.A. 23thB. the 23thC. 23rd D. the 23rd( )17. There is an look on his face. What for? Because he heard the news

8、 about the birdwatchers just now.A. excited; exciting B. exciting; excited C. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting( )18. Good morning, Miss Gao. Could you please tell me the result of the exam? OK. You did quite well. You made . A. few mistakes B. a few mistakes C. little mistake D. a little mista

9、ke( )19. Would you like to sleep with the windows or ?A. open, close B. opened; closed C. open; closed D. opening; closing( )20. The fish smells_, so it sells_. A. bad; bad B. badly; badlyC. bad; badly D. badly; bad( )21. What _ good time we had playing _ football with those football stars. A. a, th

10、e B. /, / C. a, / D. /, the( )22. Why do you look unhappy? _ failing to get a ticket to go birdwatching.A. Because ofB. Because C. For D. As( )23. Do you find this maths problem _? Yes, I can work it out_.A. easy , easy B. easily ,easily C. easily, ,easy D. easy, easily( )24. Shall I tell Sally abou

11、t the story? No, you _. Ive told her about it already. A. shouldntB. mustntC. cantD. neednt( )25. Thanks for _ half a day helping clean my house, children. A. takingB. spendingC. costingD. paying( )26. You should study hard. No one can _ you _a good future.A. provide, for B. provide, with C. keep, /

12、 D. protect, to have( )27. Many people would like to say, but _ would like _A. a few, to do B. few, to sing C. few, to do D. a few, doing ( )28. Mary was badly ill yesterday, but now she is_. A. in danger B. in the danger C. out of danger D. watched二、单词变形1. He told his mother the number the red-crow

13、ned cranes after _(记录) it in his notebook.2. The members of the Birdwatching _(协会) go to study the changes in the numbers of birds.3. The teacher said,“Would you mind _(写) down your addresses on this piece of paper?” 4. I cant see the words _(清晰地) on the blackboard.5. I want to be a _(科学家) like Qian Xuesen when I grow up.6. Hard _(工作) makes him successful.7. If you want to be membe


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