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1、射阳县外国语学校2020学年度第二学期八年级英语试卷(总分:120分 考试时间:100分钟)第 卷(选择题,共65分)一、听力(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)第一部分:听对话回答问题。 ( ) 1. A B C( ) 2. A B C( ) 3. . A B C( ) 4. A B C( ) 5. Why does the boy want to get a handbag for his mother? A. Its her birthday. B. Its Mothers Day. C. His mother has no handbag.( ) 6. How old is the m

2、an now? A. 24 years old. B. 28 years old. C. 26 years old.( ) 7.Can the woman buy a blue coat in that size? A. Yes, she can . B. No, she cant. C. She will.( ) 8.How many times has he been to France? A. Once B. Twice. C. Three times.( ) 9. .What did Wei Fang do in the USA last summer? A. To do busine

3、ss. B. To learn English. C. To visit one of her friends.( ) 10. Where is Kate now? A. At home. B. In a hospital. C. At school.第二部分:听下面一段对话和两篇短文,回答问题。听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题( ) 11. The man is calling to _.A. Tim. B. Peter. C. Jane.( ) 12. Mr. Hunter works in _.A. SRC International B. a computer company C.

4、a telephone company听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。( ) 13. What does the man want to know? A. Anything about the train.B. Something about the next train to Nanjing.C. Something about the woman.( ) 14. How long is the train trip? A. About seventeen hours. B. Less than eighteen hours.C. Several hours.( ) 15. Which

5、train will he take? A. T 1243. B. K 86. C. No. 24.听第二篇短文,回答第1620小题。( ) 16. What was the speakers hobby before?A. Reading. B. Travelling. C. drawing. ( ) 17. How many places of interest has the speaker been to?A. 13. B. 30. C. 33. ( ) 18. Which of the following is true about Ann?A. She is a quiet gir

6、l. B. She likes reading. C. She likes flowers.( ) 19. What is Tonys hobby?A. Gardening. B. Drawing. C. Reading. ( ) 20. What clothes does Judy make for her dolls?A. Skirts B. Shirts C. Sweaters.二、单项选择。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分)( )21. What bad weather we have! It has rained _ the day before yesterday. A. onB.

7、 inC. atD. since( )22. - Have you ever seen _ one-eyed elephant ? - No, never. And you? A. a B. an C. any D. some ( ) 23. Nobody except Tom and Millie _ that park before. Only they can be our guides. A. have been to B. has been to C. has gone to D. have gone to ( )24. Lets turn on the TV and watch t

8、he football match. Its too late. It for an hour. And the result was 1-0. China won.A. has finished B. has begun C. has been on D. has been over( ) 25. It _ her about two hours to go to Australia by plane. A. used B. spent C. paid D. took( ) 26. This kind of cake smells _ and sells _. A. nice, well B

9、. nice, good C. well, well D. good, nice( )27.Lily _ Hong Kong for a week, and shell come back tomorrow. A. has gone to B. has been in C. has been to D. has gone in( )28. -Where did you _the magazine? -From the school library. -How long can you _ it? -For two weeks. A. lend; borrow B. borrow; lend C

10、. borrow; keep D. lend; keep( )29. -Thank you for giving me so much help. -_. A. Its my pleasure. B. Dont say so. C. Its nothing. D. No thanks.( )30. _ of them has arrived yet. So Im afraid that the meeting must be held nexttime. A. All B. NoneC. Each D. Every三、完形填空。先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题的四个选项中选出最佳答案

11、。(共15题,每题1分,共15分)During the war, an English pilot (飞行员) was hurt. But he was 31 by a group of nuns (修女). He was very weak and lost his_32_. When he came to himself he was 33 to find a woman beside him. It was Sister Mary. She said to him, “This is a woman hospital. We will 34 you here as long as pos

12、sible, but you will have to 35 our advice.”The pilot 36 to make himself up for a nurse. He could not talk _37_the nurses or the nuns. He had to stay in a small room as much as possible. He was asked to shave (刮胡子) every day, wearing a beautiful cap, and the nurse uniforms. It was a very _38_time, however he didnt feel very _39_especially(尤其)when one of the nursing girls caugh


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