江苏省姜堰市九年级英语上册《期中复习基础知识训练》(3)(无答案) 牛津译林版

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江苏省姜堰市九年级英语上册《期中复习基础知识训练》(3)(无答案) 牛津译林版_第1页
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江苏省姜堰市九年级英语上册《期中复习基础知识训练》(3)(无答案) 牛津译林版_第2页
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江苏省姜堰市九年级英语上册《期中复习基础知识训练》(3)(无答案) 牛津译林版_第3页
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江苏省姜堰市九年级英语上册《期中复习基础知识训练》(3)(无答案) 牛津译林版_第4页
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《江苏省姜堰市九年级英语上册《期中复习基础知识训练》(3)(无答案) 牛津译林版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省姜堰市九年级英语上册《期中复习基础知识训练》(3)(无答案) 牛津译林版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、江苏省姜堰市九年级英语上册期中复习基础知识训练(3) 牛津译林版词汇运用1.My brother shows great interest in the books _ by J K Rowling. (write)2.Use your head and youll find a way. Because its _ work. (create) 3.Our Maths teacher _ (prepare) the new lesson with other teachers in the office from 2 to 4 yesterday afternoon.4.Linton is

2、interested in Chinese history and this is his _ visit to Beijing. (four)5. She devotes as much time as she can to_ ( help) the needy children.6. Audrey is one of _(well know) actresses in the world.7. Nowadays too many boys want to become _. (act)8.He preferred buying a new computer to _ (fix) it.9.

3、I have a lot of homework every day, and I have no choice but _ (do) it.10.Today, to hold the Olympic Games _ (consider) as a rich prize for a country.11. Which language _ by the largest number of people in the world? (speak)12. His father _ with him when the telephone rang. (chat)13. I think you sho

4、uld do what you can _ the disabled. (help)14. In the past few years, my hometown _ a lot. (change)15. The police _ their best to find those robbers these days. (try)16. Who do you think _ the charity show last month? (organize)17. Our teacher told us that light _ much faster than sound. (travel)18.

5、There _ important meetings next week, are there? (be)19. -Do you mind _ me the newspaper? -Of course. (bring) 20. You should be confident enough _ the job. (take)选择填空 1. Its very nice_me the newspapers and magazines. A.of you to bring B.for you to bring C.for you bringing D.of you bringing2. Im too

6、busy. Could you do_to help me? Of course. I can do_for you if you want me to. A.anything; something B.something; anythingC.anything; anything D.something; something3. Simon is_enough to buy gifts for all of us. A.generous B.energetic C.patient D.confident4. I think David should be the new chairperso

7、n_hes as smart as my uncle. A.whether B.although C.after D.because 5. Mr Wu spends a lot of time_things to us. He is very patient. A.explain B.to explain C.explaining D.explains 6. His hobby is_taking photos_collecting stamps. Its gro wing flowers. A.either; or B.both; and C.not only; but also D.nei

8、ther; nor7. Since David is so hardworking, he would not mind_extra work f or the Students Union. A.to do B.doing C.does D.done 8. When I came here just now, I saw your son_with a black and white dog in the garden. A.play B.to play C.played D.playing 9. The doctor told the old man to_smoking at once

9、because it was b ad for his health. A.look up B.give up C.keep up D.come up 10. Id like to_David as the new chairperson of the students Union . A.recommend B.realize C.remind D.remember 11. You look rather tired,_stop to have a rest?All right. But Ill have to work for_minutes. A.Dont you; much more

10、B.Why not; a few moreC.Why not to; a little more D.What about; a few many 12. People would rather_colours like orange and yellow to make them feel warm if they live in cold climates. A.to use B.used C.use D.using 13. Wearing red makes it easier for you_action. This can help when you are having diffi

11、culty_a decision. A.to take; to make B.taking; making C.to take; making D.taking; to make 14. Would you please_him the pictures when he_back tomorrow? With pleasure. A.give; comes B.to give; will come C.gave; will come D.giving; comes 15. Many students need to learn how to achieve a balance_work_ pl

12、ay. A.both; and B.between; and C.either; or D.only; but 16. I hear therell be _ talk on teenage problems next Monday. Do you mean _ talk our teacher asked us to listen to? A. a; the B. a; a C. the; the D. the; a17. _ is too difficult if you put your effort into it. A. Anything B. Something C. Nothin

13、g D. Everything18. This morning Jack came to school _than _ student in his class. A. much late; any B. much later; any other C. much later; any D. much later; any other19. - Will you go to the museum with me this afternoon? - Sorry, _. My aunt is coming to see me A. I dont B. I cant C. I neednt D. I mustnt20. -How long has the nationwide ban(禁止) on plastic bags been put into practice? -_


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