江苏省句容市后白中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 2 School life Reading 1教学案(无答案) 牛津版

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江苏省句容市后白中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 2 School life Reading 1教学案(无答案) 牛津版_第1页
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江苏省句容市后白中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 2 School life Reading 1教学案(无答案) 牛津版_第2页
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《江苏省句容市后白中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 2 School life Reading 1教学案(无答案) 牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省句容市后白中学八年级英语上册 8A Unit 2 School life Reading 1教学案(无答案) 牛津版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、8A Unit 2 School life Reading 1教学目标知识技能目标(knowledgeskills):1、读懂文章,了解英美国家中学生的学校生活;2、理解和掌握文中的语言点;过程与方法目标(processmethod):1、教会学生会用不同的阅读方式,读懂文章。情感、态度与价值观(attitude):1、能理解作者的个人感受和观点。教学重点了解英美国家中学生的学校的生活教学难点会运用比较法来比较周围的事物教学方法比较法、归纳法教具Pictures 、tapes一、 课前预习:1.认真阅读书上P20课文,试着翻译下列短语。(1)in Year 8_ (2)一所混合学校_(3)和某

2、人谈论某事_(4) 给某人提供一些帮助_ (5)the end of_(6)从家里带来书和杂志_(7)一周两次_ (8)最喜欢的科目_2.根据中文提示完成句子:(1)These people in the picture were the _(英雄) of the war.(2)Thank you very much for _(自愿给予) me so much help(3)Tims favourite subject are _(法语) and Maths .(4)Look at the young girls! They are _(练习) singing.(5)He began to

3、write_(文章)in English for a magazine.3.根据自己的实际情况回答一下问题:(1)How many lessons do you have every day?_ (2 ) What subjects do you learn?_(3)How often do you have a class meeting?_(4)What after-school activities do you have?_(5)Have you joined a club?_7. Twice a week, I play softball after school. 频率副词用How

4、 often? 来提问 (表频率:once a year, often, usually, always, seldom, never, sometimes)8.practice (美)= practise v. 练习 practise doing sth. 练习做某事 9. tell/ask sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 否定形式是 tell / ask sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事10. an article by sb. 一篇由某人写的文章 e.g. a book by Lu Xun. 一本鲁迅写的书二、教学过程(一)新课导学/课堂精讲:1、F

5、ree talk: What do you think BritishAmerican school would be like?2、听录音阅读课文第一部分,做判断正误练习:(1)Nancy is in Year 9 at Woodland School, a mixed school.( )(2)Nancy likes French best of all.( ) (3)There is a Reading Week in her school every year.( ) (5)The students can read any books from the school library,

6、but they cant bring in books from home.( )(6)They think time seems to go faster because they want to read more books.( ) 3、阅读课文第二部分,回答下列问题。(1)Which school is John in ?_(2)What do the students do in the Buddy Club? _(3)Why does John say Tony is his hero? _(4)What do the students often do on Friday af

7、ternoon?_4、阅读整篇课文,完成课本第22页B3部分练习,全班核对答案。5、将学生分成两组比较John和Nancy的学校生活。(二)课堂练习/课堂精练:1.用本课所学单词完成短文:Nancy is in a _school and John is in an _school. Nancys favourite lesson is _. Nancys school has a _Week every year. All the students like it very much. They can read _book from the _. They can also bring _

8、books and _from home. John loves playing _. He goes to a _ club every Monday. he has a special friend, Tony. Tony is in 12th _.John says that Tony is his _.2.单项选择:()1._do they go on for a trip? Twice a year.A. How long B. How many C. How soon D. How often( )2. “Boys and girls, you must look after _.

9、” the teacher said.A. yourself B. yourselves C. your D. yours( )3. The meal smells _. All of us like it.A. good B. well C. beautiful D. terrible( )4. Why _have some more vegetables, little Jimmy?A. not B. dont C. arent D. not to ( )5. Mum is reading _article in English.A. the B. an C. a D. /( )6. St

10、udents mustnt spend much time _ computer games.A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play( )7 I like art _any other subject. It is the most interesting.A. the best B. much more C. better than D. much better三、课后巩固1、1. 同义句转化:(1)The man didnt know how to get to the station.The man didnt know _ _ _ _ _ the

11、station.(2) It takes me a lot of time to play computer games. I _ a lot of time _ computer games.(3) Jane is taller than the other two girls. Jane is _ _ _ the three girls.(4) This book is not the same as that one. This book _ _ _ that one.2. 翻译句子:(1)我们想更多的了解美国的学校生活。 Wed like to learn_ the life in _school.(2)我正在练习打垒球。 I am practicing _ _.(3)我爷爷经常和邻居们讨论一些社会问题。 My grandfather often _ _ _ _ _ the neighbours .(4)你表弟想学如何做饭吗? _your cousin want to learn_ _ _.(5)我希望有人能倾听我的问题,并能给我帮助 。 I hope someone can listen to my problems and _ _ _ _ 四、课后反思_批注/记录


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