江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Period 7 Study skills课后作业(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Period 7 Study skills课后作业(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第1页
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江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Period 7 Study skills课后作业(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第2页
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江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Period 7 Study skills课后作业(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第3页
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《江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Period 7 Study skills课后作业(无答案)(新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 A day out Period 7 Study skills课后作业(无答案)(新版)牛津版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 班级 姓名 学号 (友情提醒:请家长督促孩子在复习完当天课堂所讲内容后,闭卷完成下列作业) 【自主学习】 一、听磁带,朗读、模仿并背诵今天所学的单词、对话15分钟;二、复习四会单词、重要句型后,完成下面填空并用红笔批改订正。1.We had a _(wonder) time at the party last weekend.2.The _ (care ) girl often makes some mistakes in her homework.3.I spent a _ (sleep) night. So I felt very tired now.4.This is a

2、u_ book. Youd better buy it.5.Mr Wu is almost _ (无助的) without his glasses.【基础训练】一、根据句意及提示完成单词1.He began to feel depressed (沮丧的) and _(help).2.My father likes reading newspapers to look for _(use) news and information.3.The expression has two very different _(mean) in English.4.The cake _(taste) very

3、 nice. May I have some more?5.Would you please give me two _(ticket)?6.My mother _(keep) all the letters my father veer wrote her.7.She greeted us with a _(cheer) smile.8.Ghe garden was full of _(colour) flowers.二、句型转换1. We spend over half an hour reading English every day. (同义句)It _ us over half an

4、 hour _ _ English every day.2. David taught himself how to make a home page. (同义句)David _ how to make a home page _ _.3. Skiing is dangerous. Diving is dangerous, too. (合并为一句)_4. He is helpful and generous. (划线提问)_ is he _?5. They all had great fun climbing the hill. (同义句)They all _ _ climbing the h

5、ill very much.三、根据汉语完成句子1、我们前天去的世界公园。_2、色彩艳丽的衣服来自于不同的国家。_3、我们所有人都感到非常的兴奋和高兴。_4、我的票现在没用了。_【能力提高】一、完形填空Our neighbourhood used to be very quiet .However , these days _41_ things are happening in our neighbourhood and everyone is unhappy . Zhao Jun , the local school teacher is extremely _42_ . When he

6、was interviewed (采访) by the local newspaper , he said , “ Every night we hear strange noises _43_ our window . My wife thinks that it could be an _44_ , but my friends and I think it must be teenagers (青少年) having _45_ . My parents called the police , but they cant _46_ anything strange . They think

7、 it might be the _47_ . I dont think so!” Zhao Juns next door neighbour XiangDan is _48_ , too . “ At first ,I thought it might be a cat , but I cant see a cat , and I still hear the noises outside .” Everyone in our neighbourhood is worried , and everyone has his or her own _49_ . There must be som

8、ething _50_ the homes in our neighbourhood , but what is it ?( )1.A.interesting B.exciting C.strange D.happy( )2.A.worried B.pleased C.quiet D.friendly( )3.A.of B. outside C. from D. inside( )4.A. actor B. visitor C. ghost D. animal( )5.A. trouble B. fun C. lessons D. sports( )6.A. find B. think C.

9、make D. feel( )7.A. water B. laughter C. music D. wind( )8.A. excited B. surprised C. unhappy D. bad( )9.A. ways B. thinks C. informations D. ideas( )10.A. cleaning B. visiting C. breaking D. moving二、任务型阅读Do you want to save money when you travel by train ?Here are some waysDay Returns(往返票)This kind

10、 of ticket can save you 45 per cent on the fare. You have to travel before 8:00 am and after 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday ,but you can travel at any time on Saturday or Sunday.Big City Savers(优惠票)You can save much money with these ticketsYou have to buy them by 4:00 pm the day before you travelMont

11、hly Returns:You can use these tickets for more journeys over 65 milesGo any day and return within a monthFamily Returns:After you buy this kind of ticketYou need to pay only 3 dollars for each of the other family membersYou can travel as often as you like within two months.How to save money when you

12、 1 by trainFour 2 Day ReturnsThis kind of ticket can save you 3 on the fare.Big City 4 You can save much money with these tickets.Monthly ReturnsYou can use these tickets for most 5 over 65 milesFamily ReturnsYou can travel as 6 as you like within 2hours.1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_【家长反馈】 是否复习后独立完成 (是、否) 是否完成课前预习(是、否) 作业完成时间 _(分钟) 家长签字 _


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