山东省夏津实验中学八年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them学案(无答案)(新版)外研版

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《山东省夏津实验中学八年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them学案(无答案)(新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省夏津实验中学八年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them学案(无答案)(新版)外研版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 It allows people to get closer to them 、自主学习读出并写出下列单词及短语蛇 细长的 保护 野生的 筹集 变得 足够的 肮脏的 (二)、重点短语(教师填写)1.最后_2. 想到_ 3. 拿走_4.和平的_ 5.照顾_ 6.对感兴_7一千多万 _8. 在海岸线上 _ 9.某天 _ 10. 处于危险中_ (三)重点句型:1. It allows people to get close to them .2. I am more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve .3.

2、 Many wild animals dont have a safe place to live .4. Also , often there isnt enough clean water , because weve made it dirty .、听说 1.听读课文并回答问题,见(P42 Activity2)2.小组合作翻译课文3.运用重点句型小组内练习对话(Activity6)、知识点归纳梳理1. interested (1)interest 名词n.兴趣, 关心, 重要性, 影响, 利息,利益, 利害动词vt.使发生兴趣, 引起.的注意;(2)interesting ,adj.有趣

3、味的, 引起好奇(或注意)的; interested,adj.感兴趣的, 区别:interesting一般做定语,放在名词前面起修饰作用表示有的,interested则表示人对感兴趣,多用于短语:sb be interested in sth.2 .allow(1).allow for sth. 允许某事 (2)allow doing sth. 允许做某事 (3).allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 (4)allow sb sth 给予某人某物(尤指钱或时间);让某人有(拥用或带有)某物 3.enough(1)名词或代词:作主语或宾语:Enough has been sa

4、id on this subject.(主语) 关于这个问题我说得够多的了。 (2)、形容词,作定语:enough+名词/名词+enoughI have enough time to do the work. / I have time enough to do the work. 我有足够的时间做此项工作。 (3)、副词,修饰adj或adv表示程度:形容/副词+enough long enough, easy enough, The boy is old enough to do to school. 这孩子到上学的年龄了。4.need作情态动词 (1)need作情态动词无人称或数的变化,

5、后接动词原形,多用于否定句和疑问句中。如:You neednt worry.你不必担心。 (2)由need引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答常用must或have to;否定答语常用neednt. 如: Need I answer the question? 我需要回答那个问题吗? Yes, you must. /Yes, you have to.是的,你必须回答。/是的,你得回答。/No, you neednt.不,不必了。 (3)由must引出的一般疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定答语用neednt或dont have to。如: Must I do the work now? 我必须现在干这个活

6、吗? Yes, you must /have to.是的,你必须做。/No, you neednt /dont have to. 不,你现在不必做。 作行为动词 need 作为行为动词有人称和数的变化, 后面可接名词、代词、动名词及带to 的动词不定式;可用于肯定句、疑问句和否定句中,如:She needs help.她需要帮助。I dont need to see the doctor.我不需要看病。Do you need to go at once? 你需要马上走吗? Yes, I do.是的,我得马上去。 No, I dont.不,不用马上走。、当堂达标:.用所给词的适当形式填空(10分

7、)1.Its_(danger)for us to walk on a stormy night.2.Most of the teenagers are_(interest)to play computer games.3.My boss doesnt allow me_(use)his personal computer.4.Now the children dont have enough time_(play)games.5.Im thirsty.I want something_(drink).单项选择(10分)1.Were sad_of those animals in danger.

8、A. to thinkB. think C. thinks D. thought2. Dont_my storybook. I want to read it now.A. take toB. take off C. take awayD. take on3. We need_many good school buses to shuttle(接送)the children every day.A. to buyB. buyingC. buyD. to buying4.We are_at the_news of the traffic accident(交通事故).A. surprised;

9、surprisedB. surprising; surprisedC. surprised; surprising D. surprising; surprising5.I think its difficult for him_French well.So do I.A. studiesB. to study C. studying D. study.完成句子(10分)1.我们应该帮助尽可能多的孩子学好英语。We should help as_ _ _possible to learn English well.2.现在这条小河里的水不够干净不能喝。The water in the rive

10、r is not_ _ _drink now.3.完成这项工作是很难的。_is hard_ _the work.4.很多可怜的孩子没饭吃。Many poor children have no food_ _.5.大象和老虎都是濒危动物。The elephants and the tigers are animals_ _. 阅读理解(10分)We all know the giraffes are the tallest living animals on land. But do you want to learn more about them? Let me tell you.Giraf

11、fes live in Africa. They have a very long neck. A giraffe can be more than 18 feet tall.A giraffe has four long, thin legs. The front legs are longer than the back legs. It can run about 50 kilometres each hour. A giraffe is probably famous for its long neck. It can reach the leaves at the top of th

12、e trees.A giraffe can live for 20-25 years in the wild, and often longer at zoos. An adult(成年的)giraffe eats up to 140 pounds of food each day. A giraffe spends most of a day eating and it gets just a few leaves once. It eats leaves on tall trees, tall bushes and tall grass, too. But its favourite food is leaves on the acacia trees(金合欢树).Acacia leaves contain a lot of water, so a giraffe can go a long time without drinking.1.What does a giraffe look like?A. It is the tallest living animal on land.B. It has a long neck and four long, thin legs.、错题整理:


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