安徽省铜都双语学校七年级英语下册 unit1 Can you play the guitar导学案5(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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《安徽省铜都双语学校七年级英语下册 unit1 Can you play the guitar导学案5(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《安徽省铜都双语学校七年级英语下册 unit1 Can you play the guitar导学案5(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、unit1 Can you play the guitar【课堂用语】(大声朗读三遍): Lets get ready for class 准备上课了!(导课时用)【自研课导学】(时段:晚自习10分钟) 预习内容及目标:1.预习课本P5面2a的对话,用笔划出描写3个人能力的语句;2.再阅读2b的三则广告,用笔划出自己尚不理解的语句并尝试解决。 及时检测(默写):也 人;人们 家 be good with 交朋友 【晨诵课】大声朗读下面的绕口令:He can play football , she can play the guitar; He can play volleyball, she

2、can play the piano. He can play basketball, she can play the violin; He can play baseball, she can play the drums. 【展示课导学】 (一) 学习主题: 通过小短文阅读训练和学习,继续巩固情态动词can的用法。 (二)定向导学互动展示Self-study & Self-explorationCooperation & ExplorationShow& ImprovementConclusion & Summarization自学指导内容学法时间 15互动策略内容形式时间 20展示方案

3、内容形式时间 25 随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练Warming up:导生带读P5的单词一遍;各组自由大声朗读P5的单词一遍;Step1:Make friendsToday,we are going to make three new friendsPeter、Ma Huan and Alan.请同学们朗读三人的自我介绍,找出他们各自的能力,写在随堂笔记step1处。 Step2:Help your new friends find a job你的新朋友请你帮助他(她)找份工作,请仔细阅读2b的三则广告,尝试翻译随堂笔记step2处的语句,并为每则广告选择一个恰当的标题。(书上的配对) S

4、tep3: Write an introduction(写简历)根据广告的内容已经三位朋友各自的长处,你能帮助他们找到合适的工作吗?请完成书本2c的配对。下面你要结合2a的描述,以及2b广告的内容,挑选你其中一位朋友,以第一人称为他(她)写一份简历,完成在随堂笔记3处。 Pair Work:(5)1. 与你的对子就2a的图片中的 对话进行一问一答式的操练;2. 进行4人组 A1 B1 操练随堂笔 记的听力填 A2 B2 空,及新编对话并纠正对方的错误。 Group Work of Ten(15):组长带领组员进行小组全员展示:A:选择5人在小黑板进行展示,先操练2c的对话,再在黑板上抄写一遍这

5、组对话,注意字迹工整美观B:5人在大黑板展示,利用2d对话中的相关句型,替换对话中的一些信息(名词,人称代词等),完成一个新对话的创编,注意双色笔的运用。C:两个五人组一起在指定的区域内讨论一下展示方案的内容进行分工和预展。【进入展示板块】展示主题:对话表演导生挑选一组进行展示,就所编写的对话进行场景表演,也可邀请其他小组进行PK。要求:1.先带大家学习这篇对话,讲解其中的知识点 2.表演要做到神态自然,声音洪亮。Step1:了解新朋友1. Peter can 2. Ma Huan can 3. Alan can Step2 广告翻译1. Are you good with old peopl

6、e? 2. Help with sports for English-speaking students. 3. The school needs help to teach music. Step3 书写简历 “日日清过关”巩固提升三级达标训练题 姓名 自评: 师评: 批阅日期: 基础题: 单项选择 (每小题0.5分)( ) 1. Jim wants _ to you. A. to tell B. tells C. to talk D. talks( ) 2. Can you help me _ my English? A. with B. of C. learning D. about(

7、) 3. Miss Green is good _ music. She can be good _ children in the music club. A. at; at B. with; with C. at; with D. with; at( ) 4. Henry plays _ piano very well while(然而) his brother prefers(更喜欢) to play _ basketball. A. the; a B. the; / C. a; a D. /; the( ) 5. Little Tom can draw _ . His drawings

8、 are very _ . A. good; well B. well ; good C. good; good D. well; well 发展题:根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。(每小题0.5分)1.玛利亚想加入舞蹈俱乐部。Maria _ to join the _ club.2.你能帮助这些孩子学数学吗? Can you help the _ _ math.3.李老师和我们相处得很好。Mr Li _ good _ us.4.他会打网球,但不会弹吉他。 He can _ _ , but he cant _ _ _.5.我会打篮球,但我打得不好。I can play _ , but I ca

9、nt play it _.提高题:阅读理解(每小题1分) Lisa likes singing and she can play the piano. She wants to be a musician. One day she goes home after school. She sees a poster(海报). It says: A Musician Wanted Well have a party this weekend. Its December 12th. We want a musician. Can you sing? Can you play the piano? T

10、hen you can come to the party. Please call Amy at 620-6984. Lisa is very happy. She runs to her home and calls Amy. And then Amy asks her to go to the school club in the evening.( ) 1. What can Lisa do? A. She can paint. B. She can sing and play the piano C. She can swim. D. She can play the guitar.

11、( ) 2. What does Lisa want to be? A. A teacher. B. A runner. C. A movie star. D. A musician.( ) 3. When is the party? A. November 2nd. B. December 2nd. C. November 12th . D. December 12th( ) 4. Whats Amys telephone number? A. Its 520-6984. B. Its 620-6984. C. Its 602-6984. D. Its 620-6894.( ) 5. Where does Amy ask Lisa to go? A. To the party. B. To the art club. C. To the school club. D. To Amys home.【学生自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足) 今日一得: 今日不足: 【培辅课】(时段:大自习) 我今天进行了


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