(全国通用)初三英语二轮复习语法系列 第二十讲定语从句

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《(全国通用)初三英语二轮复习语法系列 第二十讲定语从句》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(全国通用)初三英语二轮复习语法系列 第二十讲定语从句(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、定语从句1、 定义概念:定语是用来修饰限定名词或者代词的成分,用来说明所修饰词的品质特征。可以充当定语的有形容词、名词、代词、数词、副词、不定式、动名词、分词、介词短语,当由一个句子充当定语时,我们把这个句子叫做定语从句,定语从句属于形容词性从句。1. she is a beautiful girl.(形容词)2. This is an apple tree.(名词)3. Who is that girl?(代词)4. I have three books.(数词)5. The girl over there is his sister.(副词)6. I have a lot of homew

2、ork to do.(不定式)7. There is a swimming pool.(动名词)8. The baby sleeping in the room is 10 years old.(现在分词)9. The house built last week needs repairing.(过去分词)10. The girl in red is my sister.(介词短语)以上10个句子中分别列举了可以做定语的词类。下面列举定语是句子的情况,也就是定语从句。定语从句需要掌握四个方面:主句、先行词、关系词、从句。定语从句的先行词一定是名词性的内容(名词、代词;代词其实是名词性的一种)1

3、. I know the girl who is beautiful.主句:I know the girl.先行词:the girl关系词:who(在从句中做主语)从句:who is beautiful.2. I lost the book that/which cost me 10 yuan.主句:I lost the book.先行词:the book关系词:that/which(在从句中做主语)从句:That/which cost me 10 yuan.3. She found a dog whose eyes are blue.主句:She found a dog先行词:a dog关系

4、词:whose(在从句中作定语)从句:whose eyes are blue4. I still remember the day when I graduate from school.主句:I still remember the day先行词:the day关系词:when(在从句中做时间状语)从句:when I graduate from school.5. Do you know the place where he is from.主句:Do you know the place先行词:the place关系词:where(在从句中做地点状语)从句:where he is from

5、.6. Thats the reason why he is late for school.主句:Thats the reason先行词:the reason关系词:why(在从句中做原因状语)从句:why he is late for school由以上例子可以看出,定语从句中有不同的关系词。关系词分为两大类:关系代词和关系副词。关系代词:that、which、who、whom、whose关系副词:when、where、why关系词的用法关系代词:that 既可指人,也可指物,作主语,不能省略;作宾语,可以省略。which指物,作主语,不能省略;作宾语,可以省略.who 指人,作主语,不能

6、省略;作宾语,可以省略whom指人,做宾语,前面没有介词时可以省略,如果有介词则不能省略whose只能作定语,不能省略关系副词:when做时间状语where做地点状语why做原因状语关系词详细讲解把两个句子合并成定语从句,两个句子一定要有一个共同的名词部分,才能建立关系,首先找到两个句子共同的名词部分,把第二个句子共同部分用关系词来代替,由此可以把两个句子连接在一起,形成定语从句。1、 关系代词that和whichthat:既可指人,也可指物,作主语,不能省略;作宾语,可以省略。which指物,作主语,不能省略;作宾语,可以省略.1.This is a dream.The dream will

7、 never come true.第一个句子中的 a dream和第二个句子中的the dream是重复部分,dream指物,由于在从句中做主语,可以用关系代词that/which来代替the dream,就可以改写为:This is a dream that/which will never come true.主句:This is a dream.先行词:a dream关系词:that/which(在从句中做主语,不可省略)从句:that/which will never come true.2. He likes the present. His mother bought it for

8、 him. 第一个句子中the present和第二个句子中it是重复部分,present指物,由于在从句中做宾语,可以用关系代词that/which来代替it,就可以改写为:He likes the present that/which his mother bought for him.主句:He likes the present.先行词:the present关系词:that/which(在从句中做宾语,可以省略)从句:that/which his mother bought for him.2、 关系代词who,whom和whosewho 指人,作主语,不能省略;作宾语,可以省略wh

9、om指人,做宾语,前面没有介词时可以省略,如果有介词则不能省略whose只能作定语,不能省略1.That is the boy. He did a very good job.第一个句子中the boy 和第二个句子中he是重复部分,boy指人,由于在从句中做主语,可以用关系代词that/who来代替he,就可以改写为:That is the boy that/who did a very good job.主句:That is the boy先行词:the boy关系词:that/who(在从句中做主语,不可省略)从句:that/who did a very good job.2.Do yo

10、u know the old man. They talked about the old man.在第一个句子中the old man 和第二个句子中 the old man 是重复部分,old man指人,由于在从句中做宾语,可以用关系词that/who/whom来代替the old man就可以改写为:Do you know the old man that/who/whom they talked about?主句:Do you know the old man 先行词:the old man关系词:that/who/whom从句:that/who/whom they talked a

11、bout3. We all like the boy.The boys name is Tom.在第一个句子中the boy和第二句中the boys是重复部分,由于the boys是所有格的形式,所以用关系代词whose来代替the boys,就可以改写为We all like the boy whose name is Tom.主句:We all like the boy先行词:the boy关系词:whose(作定语来修饰the boy)从句:whose name is Tom.注意1:关系代词做主语时,从句的谓语动词在人称和数上保持一致1.Anyone who finishes hom

12、ework can go home.关系词who在从句中做主语,谓语动词取决于先行词anyone,anyone属于不定代词,谓语动词用单数,所以finishes用单三形式。2. I found the dogs that were sleeping in the garden.关系词that在从句中做主语,谓语动词取决于先行词the dogs,the dogs是负数形式,由于时态是过去时,所以be动词用were.注意:2:关系代词whom做宾语不能省略的情况当关系代词whom前有介词时,whom不能省略。如果介词放在句子末尾,则whom可以省略。1.I know the boy about w

13、hom they are talking.(whom前有介词about,所以whom不可以省略)=I know the boy whom they are talking about.(whom前无介词,可以省略)2. She is the girl with whom I usually go shopping .(whom前有介词with,所以whom不可以省略)=She is the girl whom I usually go shopping with.(whom前无介词,可以省略)注意3:关系词只能用that的情况1.当先行词是 all,much,any, few, little,

14、 none, anything, everything, nothing something或被它们修饰时 (1)Thats all that I know. (2)Is there anything that I can do for you? (3)He answered few questions that the teacher asked.2.当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时(1)That is the most interesting book that I have ever read.(2)The first thing that I should do is to rev

15、iew my lessons.3. 当先行词有the very, the only, the same,the last等修饰时。(1)Thats the only thing that I can do now.(2)These are the very words that he used.4. 当主句以 who 或 which开头时,为了避免重复,定语从句的关系词用 that, 而不用 which 或 who.(1)Who is the girl that spoke to you just now?(2)Which is the pen that you lost ?5.先行词同时包括人和物时,关系词用that.(1)The man and his dog that I always meet are standing by the gate.(2)Can you tell me th



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