四川省雷波县民族中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister听说课学案(无答案) 人教新目标版

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四川省雷波县民族中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister听说课学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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四川省雷波县民族中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister听说课学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
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四川省雷波县民族中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister听说课学案(无答案) 人教新目标版_第3页
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《四川省雷波县民族中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister听说课学案(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省雷波县民族中学八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister听说课学案(无答案) 人教新目标版(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sisterLearning Goals Learn the comparatives with r,er/ier, yi+er, 双写最后一个辅音字母+er, and more: calmer, wilder, funnier, more outgoing .Learn to compare people with such patterns as: He has shorter hair than Sam. Hes calmer than Sam. Talk about characters of your own and

2、others. Pay respect to yourself and others .Cultivate good personal traits.(目标引领,本节课的三维目标:知识、能力和情感目标体现明确。)Preview 一、Do you look the same as your family, your friends or others? If not, what are your differences? Can you describe your looks using some sentences?_二、Look at p17-18, then write down the

3、opposites of the following adjectives without looking at the text.1. wild_ 2. serious _ 3. quiet_ 4. white_ 5. different _ 6. fat _ 7. small_8. short_9. heavy _ 10. good_三、Write the comparative degrees of the following adjectives. 1. cold _ 2. big _ 3. thin _ 4.outgoing_ 5.interesting_6. heavy_ 7. c

4、alm_ 8. strong _9. hot_ 10. good_(预习体现了以学生为中心的思想,强调学生的参与、体验、感知、实践和交流,以学定教。)Warming up and leading in热身导入Show some pictures to Ss. Say They are stars-film stars, sports stars and so on. Ask Ss to tell what they see. Ask Ss to use the words: tall, wild, thin, long hair, short hair, heavy, calm, short

5、and so on.T: Look at the pictures. What does he/ she look like? Ss: He/She is/has (Learn the new words: wild and calm.)T: Lets finish 1a.(导入要联系所学的内容,使学生自然而然地进入新课的学习。) Show the pictures and ask students to compare two things. Jordan is tall. Yao Ming is taller than Jordan.Let the students read after

6、the teacher and learn how to compare. 1c Pair work:A: I amB: I amthan you. And you arethan me.T: Some students are talking about the three twins. Lets listen to 1b.Listening for the general idea听取大意1b1 Listen and choose the main idea of the three conversations.The main idea of the three conversation

7、s is to talk about .A. some friends traits B. some twins traits C. some classmates traitsListening for the specific ideas听取细节 1b2 Listen and number the pairs of twins in the picturesListen again and fill in the blanks.1. Toms _than Sam.2. Tina is _than Tara. Shes also_.3. Pedros _ than Paul. And Pau

8、ls _than Pedro.Listen and repeat.(听力理解一般要先听大意,然后再听细节,初步用听的技能获取、处理和传递所需信息。理解文段后,进行听力模仿,感知英语发音特点,提高口语表达水平。)T: Here are another twins Tina and Tara. Lets listen to something about them.2a Listen. Are the words in the box used with “-er/-ier” or “more”. Complete the chart.er / -ier moreoutgoing2b Listen

9、 again. How are Tina and Tara different? Fill in the charts. Tina is Tara is funnier Listen and fill in the blanks. Interviewer: Tina, do you think you are different from Tara?Tina: Oh, sure. Were very different. Im _than Tara. And Im_. Lets see, what else? Oh, Im_, too.Interviewer : So, Tara, are y

10、ou _than Tina?Tara: I guess so. Im _than Tina. And Im_.Post-listening activities听后活动1. Read 2a/2b in pairs and make the conversations by 2a/2b.SamTomsmarttallathleticquietthinfunny(听后活动是接近实际生活的各种情境,语言实践活动要循序渐进,主要培养学生用英语做事情的能力,在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力及交流与合作的能力,形成语感,以便在具体情境下开展有效交流。)2. Super star (Individua

11、l performance)T: Suppose you are a super star in the future. What will you look like and what will you be like?S: Im better than now, of course.1). Show an example on the screen:I want to be a super star. Now Im tall. Later Im taller. Now Im a middle school student. Later Im a college student.2). Ge

12、t Ss to design their future and have a free talk.3). Ask some Ss to share with others.(1、设计的活动既突出互动合作,又体现个性化发展,有利于调动各个层面同学的学习积极性,最大限度地提高每位同学的参与意识。2、活动的主题难易顾及到学生的实际情况,操作具有可行性。3、教师导演,学生主演,充分发挥学生的主体作用和积极能动性。) Inquiry into knowledge by translation 一、 观察并翻译下面的句子,体会本课语法。1. He has shorter hair than Sam. 2.

13、 Hes calmer than Sam. 3. Pedro is funnier than Paul. 4. Tom is more athletic than Sam. 结论:shorter, calmer, funnier and more athletic 为相应形容词的_形式。 其句式结构为_。 形容词和副词的比较级的构成:(P93)1) 规则变化构成方法 原级比较级一般在单音节词词尾加_tallgreattallergreater已不发音的e结尾的加_nicelargelatenicerlargerlater重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时,_bigfathotthinbiggerfatterhotterthinner以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,_busyhappyfunnybusierhappierfunnier多音节形容词和部分双音节形容词构成比较级时_importan


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