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1、流程图 流程图常见的错误是很多学生会忽略图里的信息 普通图表题经常需要学生 有选择地描述数据 而流程图需要学生全部信息都要涉及 流程图在叙述过程中要注意以时间或者阶段来描述 这样 比较清晰 流程图不需要对比和比较 传送Deliver send transfer transport 转化Convert into transform into 使用Utilise employ use 连接词Afterwards subsequently then in the next step after that Next finally At the first stage at the second st

2、age 工序图基本上就是下面这么一个句子 材料 动作 被动 介词 in or by 器具 流程图的 5个常用句式 首先你们要熟悉五个句子 翻译 巧克力会转移到烤箱 oven 被加热和变成液体 常用句式 1 用 where 或者 in which 引导的定语从句 答案 1 Chocolate is sent to the oven where it is heated and turned into liquid 常用句式 2 使用 before 或者 after 分词的结构 答案 2 Chocolate is sent to the oven before being heated and t

3、urned into liquid 常用句式 3 使用 after which 引导的定语从句 答案 3 Chocolate is sent to the oven at the first stage after which it is heated and turned into liquid 这个句子只是为了练习结构使用 在这个语境下 不如第一 句好 常用句式 4 使用 until once 引导的状语语从句 答案 4 Chocolate is placed in the oven until it is heated and turned into liquid 这个句子只是为了练习结

4、构使用 在这个语境下 不如第一句好 附加的句式 句子 5 使用 and连接两个步骤 答案 5 Chocolate is heated in the oven and turned into liquid 课前练习题目 看看这些过程可以怎么使用 5 种句子描述 可以使用什么连接词 每 句话都写一下 然后对照范文 这个过程重复 3次 就会熟悉所有的句子 The diagram shows how bricks are produced and what facilities are used The whole process starts from the collection of clay

5、Once the clay is collected by the digger it is sent to the metal grid Clay is put through the metal grid and small particles then fall on the roller At the next stage these particles are combined mixed with sand as well as water before being cut by the wire cutter or shaped by the mould into bricks

6、Next these bricks are dried in the drying oven for 24 to 48 hours and placed in one kiln in which they are heated at the temperature between 200 and 980 C and then in another kiln in which they are heated at high temperature between 870 and 1300 C Bricks are cooled in the chamber in the next step af

7、ter which they are packaged and delivered to customers Overall brick production consists of four stages starting from collecting clay and ending in the delivery of bricks 上课练习题目 使用 5种句子描述 然后我上课评讲和串成一篇文章 一定要自己 写 否则上课会没有效果 其次 你们可以在文中使用五个句子 句式 1 用 where 或者 in which 引导的定语从句 句式 2 使用 before 或者 after 分词的结构

8、 句式 3 使用 after which 引导的定语从句 句式 4 使用 until once 引导的状语语从句 句子 5 使用 and连接两个步骤 课后思考题 1 为什么流程图一般用不到 although 引导的状语从句 Although 是让步状语从句 一般意味着转折 但是流程图只是一个过程的描 述 不存在转折 因此 although 只用于普通图表题 譬如说一个数据虽然本来 是最高的 但是最后下降 2 为什么流程图不用过去或者将来时态 而普通图表经常是过去时态 因为流程图描述的是一个事实 不仅仅是过去发生 也不是在以后发生 而普 通图表经常是出现过去的时间 应该用一般过去时或者过去完成时

9、态 3 为什么流程图的分词经常要用 being done 而不是普通图表里的 doing 流程图很多时候涉及到工具的使用 某个东西的制作或者加工 这些材料都是 被处理 要用被动 being done 地图 地图题分两种 变迁题目对照题目 定义描述一个地区不同时期的特点对比两个地方的差异 例子 手把手 上的题目剑 5的第三套 时态使用过去时 也可能使用现在时 和将来时态 使用现在时 地点的描述需要描述变化的方向 譬如说 to the south to the north 共同点 不同地征 譬如说建筑 道路 河流等 的具体位置 都要关注对比和比较 位于Situated located sited

10、lying 位置To the east west north south of On the eastern southern side of In the north eastern corner of In the centre of 附近Next to near to adjacent to 地图题的地点通过两个参照物来定位 1 在图里可以容易定位的地方 譬如说 东南西北 或者东南角 西南角等 2 如果定位不了 可以选择最近的一个地 方作为参照物描述 地图题说地点的 1个常见问题是 很多学生以一个没有描述过的地点作为参照 物 上北下南左西右东 地图题的 5个常用句式 前三个句子为主 后面

11、的句子为连接和点缀 句式 1 located situated sited built constructed 地点 1 一块湿地 wetland 在湖的西南面 A wetland is located to the southeast of the lack 句式 2 地点 with 地点 方位 2 这个地区有一个很大的树林 在南面有一个农场 This region has large woodland with a farm to the south 句式 3 there be 句型 3 东南角有两个学校 There are two schools on the south eastern

12、 corner of the area 句式 4 使用 while but 和 and连接的句子 4 城市的北面有一个山 而南面有一个湖 A mountain is located to the north of the city while there is a river to the south 句式 5 倒装句 5 河的南面有个博物馆 To the south of the river was a library 句式 6 使用名词性从句 譬如说 it should be noted that it is worth noting that it is noticeable that

13、we can see that it is clear that one significant change is that 6 值得注意的是这个图书馆在东侧有一长列的会议室 It is noticeable that the library has a row of meeting rooms on the eastern side 课前练习题目 看看这些地点可以怎么使用 6 种句子描述 自己先思考 先写 然后 再对照范文 这个过程重复 3次 就会熟悉所有的句子 The maps show how an area has developed and what changes are lik

14、ely to happen in future There is a river that crosses the area from north to south Situated to the east of the river a small housing area covered the north western corner of the area in 1968 A forest was on the north western corner of the area with a city road to the south linking the city and the s

15、hipside Since 1968 the forest has been replaced by buildings while the housing area has doubled in size It is also noticeable that the city road has been extended from west to east In future a new road is planned to be built to the south of the existing road and a church is to be constructed on the

16、south eastern corner with a car park next to it Overall the areas have seen an increase in constructions and transport infrastructures and this trend is likely to continue in future 上课练习题目 使用 6种句子描述 然后我上课评讲和串成一篇文章 一定要自己 写 否则上课会没有效果 The map shows how a place in the UK Chorleywood developed in the past 句式 1 located situated sited built constructed 地点 句式 2 地点 with 地点 方位 句式 3 there be 句型 句式 4 使用 while but 和 and连接的句子 句式 5 倒装句 句式 6 使用名词性从句 譬如说 it should be noted that it is worth noting that it is noti


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