四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister Section B 1a-1e导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister Section B 1a-1e导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister Section B 1a-1e导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister Section B 1a-1e导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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《四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister Section B 1a-1e导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校八年级英语上册 Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister Section B 1a-1e导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister Section B 1a-1e【学习目标】 1.识记、运用描述好朋友标准的词句。 2.听磁带,进一步熟悉比较级的用法并学会运用听力中所使用的对比方法。 3.提高自己的听力技巧。【自主学习】认真预习课本第20页的内容,熟记下列词汇。though conj.虽然;尽管;adv.不过 care about关心 talented adj.有才能的;有天赋的 truly adv.真实地;真诚地;正确地 care v.关心;担忧;照顾;在乎请选择正确的词组翻译填空。对有好处;擅长于;善于与某人打交道;对某人和善;be good

2、for_; be good to sb._ be good with sb._; be good at_; do well in_。【自学指导】对话及听读学习阅读:1c、1d题目,完成下列要求。1.弄清题意并小组讨论如何做才能提升自己的听力。2.听磁带,完成听力。注意使用你们讨论所得的听力技巧。3.同老师同学核对答案。【自学检测】翻译下列词组。(请同学们关上课本独立完成,完成后对子间相互批阅。)have cool clothes_; be popular in school_;like to do the same things as me_ _; be good at_ _; make sb

3、. Laugh_ _;Be talented in _; care about sb _ 【合作探究】make用法小结1. 当make的意思是“做、制造、制作”时,常用的句型是: (1) make sth. (to do sth.) 意为“制造某物”。举例_. (2) make sb. sth. / make sth. for sb. 意为“为某人制作某物”。举例_. (3) 被动语态中常用be made of / from, be made in, be made by等短语来表示“是由制成的”,“是在制成的”和“是被制成的”。举例_.2. 当make的意思是“使、使得”时,一般用于“mak

4、e + 宾语 + 宾补”这种结构,常用的句型是: (1) make + sb. / sth. + adj. 意为“使某人或某物处于某种状态”。举例_. (2) make + sb. / sth. + 省略to的动词不定式, 意为“使某人或某物做某事”。举例_.【小组展示】展示合作探究中的成果。随堂笔记 (教师指导归纳整理)_【当堂检测反馈】(3)选择恰当的词的适当形式填空。 (关上书本,独立完成。做完后对子间相互批阅。)be the same as, be good at , like, make sb. laugh, be different from1.Tara and Judy _Eng

5、lish now.2. I _to have friends who are like me.3.Last Sunday I went to watch a dolphin show, and it _4.What _you_ _your best friend?5.Sam _Tom. They are outgoing.【拓展提升】1.时间: 10 2.训练方式:独立,自主完成 自评: 师评: 1、 基础题: 按要求写出下列各词的正确形式1. He is _ (young) than I am.2. Mr. Smith is much _ (old) than his wife.3. Chi

6、cago is _ (big) than Paris.4. This book is _ (good) than that one.5. The weather this winter is _ (bad)than that of last winter.二、发展题 :单项选择。 ( )1. Mr Bean enjoys _ jokes and often makes us _. A.to tell; to laugh B.tells; laugh C.telling; laugh D.telling; laughing( )2. His parents often make him _ hi

7、s homework till 10 pm. A.do B.does C.to do D.doing( )3.Write _ and try not to make any mistakes.A.as careful as possible B.more careful C.most careful D.as carefully as you can ( )4.Jack is good at drawing. I think no one draws _ .A. better B. best C. Worse D. Worst( )5.Its important _ us _ _English

8、 well. A. of; learning B. for; to learn C. Of; to learn . D.or; learning 3、 提高题:完成句子。1. I study science very well. (同义句转换) I am very _ _ science.2. Miss Ma is popular in our class. Mr.Li is more popular.(同义句转换) Mr. Li is _ _ _ Miss Ma.3. My sister is better at study than I. She is clever. (同义句转换) My

9、 sister is much _ than me _study.4.Im not as strong as my brother.(改为同义句) My brother is _ _ me.四、阅读理解Why is 2020 a special year? Because it is a Leap Year(闰年).Whats so special about that? Well, we have a Leap Year every four years. And it has 366 days, not the usual (通常的)365. In a Leap Year, we have

10、 29 days in February, while in a usual year we have only 28 days.Why do we have a Leap Year? We have a Leap Year so we can keep the calendar (日历)in step (一致)with the seasons. The calendar is a kind of clock for the year. But how long is a year? A calendar year is 365 days. But a true year is 365 day

11、s, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds long. Thats the time it takes the earth to go around the sun. So every four years we have one more day, and we put it at the end of February, the shortest month of a year. Then we have a Leap Year.( )1. How often can we have a Leap Year?A. Every year B. Every Fe

12、bruary C. Every four years( )2. What is a calendar? Its a kind of clock _.A. for the year B. for Leap Year C. for the usual year( )3. It takes the earth _ to go around the sun.A. a day B. a year C. a little longer than 365 days( )4. Which is the shortest month of the year?A. February B. March C. May( )5. Mary was born on February 29,1972. Now she is 32. How many birthdays has she had?A. 32 B. 16 C. 8【学生自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足) 今日一得:


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