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1、Created By Ieltsassistant Make something of oneself 英文翻译 become successful in a career 中文翻译 在某一个领域很成功 例句 My dad never thought I would make something of myself because I didn t graduate from a prestigious university but I proved him wrong Get worked up about something 英文翻译 become upset or emotional a

2、bout something 中文翻译 对某些事情 感到失望和情绪化 例句 There was nothing we could have done to stop the robber from taking our money so we shouldn t get worked up about the theft We just learn from the situation and move on Be strapped for cash 英文翻译 have no money available 中文翻译 没有钱 例句 He has really been strapped for

3、 cash because he lost his job two weeks ago Pinch pennies 英文翻译 be careful with money 中文翻译 精心理财 例句 That young couple had to pinch pennies so they can live In the hole 英文翻译 in debt 中文翻译 负债 例句 My brother has charged so some many purchases to his credit cards that he s in the hole Make ends meet 英文翻译 ma

4、ke enough money to live 中文翻译 保持温饱 例句 When I was a student I had to work three part time jobs to make ends meet Adrop in the bucket 英文翻译 not important 中文翻译 不重要的 例句 I d like to do something to change the world but whatever I do seems like a drop in the bucket A slip of the tongue 英文翻译 to say something

5、 by accident 中文翻译 突然间说了一些内容 例句 Be careful talking to the police tomorrow one slip of the tongue could get us into big trouble Absence makes the heart grow fonder 英文翻译 the time spent apart makes you care for a person even more 中文翻译 随着时间的流逝 让你更加关心一个人 例 句 The time we spend apart has been good for us ab

6、sence makes the heart grow fonder Actions speak louder than words 英文翻译 we learn more from people s actions than from their words 中文翻译 用事实说话 例句 Don t tell me how to do this show me Actions speak louder than words Against the clock 英文翻译 working hard to finish by a certain time 中文翻译 努力工作来准时完成 例句 We wor

7、ked against the clock all day to get this report done by 5PM All greek 英文翻译 I don t understand it at all 中文翻译 我一点儿也不懂 例句 Did you understand what he just said Reply Nope It was all Greek to me All that glitters is not gold 英文翻译 it may not be as valuable as it seems 中文翻译 看起来没有那么值 例句 Be careful when sh

8、opping for your new car all that glitters is not gold At the drop of a hat 英文翻译 quickly and easily without needing to decide 中文翻译 快速而直接的 做出决定 例句 Would you travel around the world if you had the money Answer At the drop of a hat At wit s end 英文翻译 not able to come up with a solution 中文翻译 不能很快的做出决定 例句

9、We have been at wit s end trying to figure out how we are going to pay our taxes Back to the drawing board 英文翻译 time to start over again 中文翻译 从头再来 例句 It looks like my plan to kill the weeds in the garden has failed Back to the drawing board Beat a dead horse 英文翻译 forcing an issue that is already clo

10、sed 中文翻译 徒劳无功 白费口舌 例句 There s no use in beating a dead horse Burning the midnight oil 英文翻译 up late at night working hard 中文翻译 工作到很晚 例句 Our son has been working hard preparing for his final exams Can t cut the mustard 英文翻译 not good enough to participate 中文翻译 不够优秀以至于不能参与 例句 Bob dropped out of medical

11、school he couldn t cut the mustard Come hell or high water 英文翻译 no matter what else happens 中文翻译 无论发生了什么 例句 Will you be at the family reunion next year Cry over spilt milk 英文翻译 complaining about some past loss 中文翻译 抱怨过去的得失 例句 Let s not go crying over spilt milk Curiosity killed the cat 英文翻译 curiosit

12、y can be dangerous 中文翻译 好奇害死猫 例句 Let s not try to find out Curiosity killed the cat Down to the wire 英文翻译 the winner will be determined at the last instant 中文翻译 坚持到最后就能获得胜利 例句 It looks like this race is going to come right down to the wire Every cloud has a silver lining 英文翻译 be hopeful because diff

13、icult times always lead to better days 中文翻译 充满希望 因为艰苦的时光总是能带来更好的生 活 例句 I found a new job after all and I like this one much better than the last You see every cloud has a silver lining Finding your feet 英文翻译 feeling more comfortable in what you are doing 中文翻译 对你正在做的事 感到很满足 例句 Don t worry about it We

14、 will help you while you are finding your feet Fixed in your ways 英文翻译 not wanting to change how you do things 中文翻译 不喜欢改变 例句 Sometimes it is hard to accept that your parents are fixed in their ways Flash in the pan 英文翻译 a sudden success that disappears quickly 中文翻译 短暂的成功很快就消失了 例 句 What a great first

15、 year he had but after that nothing Just another flash in the pan From rags to riches 英文翻译 from poor to healthy 中文翻译 从贫穷到富有 例句 My uncle is a real rags to riches story Icing on the cake 英文翻译 a second great thing happens in addition to the first 中文翻译 除了第一之外第二发生的好事 例句 I ve been accepted by the universi

16、ty and they ve offered me a position on the basketball team That s wonderful Icing on the cake In the heat of the moment 英文翻译 overwhelmed by the experience of that moment 中文翻译 被当时的情况所迷惑 例句 Sorry about what I said I got caught up in the heat of the moment On the fence 英文翻译 You are still undecided 中文翻译 仍然犹豫不决 例句 Has he decided whether he will take the job yet No he s still on the fence on the top of the world 英文翻译 you are feeling great 中文翻译 感觉非常棒 例句 What a great time we had that night we were on t


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