四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 2I think that moon-cakes are delicious Section A 2a-2d导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板

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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 2I think that moon-cakes are delicious Section A 2a-2d导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板_第1页
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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 2I think that moon-cakes are delicious Section A 2a-2d导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板_第2页
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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 2I think that moon-cakes are delicious Section A 2a-2d导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板_第3页
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《四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 2I think that moon-cakes are delicious Section A 2a-2d导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 2I think that moon-cakes are delicious Section A 2a-2d导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 I think that moon-cakes are delicious Section A 【学习目标】1.通过对话和听力的操练,学会描述度假的活动及对活动的评价。 2.通过角色表演了解泼水节的习俗。 3.进一步学习宾语从句。【自主学习】预习课本第2页的单词和对话, 初步理解对话含义并完成如下自我检测练习。【自学检测】一、生词检测1. I am new in this city , so I am a _. 2. He often eats a lot, so he 20 pounds again.3. Jenny is the only in that big city.二

2、、.短语语翻译(请同学们关上课本独立完成,完成后对子间相互批阅。) 1.外出就餐_ 2.胖了5磅 _ 3.两周后_ 4.一个泼水节_ 5.be similar to 6.洗去不好的东西 7.人们到街上去相互泼水 定向导学互动展示 Self-study& Self-explorationCooperation & ExplorationShow & ImprovementConclusion & Summarization【自学指导】内容学法时间 15【合作探究】内容形式时间8【小组展示】内容形式时间 10 随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练Step1:对话及听读学习(5)1.仔细阅读2a中的句子

3、,理解每句话的含义。2.听读::听第一遍录音,跟着录音节奏,体会一下这段对话的语音语调和情境氛围。 :听第二遍录音,根据录音材料正确的圈出正确的单词。 3.看2b的表格,理解其要求。4. 听第三遍录音,填表格。5.模仿录音中说话人的语音语调边听边跟读并自主核对答案。Step2:对话操练与拓展(5)1.大声自由练读2c中的对话范例。2. 然后两人一组自编对话。Step3:角色表演对话(5)1.独自快速阅读2d,理解含义。2.两人角色朗读对话。3.听录音,边听边跟读。4.提问,老师点拨。两人小对子:(2)1. 对子间互相配合练读2a中的对话,注意语音语调。 2. 分角色朗读2d的对话,准备展示。六

4、人互助组:(3)小组内统一听力答案,并针对听力内容学会描述假期活动。组内共同体:(3)组长根据自己的展示方案分配任务,带领组员在组内进行预展,准备在本组展示区进行展示。展示一:(5)原音呈现,竞读展示A组:尽可能多的将2c,2d的对话范例采用朗读,诵读,赛读和赛背等方式展示本组读的风采。(尽可能多地调动全班的竞读氛围)B组:通过带读和原音呈现的方式展示本组听力理解部分的答案。 展示二:(5)情景体验,学以致用C组:将本组遴选的优秀自编对话写在本组展示区内,并采用对读,朗读,诵读等方式进行班级或小组诵读对抗赛,展示本组的诵读风采。D组:根据本组遴选的优秀自编新对话,创设情境,全组进行自编新对话的

5、情境表演。1.听后填空Harry: What did you do on your vacation, Wu Ming?Wu Ming: I visited my aunt and uncle in HongKong.Harry: Wow! So what did you do?Wu Ming: Well, we out a lot. I believe that we ate at least five meals a day!How delicious the food is! Ive put on five pounds!Harry: Haha! Yes, the food in Hon

6、g Kong is delicious. What else did you do?Wu Ming: Shopping, of course. Hong Kong is a great place for shopping! I spent so much money.Harry: So what was the best of the trip?Wu Ming: Oh, the Dragon Boat Festival for . They had teams from all over the world!Harry: Im planning a to Hong Kong next yea

7、r. I wonder whether June is a good time.Wu Ming: Yes, if you want to see the boat races. But its hot in June. Thats one thing I didnt like.Harry: Oh, I dont mind hot .Wu Ming: OK, then I think that June would be a perfect time for you to visit.等级评定 【语法聚焦】9 直接引语变为间接引语(二)-时态变化直接引语在改为间接引语时,时态需要做相应的调整。其

8、基本法则和我们刚刚学过的宾语从句的时态变化一致,也就是说从句时态要和主句时态一致。如果从句是过去时,主句要向后退一格时态,变成一种过去时。1. She said. “I have lost a pen.” She said she had lost a pen. 2. She said. “We hope so.” She said they hoped so. 3. She said,“He will go to see his friend。”She said he would go to see his friend. (一般将来 过去将来) 但要注意在以下几种情况下。在直接引语变为间接

9、引语时,时态一般不变化。 直接引语是客观真理。 eg: “The earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth”, the teacher told me. The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun and the moon moves around the earth。 直接引语是过去进行时,时态不变。 eg:Jack said, “John, where were you going when I met you in the street?” Jac

10、k asked John where he was going when he met him in the street.直接引语中有具体的过去某年、某月、某日作状语,变为间接引语时,时态不变。 eg: Xiao Wang said,“I was born on April 20, 1980.” Xiao Wang said he was born on April 20, 1980. 直接引语如果是一般现在时。表示一种反复出现或习惯性的动作,变间接引语,时态不变。 eg:He said, “I get up at six every morning.” He said he gets up

11、 at six every morning. 如果直接引语中的情态动词没有过去时的形式(例:ought to,had better,used to)和已经是 过去时的形式时,(例:could, should, would, might)不再变。 eg:Peter said,“You had better come have today.” Peter said I had better go there that day.【拓展提升】1.时间: 3 2.训练方式: 独立,自主完成 自评: 师评: 批阅日期: 将下列句子连接成宾语从句1. These flowers are from Guang

12、dong. He said. He said _ these flowers _ from Guangdong.2. Light travels faster than sound. My teacher told me. My teacher told me _ light _ faster than sound.3. There will be a meeting in five days. Jack didnt know. Jack didnt know _ there _ _ a meeting in five days.4. Can they speak French? I want

13、 to know. W I want to know _ _ _ _ French.5. Are the children playing games? Tell me. Tell me _ the children _ _ games.6. Have you finished your homework yet? Mr. Zhao asked Ma ChaoMr. Zhao asked Ma Chao _ _ _ _ _ homework yet.7. How many people can you see in the picture? Who knows?Who knows _ _ _ _ _ _ in the picture?8. Where did she park her car? Do you know?Do you know _ _ _ her car?【学生自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足) 今日一得:


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