四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 3a-3b(Period 2)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板

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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 3a-3b(Period 2)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板_第1页
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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 3a-3b(Period 2)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板_第2页
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四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 3a-3b(Period 2)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板_第3页
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《四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 3a-3b(Period 2)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省宜宾县双龙镇初级中学校九年级英语上册 Unit 1 How can we become good learnersSection A 3a-3b(Period 2)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标板(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners Section A 【学习目标】学习目标:1.掌握重点单词和短语expression; discover; secret; grammar; look up等。2.继续学习并掌握含有特殊疑问词“how”的问句以及by + 动词ing的用法。3.通过阅读和合作进一步讨论学习英语的技巧和方法。学习重点:能读懂谈论英语学习技巧的文章;by + 动词ing的用法。【自主学习案】学法指导:先在没有看单词表的情况下认真默读3a,遇到不认识或不能理解的单词试着通过阅读上下文来猜出其意思。然后回答3a中的问题。再认真拼读P3的单词和

2、短语,掌握其发音和中文意思。Task 1. 首先我需要认真默读3a, 掌握文章的大概意思,然后回答3a中的问题。(答案写在书上。)Task 2. 再次阅读3a,合上书后翻译下面的短语。1. look up_2. be afraid to do sth._3. because of_4. fall in love with_ 5. the secret to_ 6. at first_ Task 3. 用我喜欢的方式大声朗读3a,做到能通顺流畅的读。【合作学习案】 Step 1. 和我的搭档一起核对3a答案,并且对照老师出示的正确答案相互纠错。 Step 2. 先独立完成活动3b, 然后组长带领

3、组员们核对答案。Step 3. 再次阅读3a, 组长带领组员对于每一个句子进行翻译和讲解,并能适当地拓展。大家都做好随堂笔记。组长根据自己的展示方案分配任务,带领组员在组内进行预展,准备在本组展示区进行展示。展示要求:全员积极参与互动。合理分配组员,全员参与,有序展示;书写规范,工整美观。面向全体,自然大方;发音清晰,声音洪亮,肢体语言运用得当;展示生动活泼独具特色或知识点讲解通透易懂。Step 4. 知识梳理。(请先独立自主完成再组内讨论)1. so that 和so. that的区别。so that 意思是_,引导目的状语从句,可以和“in order to”互换。从句谓语动词常用情态动词

4、may/ might, can/ could, should, would等。如:Tony hides behind the door so that no one can find him.so. that.意思是_,其中so后面接_,that引导结果状语从句。如:Tom is so nervous that he cant talk in front of the class.【巩固训练案】I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Wei Fen found it difficult _(learn) English?2.Its too hard _(understand) the voices

5、.3.I learned _(use) sentences like “Its a piece of cake”by_(watch) the movies.4._(memorize) words and phrases is a good way to study English.5.My writing also _(improve) by taking notes, doing exercises and reading a lot.II.阅读理解。 Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwor

6、k. It can make your confident when youare studying. But unluckily, most students dont know how to take notes. Here are some suggestions. Write down key facts. If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, thats great. You can copy them orwrite down the most important facts of all in class. Differe

7、nt teachers do things differently. For example, some Teachers may focus on(关注)lots of dates and facts in class, but they only write the important ones on theblackboard. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may say something important again and again. Ask. Dont be afraid to ask your t

8、eacher to repeat(重复)what you miss. If your teacher speaks too fast and you cant follow what he is saying, you can ask him after class. Compare. Comparing your notes with your classmates can be good for your learning. It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes. Organize. Note-taki

9、ng also needs organization. Keep notes for each subject in one notebook so that you can find everything easily when a test comes. Good note-taking takes time. If you decide to recopy your notes every evening, youll surely have less time to watch TV. But youll save time in the coming test.( ) 6. Ther

10、e are_main points about note-taking in this passage. A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7( ) 7. What should you write down in your note book in class? A. Every word. B. Lots of dates. C. The most important facts. D. Your complaints about the teacher.( ) 8. If you cant follow your teachers in class, what should you d

11、o? A. Ask them after class. B. Ask them before class. C. Stop listening in class. D. Complain to them about the class.( ) 9. Which way can help you correct mistakes in your notes? A. Organizing the notes. B. Asking your teachers for help. C. Recopying your notes after class. D. Comparing your notes with others.( ) 10. Which can be the BEST title for this passage? A. How to Take Notes B. What to Do In Class C. How to Study For A Test D. What to Do With ProblemsIII. 认真识记本课单词和短语,准备听写。 【总结反思】这节课我学到的新知识有:_


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