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1、英语专四写作必备万能句型一、开篇、段首常用句型1. When asked about _, the majority would support A. Others, however, like me, regard B as their propensity.2. If I were force to agree with one of the two methods, my choice would be for _.3. When faced with _, quite a few people claim that _ , but other people think of _ as

2、_.4. There are different views concerning this topic. In my part, I would like to vote for A/B.5. As far as I am concerned, I have a preference for A over B.6. No issue is more important now than the one that _ is widely held by _.7. The effect of comparison is heightened by the unique advantage B e

3、njoys.8. Despite the fact that A enjoys considerable advantage of _, it cannot be compared with B in several main aspects.9. The advantages of A carry more weight than those of B.10. After considering this question on many occasions, I finally reached the conclusion that _ is something worth doing a

4、nd I cannot skip it.11. Nowhere in the world has the issue of _ been so much debated like in our society.12. Some people argue as if it is a general truth that _. But to be frank, I cannot agree with them for the following reasons.13. However sound the arguments of _ may be, they only skim the surfa

5、ce of the problem.14. There are numerous reasons why _, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.15. Nowadays, there is a growing concern over _.16. Faced with _, quite a few people argue that_.二、主体段落常用句型1. A good case in point is _.2. The undeniable deficiency in this remark i

6、s the negligence of the bare fact that _.3. No one could neglect/deny the fact that _.4. One of the primary causes is that _.5. The above point is certainly true if _ is considered.6. Certainly no other reason in my decision is more crucial than the one as follows.7. The main reason for my propensit

7、y for _ is that _.8. A particular notable case of this matter is _.9. It might be noted that _.10. But there is a further more subtle point that we must consider.11. What is also worth noticing is that _.12. There is another factor that deserves some words here.13. Beyond these obvious reasons, howe

8、ver, lies a deeper cause _.14. Although _ is probably the paramount determinant, it is not the only explanation for _.15. It is true that _. But one vital point is being left out.16. There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.17. Some people say _. But it do

9、es not hold water.18. Many of us have been under the illusion that_.19. A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.20. It makes no sense to argue for_.21. Such statement mainly rests on the assumption that _.22. Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that _.23. Fortuna

10、tely, however, more and more people come to realize that _.24. If you push the analysis/argument further, you will see that_.25. What this survey reveals is cold and hard, so the top priority task for us to set about is to _.26. No one can deny the fact that_.27. Unfortunately, none of the available

11、 data show _.28. Most people have realized the seriousness of what this survey exposes, but _.29. If it is intended for _, however, the divergence of outlook on it ceases to continue while a new meaning to it begins o stand out.30. According to statistics proved by _, it can be seen that _.三、结尾段落常用句

12、型1. Taking account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that_.2. All reliable evidences point to one conclusion, that is _.3. For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that _.4. Given the factors I have just outlined, I can only say that _.5. Therefore, it is safe

13、ly to draw the conclusion that _.6. Recognizing the fact that _, we can conclude that _.7. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that _.8. In conclusion, it is imperative that _.9. To solve the above mentioned problem, we must_.10. In summary, if we continue to ignore

14、 the above mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.11. With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.12. Taking all these into account, we _.13. It may give rise to a host of problems.14. It will exercise a profound influence upon _.15. If we let the situation go as it is,_. By that time, _.



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