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1、Overview教学目标掌握考纲中C,D为首字母的单词的词性变化情况,并且训练至熟练。教学安排一览事项时间1以10题或者20题或者30题一次的频率(根据学生对考纲单词的熟悉程度)来给学生做练习。学生对于出现错误后便对其犯错误的单词参照词汇表进行讲解。然后继续做练习,出现错误便再讲解。反复实施,让学生充分熟练。120mins23456 78910全日制教案之词性转换基础班(2)Presentation序英语词性中文1Canadan.加拿大Canadianadj. n.加拿大人;加拿大的2carev. n.介意;在乎;关心;小心;照管;照料carefuladj.小心的;仔细的carefullyad

2、v.小心地;仔细地carelessadj.粗心大意3changev. n.变化;找头;零钱;改变;更换;兑换零钱changeableadj.易变的;可变的exchangev.交换;交流4chemicaladj. n.化学的;化学物质;化学品chemistryn.化学5childn.儿童,孩子;子孙;产物childrenn.(pl)孩子们(child的复数)childhood1、童年,幼年;儿童状态;2、 (事物发展的)早期6Chinan.中国Chineseadj. n.中国人;汉语;中国的;中国人的;汉语的7choicen.选择choosev.选择8cityn.城市citizenn.市民9cl

3、earadj. n.清晰的clearlyadv.明净地;清晰地;无疑地;明显地10cloudn.云;云状物;一大群;阴云;黑斑cloudyadj.多云的;阴天的;愁容满面的;(变形adj.cloudier cloudiest)11collectv.收集;募捐;聚集collectionn.收藏品;募捐;征收;采集,聚集12colourn.颜色,色彩v.粉饰;给着色13completeadj. v.完全的;完整的;彻底的;vt. 完成completelyadv.完全地,彻底地;完整地14cookn.厨师v.烹调15correctv.改正;矫正adj.正确的correctlyadv.正确地;恰当地1

4、6crowdn.人群;crowedadj.拥挤17crossv. n.vi. 交叉;横过;杂交;vt. 使相交;渡过;杂交;n. 十字架,十字形物;交叉,十字acrossprep.穿过;横穿18dangern.危险;危险物,威胁dangerousadj.危险的19dayn.一天;白昼;时期dailyadj.每日的;日常的todayadv. n.今天;现今20deadadj.无生命的;废弃了的;呆板的diev.vi. 死亡;凋零;熄灭;vt. 死,死于deathn.死;死亡;死神;毁灭21decidev.vt. 决定;判决;解决;vi. 决定,下决心decisionn.决定,决心;决议22dep

5、endv.vi. 依赖,依靠;相信,信赖;取决于independentadj.独立的;单独的;不受约束的;无党派的23developv.vt. 开发;使成长;进步;使显影;vi. 发育;生长;显露;进化developmentn.发展;开发;显影;发育;住宅小区(专指由同一开发商开发的)24differencen.差异 区别;不同;争执differentadj.不同的;有差异的;个别的,与众不同的25difficultadj.困难的;艰难的;费力的;不随和的;执拗的difficultyn.困难,困境26discussv.讨论;论述,辩论discussionn.讨论,议论27drivev.开车;猛

6、击;飞跑;vt. 驾驶(马车,汽车等);驱赶;推动,发动(机器等)drivern.驾驶员;驱动程序;起子;传动器28diev.死,死于deadadj.无生命的;呆板的;废弃了的dyingadv.临终的,垂死的deathn.死;死亡;死神;毁灭Focused Practice1 _, Wang Hui. We are proud of you. (congratulate)Congratulations2 Shakespeare wrote _, histories and tragedies. (comedy)comedies3_ use water to cook food. (cook)C

7、ooks4_ (not throw) paper on the ground.Dontthrow5_ your mother_ (go) to work yesterday?Didgo6About 1,000 _ of this book were sold. (copy)copies7After the operation, he _that he was pretty good at art. (discovery)discovered8Although he has been_for many years, I still remember him.(die) dead9As soon

8、as the class began, the Class One students started_about the English idioms. (discussion)discussion10As we all know, New York is one of the top fashion _ in the world. ( city)cities11Before we make any _, we should listen to what the others say. (decide)decision12Can you tell the _ between the twin

9、sisters?(different)difference13China is one the biggest _ in the world.(country)countries14Computer becomes more and more important in our _ life. (day)daily15Eight-one _ by nine equals nine.(divide)divided16Everyone should wait for the green lights at the _ . (cross)crossing17Have you _ your homewo

10、rk yet? (do)done18Hes_ to visit a British family next year. (decision)decided19His _ made us very sad. (die)death20His_on old coins surprises us.(collect)collection21How many _ (cook) are there in your restaurant?cooks22I cant see the_ between the two dresses. (different)difference23I have been to m

11、any other _. (country)countries24I love to go _ with Anne around the playground after class. (cycle)cycling25I think physics is _ (difficulty) for me.difficult26I want to be a teacher in the future, because I like _(child).children27Im afraid youve made a wrong _. (decide)decision28Ive got a wide _

12、because there are many kinds of summer camp. (choose)choice29If you can think in English, you can respond fast and _ in communication.(correct)correctly30It doesnt make a bit of _ (different) if you are late for my party.difference31It is _ to play with fire. (danger) dangerous32It is the duty of every_ to do something to protect our beautiful city.(city)citizen33It is very_ for a child under 14 years old to ride a bicycle. (danger)dangerous34It was two weeks before Christmas and the mall was _ with shoppers. (crowd)crowded35Its _ (danger) to go there



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