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1、 一般过去时 一般过去时的概念 1 一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态 常与表示过去的时间状语连用如 justnow yesterday threedaysago lastweek lastyear in2011 atthattime onceuponatime等等 1 与ago连用 amomenttwominutesthreehoursfivedaysoneweeksixmonthsfouryears ago 用于一般过去时的时间状语 last timenightweekmonthtermMonday yesterday morningafternoonevening thedaybe

2、foreyesterday 2 与last连用 3 与yesterday连用 4 与one连用 one morningeveningdayMondayafternoon 5 与that连用 that morningwinterdayyear 6 OnceOnceuponatimeOnedayLong longago等往往用于讲故事的开头 2 也可以表示过去经常或反复发生的动作 常和often always等词连用 如 1 Lilyalwayswenttoschoolonfootlastyear 去年Lily总是步行去学校 2 A Mrs Blackalwayscarriedanumbrella

3、 布莱克太太过去老是带着伞 只是说明她过去的动作 不表明她现在是否常带着伞 B Mrs Blackalwayscarriesanumbrella 布莱克太太老是带着伞 说明这是她的习惯 表明她现在仍然还习惯总是带着伞 谓语构成 1 动词be2 动词have has3 助动词do does4 行为动词用过去式 was were had did 一般过去时以动词的过去式来表示 没有人称和数的变化 was were除外 Iwenttoschoolyesterday Theywenttoschoolyesterday 一般过去时的结构 1 肯定句的基本结构 主语 be 动词过去式 其他 如 1 Hew

4、enttothetoystoreyesterday 他昨天去玩具店了 3 Iwastenlastyear 我去年十岁 2 Wehadagoodtimelastnight 昨晚我们玩得很开心 4 Igotupearlylastmorning 我昨天早上起得早 2 否定句的基本结构 主语 didnot didn t 动词原形 其它或 主语 was werenot 其它 如 1 Hedidn tgotothetoystoreyesterday 他昨天没有去玩具店 2 Ididn tgetupearlylastmorning 我昨天早上没有早起 3 她上个星期五没有去学校 Shedidn tgotos

5、choollastFriday 4 Hewasn tborninJinhua 3 一般疑问句的基本结构 Did 主语 动词原形 其他 如 1 Jimwenthomeyesterday 2 IvisitedtheGreatWalllastyear DidyouvisittheGreatWalllastyear Yes Idid No Ididn t DidJimgohomeyesterday Yes hedid No hedidn t 3 HewatchedacartoononMonday DidhewatchacartoononMonday Yes hedid No hedidn t 也可以W

6、as were 主语 其它1 Jimwasatschoolyesterday Jimwasn tatschoolyesterdayWasJimatschoolyesterday Yes hewas No hewasn t 2 Theywerebornin2001 Theywerebornin2001 Weretheybornin2001 Yes theywere No theyweren t 4 特殊疑问句的基本结构 疑问词 did 主语 动词原形 其他 如 1 Imetmyfriendslastweek Whatdidyoudolastweek 2 Imetmyfriendslastweek

7、 Whendidyoumeetyourfriends 3 Imetmyfriendslastweek Whodidyoumeetlastweek 动词过去式的规则变化 1 一般情况下 在动词末尾加 ed 如 cook cookedwork worked2 以不发音的 e结尾动词 动词词尾加 d live livedmove movedhope hoped3以辅音字母 y结尾的动词 把 y变为 i再加 ed 以元音字母 y结尾的直接 ed如 play playedstudy studied cry cried carry carried4 以重读闭音节结尾 末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词 双写词尾辅

8、音字母 再加 ed 如 stop stopped step stepped shop shoppedplan planned 规则动词过去式 ed的发音 1 在以清辅音结尾的规则动词后 ed读作 t work w3 k ed t 2 在以浊辅音或元音结尾的规则动词后 ed读作 d play pleI live lIv ed d ed d 3 在以 t 或 d 结尾的规则动词后 ed读作 Id visit vIzIt ed Id finishedenjoyedshoutedmoved helpedwantedcalledneeded t d Id d d t Id Id 把下列句子变成否定句 每

9、空一词 Iwasathomeyesterday I athomeyesterday 2 WewereinBeijinglastyear We inBeijinglastyear 3 Hewentshoppinglastweek He shoppinglastweek 4 Shedidherhomeworkyesterday She herhomeworkyesterday wasn t weren t didn tgo didn tdo 把下列句子变成一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答 Iwashappy happy Yes I No I 2 Theywereloud loud Yes they N

10、o they 3 Jimwenttoschoolyesterday Jim toschoolyesterday Yes he No he Wereyou was wasn t Werethey were weren t Did go did didn t 对划线部分提问 每空一词 ShewenttoTian anmenSquarelastweek lastweek 2 Theywenttoworkeverymorning towork 3 Hewenttoschoolonfoot toschool Whatdidshedo Whendidtheygo Howdidhego 1 我出生在一个小村

11、子里 I inasmallvillage 2 你的老师对你要求严格吗 Isyourteacher you 3 他最后一次去美国是在2010年 HewenttoAmerica wasin2010 4 你姐姐是个什么样的人 What yoursister 5她对新来的人很友好 Sheis thenewcomers wasborn strictwith forthelasttime was is friendlyto Completethesesentences like 1 从前 这里的人很穷 thepeopleherewerepoor 2 我昨天匆匆忙忙地去了医院 I thehospitalye

12、sterday 3 他捡到一把长尺 He alongrulerthismorning 4 大明敲了门但没人回答 Daming thedoorbutnobodyanswered 5她决定去购物 She goshoppingthismorning Onceuponatime hurriedtowards pickedup knockedon decidedto Completethesesentences 1 I be atschooljustnow 2 She be atthesummercamplastweek 3 We be studentstwoyearsago 4 Cathy be el

13、evenyearsoldlastyear 5 Themobilephone be onthesofayesterdayevening 6 There be anappleontheplateyesterday 7 Nancy pick uporangesonthefarmlastweek 8 He live inZhuhaitwoyearsago was was were was was 用所给词的适当形式填空 was picked lived 9 They study atthesameschoolmanyyearsago 10 JerryandJohn play chessinthecla

14、ssroomlastPElesson 11 Thestudents stop chattingandlaughingwhentheEnglishcamein 12 Thecat eat abirdafewmomentsago 13 Herfather notread anewspaperlastnight 14 you visit yourrelativeslastSpringFestival 15 am heabasketballplayerontheschoolteam Yes he studied played stopped ate didn tread Did visit Was w

15、as 句型转换 Bobtooksomephotosattheparklastweek 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定 否定回答 划线部分提问 2 Nancywenttoschoolbybus 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定 否定回答 划线部分提问 Bobdidn ttakeanyphotosattheparklastweek DidBobtakeanyphotosattheparklastweek Yes hedid No hedidn t WhatdidBobdoattheparklastweek Nancydidn tgotoschoolbybus DidNancygotoschoolbybus Ye

16、s shedid No shedidn t HowdidNancygotoschool 句型转换 3 WesangsomeEnglishsongs 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定 否定回答 划线部分提问 4 Theyplayedfootballintheplayground 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定 否定回答 划线部分提问 Wedidn tsinganyEnglishsongs DidyousinganyEnglishsongs Yes wedid No wedidn t WhosanganyEnglishsongs Theydidn tplayfootballintheplayground Didtheyplayfootballintheplayground Yes theydid No theydidn t wheredidtheyplayfootballl Long longago therewasapoorman Hehadanorangetreeinhisgarden Onthetreethereweremanyfineoranges Onedayhe 1oneofhisorang



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