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1、外语教学法复习笔记第一章 总论The Nature of FLTM外语教学法的性质FLTM is a science which studies the processes and pattern of foreign language teaching ,aiming at revealing the nature and laws of foreign language teaching .that is to say ,it examines the practices and procedures in foreign language teaching; studies approa

2、ches ,methods and techniques; and also studies principles and belief that underlie them. In short ,FLTM is an inter-disciplinary science and it makes uses of theories of different subiects. 学科性质It includes a lot of disciplines such as linguistics, psychology, psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics.

3、Therefore, we say that FLTM is an inter- disciplinary science and it makes use of many subjects.语言研究的历史 we are quite certain that ,according to the records available ,language study is at least more than 2500 years old.The goal of foreign language teachingis to help the learner master the target lan

4、guage in the shortest possible time. What do we mean by mastering the target language? We mean that the learner is able to have successful communications with others in the target language.Theories of Linguistics语言学理论Traditional linguistics: 传统语言学the traditional linguistics we mean the traditional s

5、tudy of language in ancient Greece. it has a tradition of more than 2000years. In the fifth century B.C. the ancient Greeks began to make a serious study of language in the realm of philosophy.古希腊的两个著名论战:one was between the naturalists and the conventionalists on the relations between form and meani

6、ng.The naturalists argued that the forms of words reflected directly the nature of objects while the conventionalists thought that language was conventional and there was no logic connection between form and meaning of words. The other was between the analogists and anomalists on the regularizes of

7、language. the analogists thought that language in general was regular and there were rules for people to follow while the anomalists thought that language was basically irregular and that was why there were so many exception and irregularities in the Greek language. Natural of traditional linguistic

8、s传统语言学的特征: Trditional linguistics was practical in nature. People made a study of language in order to understand the classic words of ancient times and to teach students. They gave priority to the written form and used words as their starting point. They often took a prescriptive approach when they

9、 discussed rules of language. American structuralism 美国结构主义It started at the beginning of the 20th century in America. It became popular and influential in the 1930s and 40s through the world. The two forerunners of structuralism Franz Boas and Edward Sapir. Franz Boas found that the traditional gra

10、mmatical model could not be used to analyse the structures of those languages. Sapir found that although Indians languages had no written forms, they were very systematic and were very efficient in communications within their communities. The father of American structuralism Leonard Bloomfield. He a

11、ccepted the theories and principles of behaviourism. He characterized language and language acquisition in terms of behaviourist terminology. He thought language was a habit of verbal behaviour which consisted of a series of stimuli and responses. He argued that to acquire a language was to form a h

12、abit of verbal behaviour and learning a second language was learning a new habit. He thought that speech was primary and writing was secondary. Transformational generative linguistics 转换生成论The transformational generative linguistics was first put forward by Noam Chomsky in 1957. He wrote a book Synt

13、actic Structures to spread his theory. His main points-Chomsky assumes that children are born with a language acquisition device(LAD). This LAD is made up of general principles called universal grammar. Once the child is born, the particular language environment will trigger the LAD. The child will

14、use and test the principles again and again until his hypothesis agree with the actual grammar of the language. Chomsky has also made the distinction between the linguistic competence and linguistic performance. linguistic competence refers to the internalized knowledge that at native speaker of tha

15、t language processes. Linguistic performance refers to the actual utterance produced by the native speakers. Chomsky believes that linguistics should study the linguistic competence, not the performance, of the native speaker so as to set up a system of rules that will generate an infinite number of

16、 grammatical sentences. In order to gain the goal, Chomsky argues that we should use a deductive, hypothesis-testing approach should be used. Functional Linguistics 功能语言学It develops from the London School of linguistics and the precursor of it was Bronislaw Malinowski. Malinowskis conclusion is that “the meaning of any single word is to a very hign degree dependent on its context.” And an utterances has no meaning at all if it is out of the context


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