北京市延庆县靳家堡中学七年级英语《Unit 8 Lesson 29》学案(无答案) 北师大版

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1、初一英语学案 Unit 8 Lesson 29 Whats the weather like ? (1)姓名:_ 班级:_ 时间:_学习目标:1、 通过学习,同学们能够认读并掌握6个说明天气的形容词和4个表示冷暖的形容词2、 通过学习,同学们能够用英语询问天气和描述天气一、 复习导入给出下列短语的英文形式1、在周末_ 2、在许多方面_ 3、每天_4、忙于做某事_ 5、步行_ 6、进行体育运动_7、努力工作_ 8、唤醒某人_ 9、回家_10、吃早饭 _ 11、在早晨_ 12、起床 _二、 New lesson 1、听1.2,并补全对话。A: Whats the _like in Beijing

2、at the _?B: Its _and the temperature is 10 _.A: What _Hong Kong? Whats the weather _there?B: Its _but its not cold. The temperature is 22 degrees.A: _the weather like in London?B: In London its cold and_. The temperature is 7 degreesA: And what about Toronto? B: In Toronto, its _and its colder than

3、in London-just _degrees!A: Well, what about Sydney? Whats the weather like_?B: In Sydney, its another_. The weather is _and sunny. Its 32 degrees.A: Wow! And,_ , in Cape Town?B: In Cape Town, its _ cool at the moment -just 15 degrees and its_ .三、 ExercisesI.根据中文写出英文。1. 多雾的_ 2. 多雪的 _ 3. 多云的 _ 4. 有风的

4、_5. 有雨的 _ 6. 晴朗的_ 7. 冷的 _ 8. 热的 _II. 根据中文写出英文。1. 好天气 _ 2. 坏天气 _ 3. 冰点 _4. 沸点 _ 5. 最高气温_6. 最低气温_III翻译句子。今天天气怎么样? 天气是冷的并且刮风。 它是零下10度。初一英语学案 Unit 8 Lesson 29 Whats the weather like ? (2)姓名:_ 班级:_ 时间:_学习目标:1、 通过学习,同学们能够认读并掌握6个说明天气的形容词和4个表示冷暖的形容词2、 通过学习,同学们能够用英语询问天气和描述天气一、复习导入用下列括号中所给词的正确形式填空。1. The buse

5、s _ (use) a lot of oil.2. Each of us _ (have) strong points and weak points.3. My daughter _ (watch) TV every day. 4. Li Wei _ (have) a daughter. She _ (stay) in a nursery(托儿所).5. Our family _ (be) a happy one.6. Her mother _ (teach) English at a middle school.7. Jack often _ (listen) to the radio.二

6、、New lesson 1、听2.1部分的录音并填表。CountryWeatherTemperatureBuenos AiresSan FranciscoMoscowCairoTokyo2、听录音补全所缺的单词。And now, for todays weather_. Its a _day in Buenos Aires. Its _and the temperature is 25 degrees. Its raining in San Francisco_, and it is only 12 degrees. Moscow is _with snow, and its cold-_ 1

7、0 degrees. People in Cairo are having a _day today and the temperature is 22 degrees._, Tokyo is hot-its 30 degrees _today. And thats the _of our _ weather report.三、ExercisesI写出下列词组的英文形式。1.在这个时刻 2.被覆盖 3.看 4.呆在家里 5.好天气 6. 最高气温 7. 最低气温II .连词成句。1. is, beautiful, it, day, a2. rainy, is, and, it, cold3. today, like, whats, the, weather 4. lowest, is , minus, 15 degrees, temperature, the 5. a ,it, great, for, is, a, day, swimming



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