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1、句子的句子的翻译技巧翻译技巧 分句法分句法 合句法合句法 分句法分句法 改变句子结构的方法改变句子结构的方法 合句法合句法 分句法分句法 拆句法 拆句法 把一个长而复杂的句子拆译把一个长而复杂的句子拆译 成若干个较短 较简单的句子成若干个较短 较简单的句子 Be a pupil before you become a teacher Be a pupil before you become a teacher Be a pupil before you become a teacher Be a pupil before you become a teacher 先做学生 再做先生 先做学生

2、再做先生 分句法分句法 单词分译 短语分译和句子分译单词分译 短语分译和句子分译 一 英语单词的分译一 英语单词的分译 一一 单词词义分译单词词义分译 二二 单词搭配分译单词搭配分译 三三 灵活对等分译灵活对等分译 四四 修辞需要词语分译修辞需要词语分译 1 1 1 1 单词词义分译单词词义分译 The little girl The little girl The little girl The little girl twirled mechanicallytwirled mechanicallytwirled mechanicallytwirled mechanically a ribb

3、on of a ribbon of a ribbon of a ribbon of her cap around one of her fingersher cap around one of her fingersher cap around one of her fingersher cap around one of her fingers 这个小女孩这个小女孩老是老是把帽子上的一段绸带在手指把帽子上的一段绸带在手指 上绕上绕过来 过来 绕绕过去过去 The maidservantThe maidservantThe maidservantThe maidservant inspecte

4、dinspectedinspectedinspected the dressing table the dressing table the dressing table the dressing table for dust with her hand for dust with her hand for dust with her hand for dust with her hand 女仆用手女仆用手抹抹抹抹梳妆台 梳妆台 看看有没有看看有没有灰尘 灰尘 2 单词搭配分译单词搭配分译 1 1 1 1 主谓搭配分译 主谓搭配分译 2 2 2 2 动宾搭配分译 动宾搭配分译 3 3 3 3

5、状语与中心词的搭配分译 状语与中心词的搭配分译 4 4 4 4 定语与中心词的搭配分译 定语与中心词的搭配分译 Their Their Their Their wealth enables wealth enables wealth enables wealth enables them to do everything them to do everything them to do everything them to do everything SPSPSPSP 他们有钱 什么事都能干 他们有钱 什么事都能干 I always I always I always I always avo

6、id the temptationavoid the temptationavoid the temptationavoid the temptation to think about that to think about that to think about that to think about that matter matter matter matter VOVOVOVO 我总是克制自己 不去想那件事 我总是克制自己 不去想那件事 Some young peopleSome young peopleSome young peopleSome young people relent

7、lessly tear relentlessly tear relentlessly tear relentlessly tear at the at the at the at the flowers they see flowers they see flowers they see flowers they see Adv HAdv HAdv HAdv H 有些年轻人看见花就摘 一点也不爱惜 有些年轻人看见花就摘 一点也不爱惜 Her lecture got a Her lecture got a Her lecture got a Her lecture got a mixed rea

8、ctionmixed reactionmixed reactionmixed reaction MH MH MH MH 她的演讲引起的反响毁誉参半 她的演讲引起的反响毁誉参半 3 3 3 3 灵活对等分译灵活对等分译 Our little romantic friend formed visions Our little romantic friend formed visions Our little romantic friend formed visions Our little romantic friend formed visions of the future of himsel

9、fof the future of himselfof the future of himselfof the future of himself 我们浪漫的小朋友憧憬着未来我们浪漫的小朋友憧憬着未来 我们的小朋友我们的小朋友一脑袋幻想一脑袋幻想 憧憬着美丽的 憧憬着美丽的 未来 未来 4 4 4 4 修辞需要词语分译修辞需要词语分译 And in their further disputes she always And in their further disputes she always And in their further disputes she always And in t

10、heir further disputes she always returned to this point returned to this point returned to this point returned to this point Get me a situationGet me a situationGet me a situationGet me a situation we we we we hate each otherhate each otherhate each otherhate each other and I am ready to go and I am

11、 ready to go and I am ready to go and I am ready to go 从此以后他们每吵一次架 她就会回到老话从此以后他们每吵一次架 她就会回到老话 题 说道 题 说道 给我找个事情 反正给我找个事情 反正你恨我 我也你恨我 我也 嫌你嫌你 我愿意离开 我愿意离开 Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise 1 1 1 1 That district was a very That district was a very That district was a very That district was a very appa

12、rentapparentapparentapparent hot spot hot spot hot spot hot spot adjadjadjadj 2 2 2 2 HisHisHisHis informality informality informality informality impressed me deeply impressed me deeply impressed me deeply impressed me deeply n n n n 3 3 3 3 The computer can give Mary theThe computer can give Mary

13、theThe computer can give Mary theThe computer can give Mary the right right right right lesson for lesson for lesson for lesson for herherherher neither too fast nor too slow neither too fast nor too slow neither too fast nor too slow neither too fast nor too slow adj adj adj adj 4 4 4 4 They not Th

14、ey not They not They not surprisingly surprisingly surprisingly surprisingly did not respond at all did not respond at all did not respond at all did not respond at all 5 5 5 5 CharacteristicallyCharacteristicallyCharacteristicallyCharacteristically Mr Smith concealed his Mr Smith concealed his Mr S

15、mith concealed his Mr Smith concealed his feelings and watched and learned feelings and watched and learned feelings and watched and learned feelings and watched and learned 6 6 6 6 She was She was She was She was pardonablypardonablypardonablypardonably proud of her wonderful proud of her wonderful

16、 proud of her wonderful proud of her wonderful cooking cooking cooking cooking 7 7 7 7 The ancients tried The ancients tried The ancients tried The ancients tried unsuccessfullyunsuccessfullyunsuccessfullyunsuccessfully to explain how a to explain how a to explain how a to explain how a rainbow is formed rainbow is formed rainbow is formed rainbow is formed 二 英语短语的分译二 英语短语的分译 一一 短语词义分译短语词义分译 二二 短语结构分译短语结构分译 1 1 1 1 名词短语的分译 名词短语的分译 2 2 2 2 分词短语的分译 分词短语的分译 3 3 3 3 介词短语的分译 介词短语的分译 He could notHe co



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