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1、考研英语从句的翻译方法主语从句 表语从句 宾语从句 同位语从句限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句 时间状语从句 条件状语从句原因状语从句 让步状语从句 目的状语从句l 主语从句一、关联词或从属连词位于句首的从句+主句谓语+其他成分它们一般是译在句首,作为主从复合句的主语。这样的词有关联词what, which, how, why, where, who, whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever及从属连词that, whether, if. 如:What we now will describe is how the magnetic nature of iro

2、n oxide can uniquely be exploited as a separation process utilizing a magnetic filtration system.参考译文:现在我们所要介绍的是如何奇特地利用氧化铁的磁性而提出一种使用磁力过滤系统的分离法。分析:其中关联词可译为:所。二、it+谓语+that(whether)引导的从句如果先译主句,可以顺译为无人称句。有时也可先译从句,再译主句。如果先译从句,便可以在主句前加译“这”。如:It can be seen that precleaning alone would not reduce the total

3、 sulfur content of the four coals to levels anywhere near the standards.参考译文:可以看出,这四种煤的总含硫量仅靠预先洗选将不能降低到完全接近标准规定的水平。It is a matter of common experience that bodies are lighter in water than they are in air.分析:有时为了使译文成分完整,可以补充上泛指的主语(如人们、大家)。参考译文:物体在水中比在空气中轻,这是一种大家共有的经验。类似的结构还有:it is (universally) know

4、n that大家都知道it is believed that人们都相信l 表语从句一、表语从句是位于主句的联系动词后面、充当主句主语的表语的从句它也是由that, what, why, how, when, where, whether等连词和关联词引导的。一般来讲,可以先译主句,后译从句。如:The result of invention of steam engine was that human power was replaced by mechanical power.参考译文:蒸汽机发明的结果是机械力代替了人力。The advantage of rolling bearing is

5、 that they cause less friction.参考译文:滚动轴承的优点是它产生的摩擦力较小。二、几种常见句型1.在that (this) is why句型中,如果选择先译主句,后译从句,可以译成这就是为什么,这就是为什么的原因,这就是的缘故等。如果选择先译从句,再译主句,一般可以译为原因就在这里,理由就在这里等。如:That is why heat can melt ice, vaporize water and cause bodies to expand.参考译文:这就是为什么热能使冰融化,使水蒸发,使物体膨胀的原因。That is why practice is the

6、criterion of truth and why the standard of practice should be first and fundamental in the theory of knowledge.分析:原句表语很长,所以此处采用了紧缩原则。参考译文:所谓实践是真理的标准,所谓实践的标准,应该是认识论的首先的和基本的观点,理由就在这个地方。2.在this (it) is because句型中,一般先译主句,再译从句,译成是因为,这是因为的缘故,这是由于的缘故。如:This is because the direct current flows in a wire alw

7、ays in one direction.参考译文:这是由于直流电在导线中总沿着一个方向流动的缘故。It is because a conductor carrying is surrounded by a magnetic field.参考译文:这就是因为载流导体周围有一磁场。在this is what句型中,如果先译主句,后译从句,通常译为这就是的内容,这就是的含意等。如果先译从句,后译主句,通常译为就是这个道理,就是这个意思等。如:This is what we have discussed in this article.分析:如表语不长,则可译成这就是的内容等。参考译文:这就是我们在

8、本文中所讨论的内容。l 宾语从句宾语从句可以分为两种:一种是动词引导的宾语从句;另一种是介词引导的宾语从句。一、动词引导的宾语从句翻译时,顺序一般不变。如:Manure supplies what is deficient in the soil.参考译文:肥料供给土壤所缺乏的养分。二、介词引导的宾语从句介词宾语从句前面的介词可能和动词、形容词或副词有关。翻译时,顺序一般不变。如:Men differ from brutes in that they can think and speak.分析:in之后如果跟有宾语从句,常常可译成原因状语从句,用因为,在于,是因为等词译出。参考译文:人与兽的

9、区别,就在于人有思维而且会说话。The lift component is not vertical except when the relative wind is horizontal.分析:英语中的介词except, but, besides等之后如果跟有宾语从句,常常可译为并列句的分句,用除之外,除了,此外,只是,但等词译出。参考译文:除了相对风是水平的情况之外,升力不是垂直的。三、直接引语作宾语从句翻译时引号保留,把逗号一律改为冒号。如:The student asked the teacher, “how many one cubic foot of air weighs unde

10、r normal conditions?”参考译文:这个学生问老师:“一立方英尺空气有多重?”The law of conservation and transformation of energy states that energy is indestructible and the total amount of energy in the universe is constant.分析:以that引导的宾语从句为普遍真理及一般规律时,或是某一规律及定义所阐述的内容时,有时也可以在句首加冒号译出。参考译文:能量守恒和转换定律说明:能量是不灭的,宇宙间能量的总和是不变的。l 同位语从句英语

11、的同位语从句是用以解释说明前面某一名词的内容的,也就是将这一名词的含义具体化,其地位和此名词是同等的。从句常用that或whether来引导。同位语从句常用来说明fact, theory, sense, question, conclusion, news, experience, evidence, proof, condition, law, conjecture, doubt等词的具体含义。翻译此类从句时,一般有两种处理方法:一种把从句译成一个独立的句子,并在其前加即,这等词,或在从句所修饰的名词之后加冒号或破折号;二是用的字把从句放在它所修饰的词之前。如:Furthermore, it

12、 is obvious that the strength of a countrys economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds.(2000年)结构分析:句子的框架是Furthermore, it is obvious that, and that.这是典型的句型It+is+obvious+tha

13、t clause. It是形式主语,真正的主语是由连词and连接的两个并列的主语从句:A. that the strength isbound with, B. and that thisrests upon the efforts.第一个主语从句中的词组be bound up with是与有关联之意;在第二个主语从句中,代词this指代前文的the efficiency of its agriculture and industry,译为效率的提高。参考译文:再者,显而易见的是一个国家的经济实力与其工农业生产效率密切相关,而效率的提高则又有赖于各种科技人员的努力。熟能生巧There is n

14、o agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.(1999年)结构分析:句子的框架是There is no agreement whetheror.主句是There is no agreement,agreement后面紧跟了由whether引导的同位语从句作同位语;在同位语从句中,

15、谓语动词短语refers to跟了两个由连词or连接的并列宾语:A.the concepts peculiar to historical work in general; B.the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry.在第一个宾语中,形容词词组peculiar to historical work和介词词组in general作后置定语修饰the concepts;在第二个宾语中同样有形容词词组appropriate toof historical inquiry作后置定语修饰the research techniques.参考译文:所谓方法论是指一般的历史研究中的特有概念,还是指历史探究中各个具体领域适用的研究手段,人们对此意见不一。l 定语从句定语从句就其与先行词



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