八年级英语上册 单词巧学妙记 第10组素材 人教新目标版

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1、第10组everadv. 曾经【例句】Do you neighbours ever do anything that disturbs you? 你的邻居曾经做过打扰你的事情吗?No man ever returned from there. 从来没有人从那里回来过。【用法】ever常用于一般疑问句、否定句中,表示“在任何时候;曾经”。例如:Did you ever hear such stories?你可曾听到过这种故事?ever用于特殊疑问句中,用来加强语气。例如:Where ever did you drop it? 你究竟在哪里丢了东西。构成短语:ever since(自以来);for

2、 ever(永远)upstairsadj.& adv. (在)楼上;(往)楼上【例句】Every night, the man upstairs came back late. 每天晚上,楼上的人都回来得很晚。The Smiths live upstairs.史密斯一家住在楼上。【助记】up(向上)stairs(楼梯)upstairs(在楼上)【用法】upstairs在此是副词,意为“在楼上;往楼上”,其反义词为downstairs“在落下”。upstairs也可以用作形容词。例如:The young man asked for an upstairs room.那位年轻人要了一间楼上的房间。

3、take off 脱下(衣、帽、鞋等)【例句】Please take off your hat.请脱下你的帽子。Dont take off you r coat. Its very cold here. 不要脱掉外套,这里很冷。【用法】takeoff意为“脱下”,off是副词,反义词组为put on。这一短语的宾语通常是clothes, hat, shoes, gloves, stocking, socks, glasses等。take off用作不及物动词词组时,意为“(飞机)起飞”。bootn. 长筒靴【例句】He always took off his boots and threw t

4、hem on the floor. 他总是脱掉鞋子,然后将它们甩到地板上。Jim, put on your boots. Its cold today. 吉姆,穿你的长筒靴,今天天气很冷。【助记】foot(脚)上穿boot(长筒靴)。downstairsadj.& adv. (在)楼下;(往)楼下【例句】At this time, the man downstairs was trying to sleep. 这时,楼下的人正准备睡觉。The Browns live downstairs. 布朗一家住在楼下。【助记】down(向下)stairs(楼梯)downstairs(下楼梯)be ang

5、ry with 对(某人)发脾气【例句】He was rather angry with the man upstairs. 他对楼上的人相当生气。Dont be angry about what he said.不要对他的话生气。【用法】be angry with对某人生气。be angry at(about) sth.因而生气。usualadj. 通常的;平常的as usual 像平常【例句】The next evening the man upstairs came home from work late as usual. 第二天晚上,楼上的邻居和平日一样下了班很晚才回到家。Winte

6、r came earlier than usual.冬天来得比往常早。【用法】as usual意为“像平常一样”。usual形容词,意为“通常的,平常的”,usually是副词,意为“通常”。例如:We will meet at the usual time. 我们将在老时间见面。soundn. 声音【例句】I was waiting for the sound of the other boot! 我正在等另一只靴子的声音!Light travels faster than sound.光比声传播得快。【用法】sound作名词时,意为 “声音”。例如:The box made a stran

7、ge sound.那只盒子发出了奇怪的响声。sound用作系动词意为“听起来像”,后接形容词或“like+名词”。sound作行为动词意为“鸣响”,相当于make sound。bangv. 猛敲;猛撞;砰砰作响n. 砰砰的声音PE(=physical education)n. 体育【例句】We were having a PE class. 我们正上体育课。We usually have PE lessons in the afternoon. 我们经常在下午上体育课。chemistryn.化学【例句】I was working in the chemistry lab. 我在一家化学实验室工

8、作。Miss Gao is our chemistry teacher. 高小姐是我们的化学老师。【助记】chemistry(n.化学)chemical(adj. 化学的)sweepv. (swept, sweeping)扫;扫除【例句】I was sweeping the floor. 我正在擦地板。The cleaners sweep the street every day. 清洁工每天都打扫大街。choose(chose)v. 选择; 【例句】Choose the best answers. 选择最好的答案。You can choose any book you like. 你可以挑选

9、你喜欢的书。truckn. 卡车【例句】I was driving a truck to Tianjin. 我正驾车去天津。A truck doesnt run as fast as a car. 卡车没有小汽车跑得快。【助记】那辆truck(卡车)装了一车duck(鸭子)。sellern. 卖者;售货员【例句】She is a street seller. 她是个街道售货员。The girl is a flower seller. 那个女孩是个卖花的。【助记】sell(出售)er(常见表示“人”的名词后缀)seller(卖者;售货员)biologyn.生物(学)【例句】We have two

10、 biology lessons today. 我们今天有两节生物课。My favourite subject is biology. 我最喜欢的学科是生物。【助记】bio(life,生命)logy(study,学习) 学习生命biology(生物学)be fed up with 厌倦【例句】Masha and Sasha were fed up with their neighbour Misha. 玛莎和萨沙对他们的邻居米沙深感不满。The little girl was fed up with fish.那小女孩对鱼感到厌烦。knock on 敲(门、窗等)【例句】One morning

11、 there was a knock on the door. 一天早晨,有人敲门。He went upstairs and knocked on the door。他到了楼上,敲房门。【用法】knock意为“敲”,可以用作动词,也可以用作名词,其后可接介词on或at。例如:There was a loud knock at the door.有很响的敲门声。refusev. 拒绝【例句】He decided to refuse him politely. 他决定礼貌地拒绝他。He refused to speak at the meeting.他不肯在会上发言。【用法】refuse to d

12、o sth. 意为“拒绝做某事;不肯做某事”。例如:The boy refused to take off his coat。那男孩不肯脱掉外衣。【助记】re(前缀)fuse(倾泻)refuse(拒绝)politelyadv.有礼貌地【例句】 “Im sorry to trouble,” said Lily politely. 莉莉很有礼貌地说“不好意思,打扰您了”。Everywhere we should do politely. 任何地方我们都应该做到有礼貌。【助记】polite(礼貌的)ly(形容词变副词)politely (adv.有礼貌地)pairn. 一对;一双 a pair of

13、 一对;一双【例句】I should buy a pair of socks. 我要买一双袜子。 That pair of shoes are too expensive. 那双鞋子太贵。【用法】一般由两部分构成的物体要用a pair of连接,意为“一对;一双;一副;一把”等。例如:a pair of shoes(一双鞋);a pair of scissors(一把剪刀);a pair ot glasses(一副眼镜);a pair of trousers(一条裤子)scissorsn.(复数)剪刀【例句】I need a pair of garden scissors. 我需要一把花园里用

14、的剪刀。I want to buy three pairs of scissors. 我想买三把剪刀。【助记】acissor(剪刀的一片)s(剪刀有两个剪子,所以加s表复数)racketn.(网球、羽毛球等的)球拍motorbiken.摩托车或有发动机的自行车【例句】Was Lin Tao riding a motorbike? 林涛正骑着摩托车吗?We go there by motorbike. 我们骑摩托车去那里。【助记】motor(发动机)bike(自行车)motorbike(摩托车)reviewv. 复习(功课等)【例句】Were you reviewing lessons? 你正在

15、复习功课?Youd better review what youve learned every day. 你最好每天复习所学的功课。【助记】re(前缀,又,再)view(观看)再一次观看review(复习)Russianadj.俄国(俄罗斯)的;俄国人的;俄语的n.俄国(俄罗斯)人;俄语【例句】Were you learning Russian? 你正在学习俄语吗?Shes a Russian, but she never speaks Russian. 她是俄罗斯人,但她从不说俄语。【助记】Russia(俄国)nRussian(俄国人)【用法】Russian意为“俄语”,是不可数名词;但Russian意为“俄国人”时,是可数名词。Russian还可用作形容词,意为“俄国的;俄国人的“。noveln.(长篇)小说【例句】I was reading a novel and forgot the time. 我在看小说所以忘记了时间。I want to borrow a foreign novel.



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