2014年9月二级试题 - 副本.pdf

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1、2014 年 9 月 PETS2 Text 1 W Would it be all right if I left a bit early I don t feel very well today 1 M Yes yes by all means The second part of the meeting is just free discussion 1 What is the woman going to do A A Leave early B Make a speech C Join the discussion Text 2 M Do you have this shirt in

2、other colors ma am W Well they come in white yellow red and green Will a white one do M Yes that ll be nice I ll take one 2 2 Which color shirt will the man buy C A Red B Green C White Text 3 W Hi Kent Can you give me a lift I m late for work My car s broken down It won t start M I m sorry I m not g

3、oing into town 3 But I can give you a lift to the bus station 3 What is the probable relationship between the speakers B A Strangers B Neighbors C Co workers Text 4 M I m calling to ask if your hotel still serves Mexican food I haven t been there for years 4 W I m afraid not but you can easily find

4、a Mexican restaurant close by 4 What do you know about the man C A He s going to Mexico B He s worried about the food C He s been to the hotel before Text 5 W Hey Bob Would you please help me with these boxes M Yes if you promise to help me tidy up the house 5 W No problem I ll even do the dishes 5

5、What will the woman probably do for the man A A Clean the house B Carry the boxes C Cook the dishes 听下面一段对话 回答第 6 和第 7 题 Text 6 M Hi Is Olivia there please W I m sorry She s out for lunch Do you want to leave a message M Yes this is Harris Could you tell Olivia that I ll wait for her at the box offi

6、ce of the cinema at 7 10 6 7 W Sure Harris You ll wait for her at the box office at 10 M No at 7 10 W Oh sorry At 7 10 I ll tell Olivia M Thank you 6 What does Harris probably want to do with Olivia B A Have lunch B Watch a movie C Go to her office 7 When will Harris and Olivia meet B A At 6 50 B At

7、 7 10 C At 10 00 听下面一段对话 回答第 8 至第 10 题 Text 7 M Look at this armchair What do you think W Oh I m not sure I like the design It s too heavy looking Is it comfortable M Try it W Hmm It s really comfortable And I d like to have something this size 8 Our old armchair is way too small This size is perfec

8、t M What do you think of the color W Well green isn t my favorite color but it s better than that terrible brown one we have now 9 It s okay I guess But blue would be perfect M How much is it W Oh no It s 999 That s really too expensive We can t afford it right now M I know Why don t we wait till ne

9、xt month for their mid year sale It might be cheaper then 10 W Hey that s a good idea 10 8 What does the woman like about the armchair A A Its size B Its color C Its design 9 What do we know about the speakers armchair at home C A It is badly broken B It is heavy looking C It is brown in color 10 Wh

10、at will the speakers probably do about the armchair A A Wait for a sale B Buy it right away C Ask for a cheaper price 听下面一段对话 回答第 11 和第 12 题 Text 8 W Well I certainly have enjoyed my stay in Edinburgh Peter Thanks for all your help And thanks to Jean as well for showing me around M Well we both enjo

11、yed it too How long will you stay in York before you go back W Two days Look when are you going to be in London again You must bring Jean with you and we can all get together again 11 M Yes I ll do that That s your train isn t it 12 W Yes I d better go OK Thanks again Bye 12 M Bye Sue Don t forget t

12、o give my regards to John W I won t Bye 11 Where does the woman live B A Edinburgh B London C York 12 Where are the speakers C A At the man s home B In the man s office C At the railway station 听下面一段对话 回答第 13 至第 16 题 Text 9 第第 16 题为总结题题为总结题 M Mom I m a little worried about college I just don t know

13、what to study I don t know what my major should be 13 W That can be a difficult decision John M How can I decide W Well I d start with your interests It will help you if you study something that you are interested in What do you like to read and learn about or do M I guess I like dancing and helping

14、 people Those are my interests I guess W What do you mean by helping people M If people have problems I like to help solve them Or if people are hurt I like to try to do things that make them feel better W It sounds like you might be interested in medicine then M Uh I don t know W Another thing I th

15、ink you should consider is the possible jobs you might get and how much money you want to make M How do I figure that out W You can research different jobs at the library and there are reports and data on how well different jobs pay 14 M I want to have a well paid job so that I can have the money to

16、 travel 15 W Well there you go Income is going to influence you most in your choice of major There is one other thing you should consider too M What s that W You know scholarships the money given to you for college You might want to pick a major that will allow you to get a special scholarship I know you ll make the right decision M Thanks Mom 13 What are the speakers mainly talking about C A Doing research B Looking for a job C Choosing a college major 14 Where will the man probably find inform


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