云南省临沧区云县后箐中学2020学年七年级英语上学期期中检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版

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云南省临沧区云县后箐中学2020学年七年级英语上学期期中检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版_第1页
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云南省临沧区云县后箐中学2020学年七年级英语上学期期中检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版_第2页
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云南省临沧区云县后箐中学2020学年七年级英语上学期期中检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版_第3页
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《云南省临沧区云县后箐中学2020学年七年级英语上学期期中检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《云南省临沧区云县后箐中学2020学年七年级英语上学期期中检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、云南省临沧区云县后箐中学2020学年七年级英语上学期期中检测试题(无答案) 人教新目标版I词语释义 选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的词或词组(5分)1. Hi! My name is Paul. A. Good B. Hello C. What D.Good morning2. Im Jane Green. A. My name is B. Are you C. Shes D. His3. How are you? Im fine, thanks. A. OK B. good C. nice D. ok4. I think its her book. A. his B. her C.hers D

2、. yours5. What about your watch? A.How about B.Whats C.Hows D.WhereII单项选择 (20分)6.Whats this in English? Its _ eraser. A.a B.an C.the D./7.What color is your schoolbag? Its _.A. a schoolbag B.a red schoolbag C.red D.my schoolbag8.My name is _.A. Xi B.Xi C.xi jin ping D.Xi Jin Ping9.How _you? I _ fine

3、, thanks.10.Nice to meet you. _A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you.C. Nice to meet you, too. D. Im Mike.11.Thank you _ your last letter.A. of B. from C. for D. to12.Is _your aunt? Whats _name?A. he; his B.she; her C.he; her D.she; his13.Here is a photo _his family. A.in B. of C. on D. At14.Whos _frien

4、d? His friend is Bob.A. your B. my C her D. His15.Whats _name?A. I B. me C.hers D.her16.Anna, is this your dictionary? No, it isnt. I think its _.A. him B.he C.her D.hers17.Is this his pen? _.A. No, it is. B. No, it isntC.Yes, it isnt. D.Yes, this is.18.Are these your good friends? _.A. Yes, they ar

5、e. B.No, they are C.Yes, they arent D.No, these arent19.How do you spell “ring”? _.A. R-I-N-G B.Yes, R-I-N-GC.Yes, I do. D.No, I dont.20.Please call me _268-1980.A. in B.on C.at D.with21.Your schoolbag are very nice. _.A. Thank you B.OK C.No,its not D.Yes, it is22.Is that your watch? _.A. Yes, I am

6、B.No, Im not C.Yes, that is D.No, it isnt23._,is this your eraser? Yes, it is.A. Sorry B.Excuse me C.Im sorry D.Im wrong24.Thank you for your help. _.A. Excuse me B.Im sorry C.Youre welcome D.Im OK25._you Miss Miller? No, my name _Jack Green.A. Is; is B.Is; am C.Are; is D.Are; amIII完形填空(10分)A:Excuse

7、 26 ,whats 27 ,please?B:My name is Ann Read. And 28 ?A:Wei Hua, 29 you do?B:How do you do?A: Whats in the bag? Is it a pear?B:No, its 30 orange.A:What 31 that in English?B:Its a ruler, a 32 ruler.A: 33 , Can you 34 “ruler”?B:Yes, I can. R-U-L-E-R,ruler.A: 35 .B:Youre welcome.( )26.A.my B.me C.I D.yo

8、u( )27.A.that B.it C.this D.your name( )28.A.are you B.your C.name D.your name( )29.A.How B.How do C.How are D.How old( )30.A./ B.a C.an D.the( )31.A.is B.are C.am D.be( )32A.his B.my C.white D.I( )33.A.Sorry B.Excuse me C.Good D.No( )34.A.say B.look C.meet D.spell( )35.A.Thank you B.Im sorry C.Your

9、e welcome D.Excuse meIV阅读理解(30分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。AMary is a middle school student. She is good at English, but she doesnt do well in math. Mary has a good friend. Her name is Kate. Kate is poor in English. But shes good at math. After school they often study their lessons tog

10、ether. Mary helps Kate with her English, and Kate helps Mary with her math.They help each other and learn from each other. Now they are both working hard at their lessons. They are good students in their class. 根据短文,判断正误。(正确的填T,错误的填F)(10分)( )36. Mary and Kate are middle school students?( )37. Mary i

11、snt good at English.( )38. Mary and Kate are good friends.( )38. Kates math is poor and her English is very good( )40. They sometimes work hard at their lessons. B阅读下面短文,根据其内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分) Look! This is Lucys family photo. There are four people in it. Theyre Lucys parents, Lucy s

12、ister and Lucy. That is Johns family photo. Johns mother Mary and his father Henry are in the photo. Where is John? Oh, he is not born (出生) . Gina has a big family. In her family photo, there are her grandparents, her two aunts, her parents and Gina.( ) 41. We talk about _ family photos in the artic

13、le. A. five B. four C. three D. two( ) 42. There are _ people in Lucys family photo. A. five B. four C. three D. two阅读下面短文,根据其内容,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。(10分)A girl comes to my class today. She is a new student here. Her name is Mary. She is twelve years old. She says there are six people in her family. Her grandmother, her grandfather, her mother, her father and her brother. She lives in Xian now. Her telephone number is 7742-7643.46.Mary is a _.A. boy B.teacher C.new student D.brother47.Mary is _ years old.A.nine B.ten C.eleven D.twelve48.There are _ peop


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