江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit 2 Great people Study skills学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit 2 Great people Study skills学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第1页
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《江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit 2 Great people Study skills学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit 2 Great people Study skills学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(Unit 2 Study skills)【课前预习】1.课前预习31页内容,遇到疑问的地方做个记号,力求在课堂中顺利解决。2.你能猜出下列短语的意思吗?1.have a big mouth_ 2 in the soup_3.his cup of tea _ 4 happen to do _【课堂学习过程】任务一:检查预习作业。.任务二:展示以下正式或非正式用语,学生两人一组按要求进行分类. 1.Have a big mouth 2.Mon 3.hello4.Lots of love 5.BC 6.Good morning7.All wet 8.well 9.Dec10.Hed 11.Your

2、s truly 12. How are you?13.Catch some Zs 14.cant 15.Cheers16.Simon has much more hair than his uncle.Greetings:_Endings: _Slang: _Jokes:_Abbreviations:_Contractions: _任务三:独立完成P31练习并订正。任务四:试着找出信中用法不当的地方Hi Mr ZhouI hope that you are having a happy new year. My father has left for a business trip today

3、 and its raining cats and dogs. Im now preparing for my new school year. It starts tomorrow, on 10th Feb. I have learnt that I will be in Class A. I will learn nine subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Geography. I havent got my textbooks yet. When I get them, I want to take a quick l

4、ook at them, and I hope you would not mind answering my questions if I have any. You must be busy like a bee this term. I hope you will be successful and healthy in the coming year and stay cool forever.Come onYou should not use _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【当堂反馈】一、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.His grandfather has been _(die)

5、for 20 years.2.Her brother moved to _(French) in 1990.3.Tomorrow is _(know), because it could either be bright or dull. So we should cherish today.4.Look at the picture. They are my parents. They got _(married) in 1968.5.Do you know the policeman_(call) John?6.Three months _(pass) since he left here

6、.7.I prefer_(eat) noodles today.8.The ancient Chinese _(invent) tea that is now very popular all over the world.9.A lot of water_(save) every year. It is a serious problem.二、单项选择。( )1.Last year the girl _a young man called Li MingA. was married B. married C. married with D. married for( )2.Do you en

7、joy living in the small town?No. I have to spend _in driving to see my old friends in the city.A.only an hour B.a couple of hours C. a few minutes.( )3._you like the TV program D. the number of minutes?Yes.But I like Super Brain better.A. Does B. Do C.A re D. Is( )4.Look !Those boys _soccer.A. were

8、playing B.playing C. are playing D. are playing the( )5.What do you want to be in the future,Nick?I want to be _pilot. It is _exciting job.A. a, a B. a , an C. the, an D.a , the( )6.Every _has the duty to keep our environment clean.Yes , I agree with you.A.city B. chip C. cook D. citizen( )7.Can you

9、 speak English?Yes, but only_.A. a few B. few C. little D. a little( )8.When should I come to see you again?_day you like.A. Every B.Each C.Any D.All【课后拓展】三、完形填空One day, a teacher was speaking to a group of students about how to1their time. He gave an examplethose students would never forget. He pul

10、led out a wide jar (罐子) and put it on the table. He also took out several rocks and carefully put theminto the jar one at a time. When no more rocks would2inside, he asked, Is this jar full? Everyone in the class shouted, Yes. The teacher replied, Really? He pulled out a box of small stones. Hedumpe

11、d some in and3the jar. The stones went down into the spaces4the big rocks. He then asked thegroup once more, Is this jar full? Probably not, one of them answered. Good! he replied. He brought out a glass of sand and dumped the sand into the jar and it went into all of the spaces5. Once more he asked

12、 the question,Is this jar full? No! the class started. Once again he said, Good! Then he poured a cup of water in6the jar was full.Then he asked, What is the key point here? One student put up his hand and said, The key point here is thateven if you are busy, you can7plan everything well if you try really hard! No, the speaker replied, thats not the point. The point is if you dont put the big rocks in8, youll neverget them in. What are the big rocks in your9? Time with your loved ones, your education, or your dreams?Remember to put these big rocks in first, or youll never get them in10


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