江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit 2 Great people Task教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit 2 Great people Task教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第1页
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《江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit 2 Great people Task教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省永丰初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit 2 Great people Task教学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Great people课题Task 教学目标1.阅读和理解有关名人的文章;2.写一篇有关名人的文章。 教学重难点写一篇有关名人的文章。教学方法任务型教学法 小组合作探究教学过程【预学探标】一预学导航知道下列短语的意思: change many peoples lives the poor graduate from college solve the problem of hunger二预习成果翻译下列词组1.杂交水稻之父 2.死于饥饿 3.新型杂交水稻 4.开始研究杂交水稻 5.增加20%-30% 6.将近十年的艰苦工作 7.其他普通品种 8.一位水稻科学家 【互学析标】Wh

2、ile-task:Task 1: Ask and answer 1.Do you know any famous People? 2.Who are they?3.What did they do? 4.Why do you admire them?Task 2: Tell students that Amy made some notes about Yuan Longping . Ask one student at a time to read a note . Encourage students to ask questions 1.When was Yuan Longping bo

3、rn?2.What is his title?3.What did he do after graduating from college?4.Why did he begin research into hybrid rice?5.What is his contribution to the world?Task 3: Ask students to complete Amys draft in PartB . Remind them that they should use the information in Part A Page32 to help them .Once stude

4、nts have finished , read the text out loud for them . Pause at the blanks and ask the students to raise their hands if they know the correct answers . Complete this exercise as a class Task 4: How to write an article about a famous person. Introduction: Who is the person you want to write aboutMainb

5、ody: Write some detailed information about his or her life.Conclusion: Explain why you admire hime or her Task 5: Writing: According to the following materials, write an article about Martin Luther King.Name:Date of birth:15th January:1929 Place of birth:Georgia, the USAFamily and studies: the middl

6、e child in a family of three children; very bright, progressed quickly through school,college and universityMajor events in his life: 18th June,1953: married Coretta Scott 1955: was awarded his PhD The leader of the black civil rights movement in the USA Organized a bus boycott and was arrested more

7、 than 30 times.4th April, 1968: was shot by James Early RayFamous for : gave many speeches, calling for equality between blacks and whites . One is called I have a dreamPrizes or awards: the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 Present the article and evaluate the article together【促学化标】Writing:According to the

8、 following materials, write an article about Martin Luther King【回学验标】What have you learned in this class? 【评学测标】一、 词汇运用。1. I took the (标题) of this chapter from one of my favourite books.2.This (发展) could spell disaster for the steel industry.3.In this regard ,the people of East Asia already have an

9、(有利条件)。4.Those who have not known (饥饿) can never imagine how it feels.5.Every student should make a (贡献) to making our city more and more beautiful.6.The hybrid rice had many .(好处,优点)7The population of China is still (增加)二、 单项选择( )1. Yuan Longping has research on _A. hybrid wheat B. hybrid rice C. f

10、lowers D. guns( ) 2. Do you know who _ Father of Hybrid Rice”?A. consider B. cnsiders C. is considered D. considered( ) 3. We happened_ Sam near our school last week.A. meeting B. to meet C. to meeting D. met( ) 4.Wechat(微信)is an invention _ can help people talk to friends and share photos, ideas and feeling freely.A. which B. Who C. whose D. /( )5. -I forgot my mothers birthday! -_ Youd better keep it in mind next year.A. You did? B. I dond mind C. Im afaid so D. No problem三、翻译句子。1.袁隆平是历史上最伟大的人物之一。 2.在1960年,他开始研究杂交水稻。 3.在1979年,这种新型水稻被介绍到美国。 4.那就是我非常钦佩他的原因。 【教后反思】


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