八年级英语下册 Unit 6 A charity walk 分课重点与练习 牛津版

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1、8B Unit 6 A Charity Walk (1)Comic Strips1. Im training for a charity walk. 我正在为慈善毅行进行训练。2. Its meaningful to support charities. 支持慈善事业是很有意义的。meaningful 形容词,“有意义的,有价值的。”eg: This is a meaningful job. Its meaningful to organize such an activity.3. I dont think you will ever finish your work. 我相信你绝不会跑完全

2、程。ever 在这里是副词,用于否定句中,加强语气“究竟,绝(不)”。eg Nothing ever happens in this village. 这个村从未发生过任何事。Welcome to the unit1. Use Amy and Daniels conversation as a model. 用Amy 和 Daniel的对话作为例句。use as 用作为使用 e.g. He uses the box as a table. 他把盒子作为桌子使用。2. We can help them cross the road. 我们可以帮助他们穿马路。help sb do sth / to

3、 do sth 帮助某人做某事。上句也可写成:We can help them to cross the road.3. What about homeless people? 无家可归的人呢?What about ? 怎么样?用来询问对方情况及征求意见、看法。e.g. What about going shopping? His father is a worker. What about yours? Reading1. Trailwalker has been one of Hong Kongs biggest fund-raising events since 1981. 自从1981

4、年以来,毅行者活动已经成为香港规模最大的筹款活动之一。fund-raising “筹集资金的”,是个复合形容词。e.g. English-speaking 说英语的。 life-saving 营救生命的。2. It is organized by Oxfam Hong Kong to raise money for helping poor people in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia and Africa. 毅行者活动是由香港乐施会组织的,目的是筹集钱来帮助香港及亚洲其它地区和非洲的穷人。3. People over eighteen can gro

5、up themselves into a team of four people and join the charity walk.18岁以上的人可以自由组成4人一组,参加这次慈善毅行活动。group 动词,“使集合,使组成”。e.g. They grouped themselves round the thief. 他们围聚在小偷的四周。group 也可作名词,“组、群、团”e.g. A group of us are going to Australia. 我们一组人将去澳大利亚。4. It is necessary for them to support and help each o

6、ther both before and during the event.在活动之前和之中,毅行者们必须互相支持、互相帮助。上句是:It is + adj + for sb + to do sth 句型,It是形式主语,to do sth是真正的主语。e.g. It is important for us to learn English well. It is impossible for her to finish the work in an hour.5. You can not carry everything with you, so it is useful to have s

7、upport teems to bring you food and drinkes.你不能把所有东西都随身带着,所以有了后援队伍帮你带来食物和饮料是很有用的。6. Warm and dry clothes are also necessary to keep you comfortable during the walk.在行进中要保持舒适,干燥和温暖的衣服也是必要的。keep sb / sth + 形容词,使某人/某物处于状态中。e.g. You must keep your classroom clean. The sun keeps us warm.7. Of course, the

8、walk itself is not easy-going up hills, without sleep and with tired bodies.当然,跑步本身并不容易要爬山,没有睡觉且身体疲倦。8. This will be an experience you will never forget.这将是你永远不会忘记的一次经历。experience可数名词,“经历”。e.g. It is a great experience to learn English. 学习英语是一次很棒的经历。experience也可作不可数名词,“经验”。e.g. He has a lot of worki

9、ng experience. 他有许多工作经验。9. Its a good chance to learn about working together.(P.96) 是学会合作的好机会。learn about doing sth / sth 学会关于learn about eye operations.10. Im think of joining it.(P.96) 我正在考虑参加。think of 考虑,想起,后跟名词、代词或动名词。e.g. My classmates are thinking of forming a support team to help Ben during t

10、he walk.I think of my mother.She cant think of the name of the TV play.11. Its aim is to raise money to help poor people in Hong Kong它的目的是筹钱来帮助香港的穷人to raise money是动词不定式短语作表语。巩固试题一、汉英互译:1、为某人捐钱2、尽力帮助人3、开始训练4、计划好一切事5、支持慈善机构6、重大事件之一7、keep you comfortable_8、during the walk_9、team spirit_10、within 48 hou

11、rs_11、people in need_12、walk over mountains _13、将他们自己组成一个四人小组14、学习团队精神15、至少募捐6,000港币16、一次你永远不会忘记的经历17、支持发展工程18、走完一段50公里的小路19、走二天二夜不睡觉20、需要一起走完这个徒步行走二、根据所给释义找出相应词汇:1、long walk in the countryA. tough2、working togetherB. fund-raising3、an event that collects money for charityC. hike4、difficultD. team sp

12、irit5、a path through the countryE. trail三、用所给词的适当形式填空:1、It is _(use) to have support teams as a trailwalker.2、The money is _(use) to help poor people and to support development projects.3、It is necessary that you start _(train) a few months before the walk.4、Trailwalker _(be) one of Hong Kongs bigge

13、st fund-raising events since 1981.5、It is an excellent chance for people _(learn) team spirit.6、Can you finish _(read) the book within three days?7、The text _(it) is not easy, but it is interesting and educational.四、句型转换:1、Trailwalker is held in November every year. (对划线部分提问)2、It is an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit. (改为一般疑问句)3、People join the charity walk to raise money for helping poor people. (对划线部分提问)_4、You may have to walk two days and nights without sleep. (对划线部分提问)_


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