八年级英语下册 Module 6 Hobbies Unit 3 Language in use导学案1(无答案)(新版)外研版

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1、Module 6 HobbiesUnit 3 Language in use【学习目标】1. 知识目标:掌握重点单词和词组,并会运用这些单词和词组; 掌握简单句的五种基本句型。2. 能力目标:能够利用所学知识做一个关于爱好的调查能正确判断句子的基本成份;掌握简单句的六种基本句型。3. 情感目标:通过谈论爱好,培养良好兴趣,促进全面发展。【重点及难点】1. 重点:了解并掌握简单句的基本句型。2. 难点:咨询他人爱好,介绍自己的爱好。【学习步骤】 :课前预习 【自主学习】I、短语匹配1. one of the youngest people A. 用完;用尽2. on this kind of j

2、ourney B. 不但而且3. run out of C. 最年轻的人之一4. look forward to D. 看到某人正在做某事5. see sb. doing sth. E. 在这种旅途中6. not only-but also- F. 盼望着II、请同学们预习课本 P52 的 Language practice 的英语基本句型,写出已经学过的六种基本句型1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、课堂学习过程 【合作探究】Step 1. Lead in回想一下我们学过哪些感官动词,还记得它们的用法吗?Step 2、Language practice It tastes good.Yo

3、u look very pretty.It doesnt smell fresh.I feel nervous when I speak Chinese.Step 3、Look at the picture. Complete the sentences.The cookies _.1. The bananas _. 2. The students _.3. The flowers _. 4. The juice _.5. The chairs _. 6. The music _.Step 4、Put the words in the box into the correct columns.

4、beautiful dark fair friendly nice old pretty proud quiet short shy strict tall youngWhat does he / she look like?What is he / she like?Step 5、Work in pairs. Use the table in Activity 3 to ask and answer questions about these people. Eg. What does your mum look like? Shes tall and beautiful. What is

5、your mum like? Shes friendly.A: What does look like?B: He / She is tall / handsome .A: What is like?B: He/Shes friendly / nice / strict .dad maths / Chinese / music teacher uncle best friendStep 6、Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in the box. You need to use some of the wo

6、rds more than once.be look tasteJane: Hi , Alex! How are you today?Alex: Great!Jane: You (1) _ very happy!Alex: Oh, yes. My mum made a cake for me. Here, have some. It really (2) _ delicious!Jane: Thanks. It (3) _ very pretty too. Mm, youre right. Its nice.Alex: And another good thing is, my friend

7、Ben is coming to stay.Jane: Oh, really? What (4) _ he like?Alex: Hes really friendly and kind.Jane: What (5) _ he look like?Step 8、Complete the passage with the words in the box.close friendly look meet noisy withAmericans usually shake hands with each other when they first (1) _ . When two American

8、s are talking, they do not stand too (2) _ to each other. If they meet some friends at a party while they are talking (3) _ someone else, they usually bring their friends into the conversation. Americans (4) _ each other in the eye when they talk. They may be a bit (5)_ sometimes, but they are quite

9、 (6) _ . Step 9、Work in pairs. Describe a thing in the box to your partner. a basketball a bird a cat a flower a hamburger a lantern a plane grass the sun A: It looks beautiful.B: Is it a flower?A: No, it isnt. Its round and hot.B: Is it a lantern?A: No, it isnt. Its much hotter and bigger than a la

10、ntern.B: Is it the sun?A: Yes, youre right.Step 10、Listen and complete the notes.What is the speaker complaining about?The music The room The food The drink The people 【知识结构】(一)、常见的系动词有:smell, taste, feel, look, sound以及be, seem (似乎), keep (保持), turn (变), become (成为), get (变)。(二)、A British boy has be

11、come one of the youngest people to sail alone across the Atlantic Ocean. 一个英国男孩成了独自横渡大西洋的最年轻的人之一。 one of the youngest people 最年轻的人之一“one of the +形容词最高级+名词复数冶意为“最之一”。作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。例如:Hens are one of the most useful animals in the world. 母鸡是世界上最有用的动物之一。例如:One of the most important questions is ho

12、w to learn English well. 最重要的问题之一是怎样学好英语。注意:此结构应注意:一是定冠词 the 不能漏; 二是形容词必须是最高级;三是名词必须是复数形式。【练一练】I、单项选择China is one of countries in the world.A. larger B. largest C. the largestII、翻译句子1. 北京是世界上最大的城市之一。 2. 苹果是这个包里最美味的水果之一。 (三) I ran out of chocolate! 我吃完了巧克力! run out of 用完;用尽run out of 意为“用完;用尽”,其主语是“人”,宾语是用完的“某物”。例如:We ran out of our exercise books. 我们用完了我们的练习本。 run out 与 run out of 的区别 含义 词条含义 主语 例句run out用完;花光物作主语All the food ran out. What should we do?run out of用完;用尽人作主语They ran out of gas halfway.【练一练】I、根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子1. Foo


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