九年级英语下册 Module 10 My future life Unit 3 Language in use学案(无答案) 外研版

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1、Unit3 Language in use学习目标:1. Enable students to listen to and read the conversation about the school leavers.2.Enable students to talk about the plans for the future.学习重难点:How to talk about school leavers party and the plans for the future.学习过程:导 学 案 设 计达成情况1、 自主学习Key words: 1. decision n. 决定 常用搭配co

2、me to a decision“下定决心”; make a decision“作出决定”2.take off “休假”,还有脱下,起飞之意。二、合作探究1.suppose you are Adam.Suppose假定。 Let us suppose what you said is true.让我们假定你说的是对的。拓展:suppose加从句用法同think加从句2.构词法A.转化a.动词转化为名词Lets go out for a walk.我们到外面去散散步吧。He is a man of strong build.他是一个体格健壮的汉子。名词转化为动词Did you book a se

3、at on the plane?你订好飞机座位了吗?b.形容词转化为动词We will try our best to better our living conditions.我们要尽力改善我们的生活状况。B.派生法在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个与原单词意义相近或截然相反的新词叫作派生法。a.前缀除少数前缀外,前缀一般改变单词的意义,不改变词性;后缀一般改变词类,而不引起词义的变化。(1)表示否定意义的前缀常用的有dis-,il-,im-,in-,ir-,mis-,non-,un-等,在单词的前面加这类前缀常构成与该词意义相反的新词。例如:appear出现disappear消失c

4、orrect正确的incorrect不正确的b.后缀英语单词不仅可以通过加前缀构成新词,也可加后缀构成新词。后缀通常会改变单词的词性,构成意义相近的其他词性;少数后缀还会改变词义,变为与原来词义相反的新词。(1)构成名词的后缀常用的有-ence,-(e)r/ -or (从事某事的人),-ese (某地人),-ess (雌性),-ful (一),-ian (精通的人),-ist (专业人员),-ment (性质;状态),-ness (性质;状态),-tion(动作;过程)等。C.合成法a.合成名词名词+名词weekend周末名词+动词daybreak黎明名词+动名词handwriting书法名词

5、+及物动词+er/or pain-killer止痛药名词+介词+名词editor-in-chief总编辑b.合成形容词名词+形容词snow-white雪白的名词+现在分词English-speaking讲英语的D.截短法(缩略法),即将单词缩写,词义和词性保持不变,主要有截头、去尾、截头去尾等形式。a.截头telephonephoneairoplaneplaneomnibusbusb.去尾mathematicsmathscooperatecoopexaminationexamE.混合法(混成法),即将两个词混合或各取一部分紧缩而成一个新词。后半部分表示主体;前半部分表示属性。news broa

6、dcastnewscast新闻广播television broadcasttelecast电视播送三、课堂检测. 单项选择1. What time do you expect me back, mum?_ half an hour.A. at B. before C. in D. for2. The football match _ I watched yesterday is fantastic.A. when B. which C. what D. who3. Its raining so _ that we can _ go out. A. hard; hard B. hardly; h

7、ardly C. hardly; hard D. hard; hardly4. The number of giant pandas is getting _ because their living areas are becoming farmland.A. less and less B. larger and largerC. smaller and smaller D. fewer and fewer5. Are you ready?Yeah. Weve prepared _ for it. A. itself B. ourselves C. themselves D. myself

8、. 完成句子1. 现在中学生一周休息两天。Now middle school students _ two days _ in a week.2. 长大后我想成为一名飞行员。I want to be a pilot when I _ _.3. 我们为他们工作,不计报酬。We worked for them without _ _.4. 最后他们决定买那辆车。At last they _ _ _ to buy that car.5. 他在生活中经历了各种各样的艰难困苦。He experienced _ _ _ difficulties and hardships in his life. 用方框

9、中所给词的适当形式填空graduate, value, match, decorate, enjoy1. Some Christmas _ can be made by ourselves instead of buying them.2. Many university _ went to the west to help the people in poor areas.3. We had an _ weekend with our head teacher.4. This book is of great _ to me in my studies.5. This handbag doe

10、snt _ you. Youd better not buy it. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. My life is full of _ (happy). I enjoy it.2. We all _ (agree) to go there. Its too dangerous.3. Mr. Li asked me to _ (write) the passage again.4. Alan is the _ (win) of the photo competition.5. He is a very _ (success) man. 6. Edison had a lot of _ (invent) in his life.7. Its _ (wind) today. Wed better not go boating.8. Tina is watching an _ (excite) basketball match. 9. The boss left his office _ (angry) without saying a word.10. Many _ (science) think the light pollution is a big problem.四、知识视窗谈论未来学后反思


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