九年级英语上册 单词巧学妙记 第4组 冀教版

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1、第4组whetherconj. 是否【例句】Hainan Island is the place to be, whether its summer or winter!不管夏天还是冬天,海南岛都是我们观光旅游的好地方!I dont know whether he will come我不知道他是否会来。【助记】whether(是否)weather(天气)【用法】whether意为“是否,会不会”,用作连词。引导从句时有时可和if互换。但if常用于口语中;whether则多用于书面语。只用whether表示“是否”的几种情况:宾语从句放在句首表示强调时,只能用whether。例如:Whether

2、 this is true or not, I really dont know.这是否真的,我真的不知道。后面紧跟or not时,只能用whether。例如:She didnt say whether or not she would come.她没有说她是否会来。从句作介词宾语时,只能用whether。例如:Im worrying about whether she was ill.我在担心是否她病了。edgen.边;边缘【例句】“Tianya Haijiao” means “the edge of the sky and the rim of the sea.”“天涯海角”意思是“天空的

3、边缘和海洋的边缘”。I could hear birds singing at the edge of the woods. 我可以听到鸟儿在树林里唱歌。cooladj.(俚语)了不起的;【例句】To have a cool sports car is really cool! 拥有一流的跑车真是太酷了!The air is cool in the morning. 早上,天气凉爽。【助记】当今中国年轻人常说的“酷”就是cool的谐音。ridgen.山脉【例句】The waves had pushed the sand into little ridges.海浪推动沙子形成了小小的沙垄。【助记

4、】ridge edge (边缘)rimn.边;缘【例句】It is says that one can find the four-leaf-clover, which brings luck, love and wise, at the rim of the world. 传说人们可以在世界的边缘找到带来幸运、爱和智慧的长有四片叶子的三叶草。【用法】edge和rim都是名词“边,缘”。rim一般用来指(圆形器皿的)边缘;或(眼镜)框。还可指(车轮的)轮缘、外轮。例如:a rim of a plate(盘子的边);the rim of glasses(眼镜框);edge指(湖泊等的)边,还有“

5、端,棱”的意思。例如:the edge of a table桌子的边缘。例如:The factory stands at the edge of the town.那家工厂位于市区边缘。cost(cost, cost) v. 价钱为;花费(金钱、时间等)【例句】Could you tell me how much it costs to fly to Hainan?请问飞往海南的机票票价是多少?This jacket cost me 90 dollars. 这件夹克花了我90美元。【用法】cost意为“值(多少钱),使付出(代价)”。主语通常是物,而不是人。“人”一般放在cost后面,作宾语。

6、例如:It will cost you ten dollars. 这要花你10美元。take, spend, pay, cost用法辨析:(1) take构成的句型为:It takes sb. some time to do sth.“某人花费多少时间做某事”。例如:It will take you two hours to go there on foot. 步行去那里要花你两小时。(2) spend构成的句式中,一般以“人”做主语,句型为:spend on sth. 或者spend (in) doing sth. 例如:I spent 50 dollars buying that coat

7、. 我花了五十美元买那件外套。(3) pay构成的句式中,一般以“人”作主语,常用句型为:pay sb. for sth. 为付款给,pay off付完,偿清。How much did you pay for? 你付多少钱?【助记】cost(v.花费) post(v.邮寄,张贴)one-wayadj.单程的;单行的【例句】The price of a ticket from Beijing to Haikou is 1,000 yuan oneway.从北京到海口的单程票价是1,000元。a one way street 单行道flightn. 航班;飞行【例句】Could you tell

8、me if there is a flight in the morning on November, 26th?请问11月26号早上是否有航班? She took the two oclock flight to Chicago. 她搭两点飞往芝加哥的班机。【助记】light(轻的) flight(飞行)bookv. 预定(戏票;车票等)【例句】Id like to book four tickets, please. 请帮我订4张票。I want to book through to Harbin. 我买到哈尔滨去的票。round-tripadj.(车票等)来回的;往返的【例句】Would

9、 you want one-way or round-trip? 您是要单程的还是往返的?【助记】round-trip(往返的)one-way (adj.单程的)instructionn. 说明;须知【例句】Read the instruction with your computer carefully before you start to use it. 使用计算机之前,请仔细阅读随计算机提供的说明。Thats an instruction with the machine in English.那是这台机器的英文使用说明。【助记】instruct(教,指示)tion instructi

10、on(说明)straightadv. 一直地 go straight along沿着一直往前走【例句】Go straight along this road, then turn left at the second crossing. 沿着这条路一直走,然后在第二个十字路口左转。He will go straight to Paris. 他直接去巴黎。whompron.谁;哪个人(who的宾格)【例句】Could you please tell me whom we have to see? 请告诉我我们要去看谁好吗?Whom do you want to buy the tickets?

11、你想让谁去买票?【用法】whom可做及物动词的宾语、间接宾语,可和who互换。还可以作介词的宾语,如果代词紧挨着介词,就只能用whom;如果不挨着可以和who互换。例如:Whom(Who) do you often play with?With whom do you often play?你常常和谁一起玩?think about考虑【例句】Could you tell me what you think about Hainan Island? 你能告诉我你觉得海南怎么样吗?Are you still thinking about moving? 你是不是还在考虑搬家?【用法】think a

12、bout考虑,想到,后常接代词、名词、动名词等。例如:Dont think about it any more. 不要再想这件事了。chancen. 机会【例句】If you get a chance to go, take it. 如果有机会,千万别放弃。Its a good chance for you. 对你来说,这是一次好机会。【助记】chance(机会)change(变化)soundv. 听起来【例句】That sounds really cool! 听起来太酷了!How sweet the music sounds! 这音乐听起来多悦耳!【助记】sound(听起来)found(fi

13、nd 的过去式)【用法】sound表示“听起来”意思时,是动词,后接形容词或名词。例如:That sounds interesting. 听起来很有趣。*coraln. 珊蝴*reefn. 岩礁 *coral reef 珊瑚礁【例句】The fish and the coral reefs were beautiful! (那儿的)鱼和珊瑚礁美极了! *pooln. 水坑【例句】There were pools of water in the holes in the road. 马路上有许多水坑。*outdooradj. 户外的;野外的【例句】We should do some more o

14、utdoor sports. 我们应该多进行一些户外运动。Children like play outdoors. 孩子们喜欢在户外玩耍。Inner Mongolian.内蒙古【例句】Huhehaote is the capital of Inner Mongolia. 呼和浩特是内蒙古的省会。Inner Mongolia is in the north of China. 内蒙古在中国的北部。brochuren.小册子【例句】There are a lot of beautiful brochures at the front desk. 前台有很多精美的小册子。badlyadv. 严重地;

15、恶劣地【例句】His foot was badly hurt. 他的脚伤得厉害。Dont speak badly of others. 不要说别人的坏话。allowv.允许;准许【例句】This was because there was no machine allowing a person to breathe under water for a long time. 这是因为没有什么器械使人可能在水底下呼吸很长一段时间。 Smoking is not allowed here. 此处禁止抽烟。【助记】allow(允许)yellow(黄色的)【用法】allow意为“允许,准许”。allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事。例如:They didnt allow parking in this street.他们不允许在这条街上停车。deepadj. 深的【例句】Cousteau was very interested in diving deep into


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