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1、whats the best movie theater集体备课备注课题人教版英语八年级上册Unit 4whats the best movie theater?第3课时导学案课型新课一、学习目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词:creative, performer, talent, common, all kinds of, beautifully, role, winner, prize, everybody, make up, example, for example, poor, seriously, give 2) 能掌握以下句型: Who was the best pe

2、rformer? All these shoes have one thing in common. Thats up to you to decide. But if you dont take these shows too seriously, They usually play a role in deciding the winner. 2. 情感态度价值观目标:了解一些选秀节目的实质及目的,正确对待生活中的一些歌星及影星,不要盲目地追风,做追星族。二、教学重难点1) 掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。2) 进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。 3)阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合

3、阅读能力。4) 听力训练5) 阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。三、预习感知:1试写出下列词的反义词。creative , big , funny bigger , quietest , funniest 在写的时候,我们会发现级别要对应,即原级对原级,比较级对 ,最高级对 。2、如果以上的空格你已完成,相信完成1a一定不难,试试看。仔细朗读单词,完成1a检查答案总结形容词副词的比较等级的变化四、合作探究1、完成1b造句(形容词副词的比较等级的运用)朗读句子2听听练练(1c1d)在1c中要看清这5个图,他们分别在做什么才艺展示,写出相应图的人名。在1d中,要求你听出人们是怎样评价这些表演者的,

4、要注意听形容词如果在做听力时,只要能做到心中有数,相信你一定会听得很成功。3、朗读听材料,体会语音、语调、停顿跟读材料,模仿语音、语调、停顿朗读材料,模仿语音、语调、停顿五、检查反馈、选择填空1 He feels _ today than yesterday.A. tired B. more tired C. more tireder D. much tired2. Which do you like _, coffee, tea or milk?A. the worst B. worse C. the worse D. worst3. Of the two toys, the child c

5、hose_.A. the expensive one B. one most expensiveC. a least expensive D. the most expensive of them4. The line is _ than that one.A. more longer B. not longer C. much more longer D. many more longer5. The earth is _ the moon. A. as 49 times big asB. 49 times as bigger as C. 49 times as big asD.as big

6、 as 49 times6. The book is _ of the two.A. thinner B. the thinner C. more thinner D. the thinnest7. She looks _ than she does.A. the more older B. very older C. much older D. more older8. The garden is becoming _.A. more beautiful and more B. more beautiful and beautifulC. more and more beautiful D.

7、 more beautiful and beautifuler9. They competed(比赛) to see who could work _.A. the fastest and best B. the faster and the betterC. fastest and better D. faster and better10._ hurry, _speed.A. More, less B. Much, little C. The more, the less D. The much, the little11. This kind of coffee is different

8、 _.A. and it is also better B. and better than the otherC. but also than others D. from the other, and better、翻译句子:1 本书跟那本书一样有趣。This book is _ _ _ that one.2 你游泳没有你弟弟好。You cant swim _ _ _ your brother.3 今天比昨天冷的多。It is _ _ today_ it was yesterday.4 对这个故事我比另一个喜欢的多。This story is _ _ _ than that one.5 他比我大两岁。He is _ _ _ than I.6 这个故事不如那个有趣。This story is _ _ _ than that one.7 她的身体状况一天天好起来。He is getting _ _ _ every day.8.他对英语越来越感兴趣。He is becoming _ _ _ _ _ English.9.他吃的越多,人越胖。The more he eats, the _ he gets.10.你的问题是两个中比较难的那个。Your question is _ _ _ of two.教学反思:


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