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1、Wheres my schoolbag集体备课备注课题人教版英语七年级上册unit4Wheres my schoolbag第二课时导学案课型新课一、学习目标:1. 理解掌握:Is the book / Are the books on the desk?2. Yes,/ No, / I dont know.3. 学会运用: 学会询问自己或他人物品的具体位置。二、重点难点:学习重点:Is the baseball on the sofa?Yes, it is./No,it isnt.Are the keys on the sofa? Yes, they are. / No, they arent

2、.Come on, Jack!I think its on your grandparents room.学习难点:模拟2b对话。三、预习感知:1)背记课本P 21:Grammar Focus的句子,会认、会读、能听写。2)小组长组织,小组合作设计“My Room”:左框是my room,请将my things画在合适的位置;并在右框中用English介绍它们的方位。汇报员汇报本组成果。四、合作探究:Task 1 记忆力大挑战1.竞赛:观察20页2b学生快速浏览,看看房间里都有什么。2.这些东西都在哪里,想一想,说一说。-Where is the baseball? -Where are th

3、e books?-Is it under the desk? -Are th ey on the desk?-Yes, it is. Good. - -No, they arent. Task 2 Pairwork2c 对2a 中的六种物品的摆放地点进行问答:-Is the baseball on the sofa?-No, it isnt. Its under the chair.Task 3 Groupwork3a 1. 编对话:给句子排序2. 结对活动:俩人一组,练习对话。五、检查反馈:用恰当的介词填空。1. Look! Your book is_ the desk. Its easy(

4、简单的) to find it.2. Is it_ _the bed? Yes, its under the bed.3. Where is Tom? Hes_ school.4. Look! There is a cat_ the picture.5. Where are the books? -They are_ the bookcase. -Oh, yes. Theyre in it.根据意思补全句子。1. -_ my backpack? -Its on the sofa.2. -Where are your books? -_ on the desk.3. -Are the books on the table? -_, they are.4. -Is it under the chair? -_, it isnt.5. -_ it on the bed? - No, it isnt. Its under the bed.教学反思:



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