辽宁省东港市小甸子中学八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Section A导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版

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辽宁省东港市小甸子中学八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Section A导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《辽宁省东港市小甸子中学八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Section A导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《辽宁省东港市小甸子中学八年级英语上册 Unit 7 Will people have robots Section A导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Will people have robots Section A1. 学习目标1. 熟记书上P49-50 单词和短语2. 能正确使用一般将来时谈论对未来的预测3. 能正确使用less, fewer 表示数量2 预备知识1. Alice (take) acting lessons next year.2. There (be) many robots in the future.3. There are (few) cars and (many) buses than before.4. The environment will be in great (dangerous).3

2、 自学提示阅读教材P49-50,写出下列短语,同伴互相检查再自己背会,然后同伴互相提问在家学习 更多的人 通过电脑 更少的空闲时间 活到200岁 更少的污染 在100年以后 住在地球上 更少地使用地铁 参与做某事 重点句:(自主完成,再组内交流。每个重点句型,自己背会再互相提问)1. Will people have robots? 人们将会有机器人吗?回顾:一般将来时两个基本结构: = There be 句型的将来时: = 请你用一般将来时造句: Eg: 未来会有机器人吗? robots in the future?一百年后人们还会使用钱吗?不,不会。 所有的东西都将是免费的。Everyth

3、ing 2. There will be fewer people . 将有更少的人。 There will be less free time. 将有更少的空间时间。总结:fewer+ ; less+ Eg: 未来会有更少的树和更少的水。 in the future.4 合作探究( )1. I think there will be cars and pollution. A. less, more B. less, fewer C. more, fewer D. more , more( )2. This English newspaper is very easy for the stu

4、dents because there are new words in it. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( )3. a football match next month. A. There is B. There has C. There will be D. There will have4. People will have robots in their homes。 There robots in peoples homes.5. Will there be more trees in the city? there more tr

5、ees in the city?6. In ten months, Sally will be a teacher. ?自学的收获和疑惑: 小甸子中学八年级英语上Unit7 Section A 课堂展示学案 备课时间:2020.11.10一、预习反馈:你在自学中的收获是什么?有哪些不懂之处?二、预习检测:1. 妈妈们将通过电脑购物。Mothers 2. 他将会活到99岁吗? 3. 未来会是什么样子的? 4. 每个人都应该参与保护地球。 5. 我希望未来有更多的树和更少的污染。 三、拓展延伸1. Will people use money in 100 years?一百后人们还会使用钱吗? in

6、+段时间,“一段时间以后”,常用语一般将来时。用how soon 提问eg: She will be back in three days. be back?拓展:频率副词或短语-how often; 多久一次for+段时间-how long 多久 in+段时间- how soon; 多久以后3 达标测评:( )1. I hope well study home computers in the future. A. in, in B. at, on C. at , by D. at; from ( )2There _ a robot in every homeAwill have Bwill

7、 be Care Dare going to be ( )4There will be less _AtreesBpeople Cpollution Dcars( )5. Will there be more people in 100 years, do you think? _, I hope. A. No, there isnt B. No, there arent C. No, there wont D. No, they wont.( )6. If there are _trees, the air in our city will be _ cleaner. A. less; mo

8、re B. more; more C. more; much D. much; more( )7. - will people have robots in their houses? -In about 100 years.A. How far B. How long C. How oftenD. How soon.A. Yes, they will.B. No, they wont.C. I think every home will have a robot.D. Theyll study at home on computers.E. Will kids go to school?补全

9、对话:A:Do you think there will be robots in peoples homes?B:Yes, there will. 1. A: 2. B: Kids wont go to school. 3 A: Will people use money in 100 years?B: 4. Everything will be free. Will people live to be 200 years old?A: 5. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Well (have) a meeting next Sunday.2. People will live to (be) 200 years old in 100 years.3. Will we have to move to other (planet) in 100 years?4. They are trying to do more work with (few) people.5. He was surprised by all the (pollute) on the beach.


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