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1、桂林市中考英语试卷(word版及答案)英 语(考试用时:120分钟 满分:120分)注意事项:1试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,在本试题卷上作答无效。2答题前,请认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。3考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。一、 听力测试(每小题1分,共30分) 第一节 听音辨图 请听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的图画,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。每个句子读一遍。1. 2 3 4 5. 第二节 情景反应 请听句子,选出正确的答语,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。每个句子读一遍。6. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.7. A. Th

2、is is a ruler. B. Its a pencil. C. They are pens. 8. A. Good idea. B. No, thanks. C. Its too hot.9. A. Its autumn. B. Its June 26th. C. Its fine.10. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, I am.11. A. Have a good time. B. Dont worry. C. Yes, I do.12. A. Last week.B. Yesterday. C. Tomorrow.13. A. Id

3、 like a dress.B. Do it please.C. Thats all right.14. A. Yes, I think so.B. Thank you.C. Id like to.15. A. She is my sister. B. She is beautiful.C. She is good at English.第三节 对话理解 A. 请听五组对话,每组对话后您将听到一个问题,请根据对话内容选出正确答案,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。每组对话和问题读两遍。16. A. In the office.B. In the house. C. In the car.17. A. M

4、arys.B. Sams. C. Jims.18. A. A dog.B. A cat.C. A chick.19. A. Lipu.B. Xingan. C. Longsheng.20. A. In a hospital. B. In a shop. C. In a cinema.B. 请听一段对话,对话后您将听到五个问题,请根据对话内容选出正确答案,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。对话和问题读两遍。21. A. Tiger. B. Panda. C. Monkey.22. A. Guangxi.B. Yunnan. C. Sichuan.23. A. A banana. B. A pear.C.

5、An apple.24. A. Asia. B. Europe. C. Africa.25. A. Two. B. Three.C. Four.第四节 语篇理解请仔细听短文,并根据短文内容补全以下信息,每空填一词,将单词写在答题卡上。短文读两遍。In the USA, Mothers Day is a holiday on the second Sunday in May. It is a day when children give their mothers cards, presents and flowers. One of the best 26 to celebrate Mothe

6、rs Day is to give mothers the day off. Letthem have a good rest. The following are what the Americans usually do on that day.Many families 27 Mothers Day with breakfast in bed.After the food is cooked, put them on a plate with the only one flower that is the 28 from the garden.Carry 29 the plate and

7、 moms favourite books or newspapers up to her bedroom when everything is ready.Many families take mom out to her favourite 30 for dinner.二、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 请选择最佳答案,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。 31. This is _ MP4. Yours is over there. A. my B. meC. I D. mine 32. Look! The boys _ football on the playground. A. plays B

8、. playC. are playing D. played33. Have you ever been to Nanning? Yes, _ .A. I wasB. I doC. I amD. I have34. Li Huas shoes are as _ as Zhang Huis. A. cheapB. cheaper C. the cheaperD. the cheapest35. _ smoke here, dad. Smoking has been banned in public places.A. Dont beB. DontC. Not to beD. Be not36.

9、Grandma is ill. I have to _ her at home. A. look forB. look up C. look atD. look after 37. The basketball _ I bought yesterday cost me 80 yuan. A. thatB. whereC. whoD. when38. Many trees and flowers _ in our city every year. A. plantedB. are plantedC. were plantedD. plants39. I want to know _ he wil

10、l be the volunteer in the 2011 Universiade (世界大学生运动会) in Shenzhen. A. whereB. whoC. ifD. which40. Mr Wang does what he can _ us improve our English. A. helpB. to helpC. helpingD. helped三、补全对话(每小题1分,共5分) 根据对话内容,从下面方框所给的选项中选出合适的句子补全对话,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。 A. Its Susan here.B. Ive got my computer.C. Is that Al

11、ice?D. When shall we meet?E. Its bad for your eyes.Alice: Hello?Susan: Hello. 41 Alice: Yes, it is.Susan: 42 Would you like to go to the bookstore with me tomorrow? Id like to buy some books.Alice: Sorry. I dont need any books. 43 I can read books on the Internet.Susan: Yes, but you cant always read

12、 on the computer. 44 Alice: Oh, I see.Susan: And in the bookstore we can find many wonderful books. Alice: OK. Ill go with you. 45 Susan: What about three oclock tomorrow afternoon? Alice: Great. See you then.Susan: See you.四、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)请阅读下面短文,选择最佳答案,将其标号在答题卡上涂黑。Li Dong is a farmer. He has a

13、very big 46 . On the farm, he grows oranges, grapes and bananas. Many people come to 47 his farm. He is a successful young man and becomes very famous.In 2003, he went back to his hometown 48 he finished middle school. “What work can I do?” he said to himself. Then he had an idea. “Im interested 49

14、farming. I can grow fruit!” He began to watch many 50 on TV about growing fruit. He also read a lot of books about it. Then he went to 51 on Mr Wangs farm for two years. He learned a lot there. In 2005, he started his own fruit farm. 52 , Li Dongs farm was small. But now, his farm is much 53 . His fruits are very good. He sends them to many big 54 in Ch


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