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1、Unit 8 Topic2 Section A 一、学习目标:1、学习由疑问词引导的宾语从句。 2、学习句型Its +adj.+ that和Its +adj. +(for sb.) to do sth.。3、谈论服装。二、学习重点(合作探究): 由疑问词引导的宾语从句三、学习过程:、预习自测: 翻译下列短语为我们做校服_ 依赖,取决于_ 穿在身上看着很丑_ 设计我们自己的校服_ 执行特殊的任务_ 有麻烦的人们_ 很容易找到我们_ 阻止某人做坏事_ 做一个调查_ 显示出良好的纪律性_穿便服_ 校服的类型_ 使你看起来很显瘦_ 穿衬衣打领带_ 、解难答疑:1. 老师不应该阻止大家放学后去踢球。 T

2、he teacher shouldnt _ us _ _ football after school. 2. 别给你爸爸打电话,他正在执行特殊任务。 Dont ring up your father, he is _ _ a special task. 3. 从你的作业上可以看出你很认真。 Your homework _ _ you are careful. 4. 王叔叔要领我们参观他的农场。 Uncle Wang is going to _ us _ his farm. 5. 她悄然无声地走进了房子。She _ the room _ making a sound. 6. 医生建议我戒烟。 T

3、he doctor _ advised me _ _ to stop smoking. 7. 你最好不要向你的父母隐瞒什么。 You had better _ _ anything _ your parents. 、反馈拓展:A级检测: 单项选择:( )1. We should _people _throwing litter about. A .protect; from B protect; for .C. stop ;for D .stop ;from ( ). 2 - Would you like to go swimming in the river with us? - Sorry

4、, I wont. Our teachers dont allow(允许)us _that. A. do B. to do C. did D. done ( ) 3. We dont allow _ in the classrooms. A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. ate ( ). 4. You should stop your classmate _ on the wall. A. to draw B. draw C. from drawing D. of drawing ( ). 5. Your sportswear is too dirty. I thin

5、k it requires (需要)_. A. to wash B. washing C. to buy D. buying ( ) 6. Mr. Green gave us _ on how to lean English well. A. some advices B. some advises C. some pieces of advices D. some pieces of advice ( ).7. Its very warm inside, you can _ your coat. A. take on B. take out C. put on D. take off ( )

6、. 8. Please dont wear this coat. It looks so ugly _you. A. in B. on C. to D. at ( ). 9. -_is important _we should wear suitable clothes at western dinner party.A It ; for B .That for C that that D. It that ( ). 10.We should _people _throwing litter about. A. protect ;from B. protect ;for C. stop ;for D. stop ;from B级检测 完成宾语从句1. Can you tell me ?(为什么你迟到了). 2. I dont know .我现在应该做什么). 3. I cant imagine . 你们怎么筹集这么多的钱). 4. I am not sure 我现在该穿那件衣服). 5.Please tell me _ (李明住在哪儿)。


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