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1、福建省武平县城郊中学2020学年七年级英语上学期第11周校本练习班级_ 姓名_ 座号_ 得分_一、.单项选择。(请把答案写在下面框中) (10分)12345678910 ( )1. 找出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。A. thinkB. theseC. then( )2. These are my pants. His _ yellow. A. isB. amC. are( )3. Does Mary know _? Yes, she knows _.A. yours; meB. you; weC. you; us( )4. Whose cap is this? I _ its Li Mi

2、ngs.A. thinkB. helpC. give( )5. _ apples are those? They are mine.A. WhatB. WhoC. Whose( )6. Is this coat yours?No, my coat is white and blue. This _ is blue. Its Lilys.A. coatB. oneC. color( )7. Are the black shoes _? No. Its _.A. Tom; herB. Toms; herC. Toms; hers( )8. This coat isnt yours. Whose c

3、oat is it, ? Its Marys.A. andB. too C. then ( )9. Who is the man ? My teacher, Mr. White.A. in a blueB. in blue jacketC. in blue( )10. Please help Jack _ his bike. He cant see it.A. findsB. gives C. find二.情景交际。(5分)A. Ok.B. I think its Steves.C. Johns is green.D. Is this jacket yours?E. Its not mine.

4、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,。A: Whose jacket is this? Is it yours, Tony?B: No. 11 Mine is here. 12 A: Hi, Steve.C: What?A: 13 C: No, my jacket is blue. Its Johns. 14 A: Please give it to him.C: 15 A: Thank you.B: Thats OK.11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._三.完形填空。(10分)Liu Mei is a nice girl. She is twelve 16 old. She is t

5、all and 17 long black hair. 18 eyes are big. She has a wide 19 . She is in blue clothes. She likes this 20 . Now guess, whose skirt is blue? Yes, you are right. The skirt is 21 . Liu Meis mom is tall and 22 . She is our Chinese teacher. Her 23 color is white. She has a new car. Do you know 24 cars c

6、olor? Yes. It is 25 . It is very nice.( )16. A. notB. yearsC. /( )17. A. areB. isC. has( )18. A. HerB. SheC. He( )19. A. noseB. faceC. mouth( )20. A. studentB. teacherC. color( )21. A. theirsB. hersC. her( )22. A. strongB. shortC. round( )23. A. favoriteB. newC. same( )24. A. aB. theC. an( )25. A. r

7、edB. blackC. white四.阅读理解。(20分)(A) My name is Bill. Im an English boy. Im in a high school. Sam is my good friend. He comes from Canada. He is thirteen. Im thirteen, too. But we dont look the same. Miss Zhang is my English teacher. But she is not Sam s teacher. We dont know her age. But she looks you

8、ng. She looks like Sams Chinese teacher, Miss Zhou. Please look at my photo. In the photo, Sam, Miss Zhang and I are next to a car.( )26. Bill is _. A. fourB. eightC. thirteen( )27. Sam is Bills _. A. studentB. friendC. teacher( )28. The two boys _. A. are in the same classB. look the same C. have d

9、ifferent looks(外貌)( )29. Miss Zhang is _.A. Sams teacherB. Sams mom C. young( )30. Whose photo is this? A. Miss Zhangs B. Miss Zhous C. Bills(B)This is Jim. He is thirteen. He is from the USA. He is a student. He has a good friend. His name is Jack. Jack is fifteen. He is from Canada. Jack is tall b

10、ut Jim is short. They are in the same class, but they are in different grades. Jim is in Class Two. Jack is in Class Two, too. They go to school(上学) at seven in the morning and go home(回家) at six in the afternoon. ( )31. Jim and Jack are _.A. sistersB. friend C. from different countries(国家)( )32. Ji

11、m is _. A. shortB. tallC. strong( )33. Jim and Jack are in _. A. the same gradeB. different gradesC. the same color( )34. Jack is in _. A. Class 4B. Class 3C. Class 2( )35. They go to school at _ in the morning. A. 6:00B. 7:00C. 7:30五.词汇。(1分) A. 根据句意或汉语意思及首字母提示填词。(15分)1. These are green _(香蕉). You c

12、ant eat them now.2. What c_ are your favorite? Yellow jackets and blue trousers.3. I cant f_ my pen. Can you help me?4. Jackie is o _ favorite actor. We like him very much.5. My shirt is old. I want to buy a n _ one.6. Those photos are ours. Please give them to u_.7. The boy is lost(走丢了). The p_ can

13、 help him.8. Is this your cap, Jim? No, it isnt m_.9. He is a good student. We all like h_.10. Kate and I are in the same class. She is my c_.11. Look! Here is a skirt. W_ skirt is this? Its hers.12. I t_ the eraser is Lucys.13. My sister has two _(婴儿). We all like them.14. The _(书包) is Li Mings. It is very nice.15.The _(夹克衫) isnt mine. Its Peters.B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)16. Whose dress is this? Its _ (I).17. This bike isnt Marys. _ (she) is over there (在那边).18. Are those _



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