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1、北京新东方优能中学 选项 B 译为 什么影响了人们的幸福 选项 C 译为 睡眠和年龄之间的联系 是什么 选项 D 译为 幸福和年龄之间的关系是什么 只有选项 D 符合文章结构 和主旨 故正确答案为选项 D D Flowers bloom 开花 only if they are planted in rich soil 土壤 We are similarly influenced by our environment When our environment is bad we may get sick physically or mentally When our environment is

2、 supportive we are more likely to thrive Which factor 因素 of the environment influences us most The answer is surprising It s not the air we breathe every minute nor the water we drink every hour it s the people who we relate to every day Every day we have connections with a lot of people in differen

3、t situations Some bring us happiness and provide us with loving support Others bring us down and make us feel worthless I have no doubt that one of the main keys to success is the people we know It s nice to have people in your life who encourage you to better yourself and who support you in your ef

4、fort to make yourself a better person People whose hearts are big enough to be happy for your success rather than those who are so proud that they always want to compete with you for success People who see the potential 潜 力 in you even when you can t see it in yourself These are the people who you s

5、hould have on your team and in your life 北京新东方优能中学 优能 1 对 1 联合出品 14 So if you really long for success look back at the people who come in and out of your life Are most of the people you know supportive or unsupportive When people around you aren t supportive what kind of person do you become Do you

6、become shy fearful hateful and unhappy When you connect with those who are supportive what happens to you Do you become open lively happy strong and brave Taylor loves music and her dream is to become a singer one day Whenever she talks about her big dream none of her friends ever give her a fist bu

7、mp 碰拳 to encourage her Taylor always complains that her friends are not supportive enough but walking away from them leaves her in loneliness She has no better choice but to keep hanging out with them However the more time she spends with them the worse she feels about herself We can all make a mind

8、ful decision about the environment around us Relate more to those who make you happy being you or who support you in being you If you have to be around those who aren t supportive then simply accept them as they are without going after them for more than what they can provide to you After all each p

9、erson has a seed 种子 in them to be the beautiful and awesome person they want to be All they re waiting for is that supportive soil to allow them to fully bloom 30 The word thrive in Paragraph 1 probably means A develop and grow B judge and warn C mind and care D fail and fear 正确答案 A 解题思路 本题考查猜词题 题干问

10、到 在第一段中单词 thrive 的意思 选项 A 译为 发展和成长 选项 B 译为 审判和警告 选项 C 译为 介意和关心 选项 D 译为 失败和恐惧 根据题干提示回到第一段的单词所在句 以及该句的前 一句 When our environment is bad we may get sick physically or mentally When our environment is supportive we are more likely to thrive 我们了解到本句话的意 思是 当我们的环境很糟糕 我们可能会在身体和精神上生病 当我们的环境是支持性 的 我们更有可能 对比选项

11、应选择感情色彩向上的描述 故正确答案为选 项 A 北京新东方优能中学 优能 1 对 1 联合出品 15 31 The writer mentions the five questions in Paragraph 4 to show that A some people always support what we do some don t B we are included in a certain circle of friends C some people give us a sense of success D we are influenced by people around

12、us 正确答案 D 解题思路 本题考查细节题 题干问到 作者在第 4 段中提到了五个问题来说明 选项 A 译为 一些人总是支持我们所做的 有些不是 选项 B 译为 我们被包 含在一个特定的朋友圈里面 选项 C 译为 有些人给我们一种成功感 选项 D 译为 我 们受到周围人的影响 根据题干提示定位到文章第四段的第一句话 So if you really long for success look back at the people who come in and out of your life 我们了解 到本句话的意思是 如果你真的渴望成功 回顾在你生命中来来往往的人 本句后的五 个问题都是

13、辅佐本句来表达周围的人对我们的影响 对比选项 故正确答案为选项 D 32 According to the passage what could probably help make Taylor s dream come true A She needs to get a fist bump from her friends B She needs to keep hanging out with her friends C She needs to walk away from her unsupportive friends D She needs to continue talking

14、 about her dream with her friends 正确答案 C 解题思路 本题考查推断题 题干问到 根据文章 以下哪个更有可能帮助 Taylor 实现梦想 选项 A 译为 她需要得到朋友的碰拳鼓励 选项 B 译为 她需要一直和 朋友闲逛 选项 C 译为 她需要从那些不支持她的朋友身边走开 选项 D 译为 她 需要继续和她的朋友讨论梦想 根据文章第五自然段对于 Taylor 的描述可知她梦想成 为一名歌手 可是却得不到身边朋友的鼓励支持 她和这些朋友在一起的时间越多 她越是觉得更糟糕 由此可以推断出 能够帮助 Taylor 实现梦想的方式应该是远离这 些朋友 故正确答案为选项

15、C 33 What does the passage mainly talk about A Saying no to unsupportive people B Letting the seed in you bloom 北京新东方优能中学 优能 1 对 1 联合出品 16 C People around you could shape you D Influence of natural environment 正确答案 C 解题思路 本题考查主旨题 题干问到 以下哪个选项为文章的最佳标题 选 项 A 译为 对于不支持自己的朋友说不 选项 B 译为 让种子发芽成长吧 选项 C 译为 你身边

16、的人可以塑造你 选项 D 译为 自然环境的影响 根据文章首尾段用 鲜花绽放需要好的土壤的培育来类比人的茁壮成长需要好的环境也就是身边人的影 响 并结合文中 Taylor 的例子也是为了支持这一观点 故正确答案为选项 C 四 阅读短文 根据短文内容回答问题 共 10 分 每小题 2 分 You can study the English language for years but still not understand a native 本 地的 speaker of English when you meet one Native speakers say a lot of things but you can t find them in any dictionary Well don t worry Here s a secret a lot of British people can t understand each other either There are different local accents 口音 across the UK and a number of



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